Added in API level 1
CancellationSignal.OnCancelListener | Listens for cancellation. |
FileUtils.ProgressListener | Listener that is called periodically as progress is made. |
Handler.Callback | Callback interface you can use when instantiating a Handler to avoid having to implement your own subclass of Handler. |
IBinder | Base interface for a remotable object, the core part of a lightweight remote procedure call mechanism designed for high performance when performing in-process and cross-process calls. |
IBinder.DeathRecipient | Interface for receiving a callback when the process hosting an IBinder has gone away. |
IBinder.FrozenStateChangeCallback | A callback interface for receiving frozen state change events. |
IInterface | Base class for Binder interfaces. |
MessageQueue.IdleHandler | Callback interface for discovering when a thread is going to block waiting for more messages. |
MessageQueue.OnFileDescriptorEventListener | A listener which is invoked when file descriptor related events occur. |
OutcomeReceiver<R, E extends Throwable> | Callback interface intended for use when an asynchronous operation may result in a failure. |
Parcelable |
Interface for classes whose instances can be written to
and restored from a Parcel .
Parcelable.ClassLoaderCreator<T> |
Specialization of Creator that allows you to receive the
ClassLoader the object is being created in.
Parcelable.Creator<T> | Interface that must be implemented and provided as a public CREATOR field that generates instances of your Parcelable class from a Parcel. |
ParcelFileDescriptor.OnCloseListener | Callback indicating that a ParcelFileDescriptor has been closed. |
PowerManager.OnThermalHeadroomChangedListener |
Listener passed to
PowerManager.addThermalHeadroomListener and
to notify caller of Thermal headroom or thresholds changes.
PowerManager.OnThermalStatusChangedListener |
Listener passed to
PowerManager.addThermalStatusListener and
to notify caller of thermal status has changed.
PowerManager.WakeLockStateListener | A listener interface to get notified when the wakelock is enabled/disabled. |
RecoverySystem.ProgressListener | Interface definition for a callback to be invoked regularly as verification proceeds. |
RemoteCallbackList.Builder.InterfaceDiedCallback<E extends IInterface> | For notifying when the process hosting a callback interface has died. |
StrictMode.OnThreadViolationListener |
When #StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder.penaltyListener(Executor, OnThreadViolationListener) is enabled, the listener is called on the
provided executor when a Thread violation occurs.
StrictMode.OnVmViolationListener |
When #StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder.penaltyListener(Executor, OnVmViolationListener) is enabled, the listener is called on the
provided executor when a VM violation occurs.
AsyncTask<Params, Progress, Result> |
This class was deprecated
in API level 30.
Use the standard java.util.concurrent or
Kotlin concurrency utilities instead.
BaseBundle | A mapping from String keys to values of various types. |
BatteryManager |
The BatteryManager class contains strings and constants used for values
in the Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED Intent, and
provides a method for querying battery and charging properties.
Binder |
Base class for a remotable object, the core part of a lightweight
remote procedure call mechanism defined by IBinder .
BugreportManager | Class that provides a privileged API to capture and consume bugreports. |
BugreportManager.BugreportCallback | An interface describing the callback for bugreport progress and status. |
Build | Information about the current build, extracted from system properties. |
Build.Partition | Build information for a particular device partition. |
Build.VERSION | Various version strings. |
Build.VERSION_CODES | Enumeration of the currently known SDK version codes. |
Build.VERSION_CODES_FULL | Enumeration of the currently known SDK major and minor version codes. |
Bundle |
A mapping from String keys to various Parcelable values.
CancellationSignal | Provides the ability to cancel an operation in progress. |
CombinedVibration |
A CombinedVibration describes a combination of haptic effects to be performed by one or more
Vibrators .
CombinedVibration.ParallelCombination | A combination of haptic effects that should be played in multiple vibrators in parallel. |
ConditionVariable | Class that implements the condition variable locking paradigm. |
CountDownTimer | Schedule a countdown until a time in the future, with regular notifications on intervals along the way. |
CpuHeadroomParams |
Headroom request params used by SystemHealthManager.getCpuHeadroom(CpuHeadroomParams) .
CpuHeadroomParams.Builder | |
CpuUsageInfo | CPU usage information per core. |
Debug | Provides various debugging methods for Android applications, including tracing and allocation counts. |
Debug.InstructionCount | This class was deprecated in API level 23. Instruction counting is no longer supported. |
Debug.MemoryInfo | This class is used to retrieved various statistics about the memory mappings for this process. |
DropBoxManager | Enqueues chunks of data (from various sources -- application crashes, kernel log records, etc.). |
DropBoxManager.Entry | A single entry retrieved from the drop box. |
Environment | Provides access to environment variables. |
FileObserver | Monitors files (using inotify) to fire an event after files are accessed or changed by any process on the device (including this one). |
FileUtils | Utility methods useful for working with files. |
GpuHeadroomParams |
Headroom request params used by SystemHealthManager.getGpuHeadroom(GpuHeadroomParams) .
