Added in API level 33


SdkSandboxManager.SdkSandboxProcessDeathCallback A callback for tracking events SDK sandbox death. 


AppOwnedSdkSandboxInterface Represents a channel for an SDK in the sandbox process to interact with the app. 
SandboxedSdk Represents an SDK loaded in the sandbox process. 
SandboxedSdkProvider Encapsulates API which SDK sandbox can use to interact with SDKs loaded into it. 
SdkSandboxManager Provides APIs to load SDKs into the SDK sandbox process, and then interact with them. 


LoadSdkException Exception thrown by SdkSandboxManager.loadSdk 
RequestSurfacePackageException This class was deprecated in API level 37. Exception is used at SdkSandboxManager.requestSurfacePackage which is getting deprecated.