GpuHeadroomParams.Builder | |
Handler |
A Handler allows you to send and process Message and Runnable
objects associated with a thread's MessageQueue .
HandlerThread |
A Thread that has a Looper .
HardwarePropertiesManager | The HardwarePropertiesManager class provides a mechanism of accessing hardware state of a device: CPU, GPU and battery temperatures, CPU usage per core, fan speed, etc. |
LocaleList | LocaleList is an immutable list of Locales, typically used to keep an ordered list of user preferences for locales. |
Looper | Class used to run a message loop for a thread. |
MemoryFile |
MemoryFile is a wrapper for SharedMemory which can optionally be set to purgeable.
Message |
Defines a message containing a description and arbitrary data object that can be
sent to a Handler .
MessageQueue |
Low-level class holding the list of messages to be dispatched by a
Looper .
Messenger | Reference to a Handler, which others can use to send messages to it. |
Parcel | Container for a message (data and object references) that can be sent through an IBinder. |
ParcelFileDescriptor |
The FileDescriptor returned by Parcel.readFileDescriptor , allowing
you to close it when done with it.
ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseInputStream |
An InputStream you can create on a ParcelFileDescriptor, which will
take care of calling ParcelFileDescriptor.close() for you when the stream is closed.
ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseOutputStream |
An OutputStream you can create on a ParcelFileDescriptor, which will
take care of calling ParcelFileDescriptor.close() for you when the stream is closed.
ParcelUuid |
This class is a Parcelable wrapper around UUID which is an
immutable representation of a 128-bit universally unique
PatternMatcher | A simple pattern matcher, which is safe to use on untrusted data: it does not provide full reg-exp support, only simple globbing that can not be used maliciously. |
PerformanceHintManager | The PerformanceHintManager allows apps to send performance hint to system. |
PerformanceHintManager.Session | A Session represents a group of threads with an inter-related workload such that hints for their performance should be considered as a unit. |
PersistableBundle | A mapping from String keys to values of various types. |
PowerManager | This class lets you query and request control of aspects of the device's power state. |
PowerManager.WakeLock | A wake lock is a mechanism to indicate that your application needs to have the device stay on. |
PowerMonitor | A PowerMonitor represents either an ODPM rail (on-device power rail monitor) or a modeled energy consumer. |
PowerMonitorReadings | A collection of energy measurements from Power Monitors. |
Process | Tools for managing OS processes. |
ProfilingManager |
This class allows the caller to: - Request profiling and listen for results. |
ProfilingResult | Encapsulates results of a single profiling request operation. |
ProfilingTrigger | Encapsulates a single profiling trigger. |
ProfilingTrigger.Builder |
Builder class to create a ProfilingTrigger object.
ProxyFileDescriptorCallback | Callback that handles file system requests from ProxyFileDescriptor. |
RecoverySystem | RecoverySystem contains methods for interacting with the Android recovery system (the separate partition that can be used to install system updates, wipe user data, etc.) |
RemoteCallbackList<E extends IInterface> |
Takes care of the grunt work of maintaining a list of remote interfaces,
typically for the use of performing callbacks from a
Service to its clients.
RemoteCallbackList.Builder<E extends IInterface> |
Builder for RemoteCallbackList .
ResultReceiver | Generic interface for receiving a callback result from someone. |
SecurityStateManager | SecurityStateManager provides the functionality to query the security status of the system and platform components. |
SharedMemory | SharedMemory enables the creation, mapping, and protection control over anonymous shared memory. |
StatFs | Retrieve overall information about the space on a filesystem. |
StrictMode | StrictMode is a developer tool which detects things you might be doing by accident and brings them to your attention so you can fix them. |
StrictMode.ThreadPolicy |
StrictMode policy applied to a certain thread.
StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder |
Creates ThreadPolicy instances.
StrictMode.VmPolicy |
StrictMode policy applied to all threads in the virtual machine's process.
StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder |
Creates VmPolicy instances.
SystemClock | Core timekeeping facilities. |
TestLooperManager | Blocks a looper from executing any messages, and allows the holder of this object to control when and which messages get executed until it is released. |
TokenWatcher |
A TokenWatcher watches a collection of IBinder s.
Trace | Writes trace events to the system trace buffer. |
UserHandle | Representation of a user on the device. |
UserManager | Manages users and user details on a multi-user system. |
VibrationAttributes | Encapsulates a collection of attributes describing information about a vibration. |
VibrationAttributes.Builder |
Builder class for VibrationAttributes objects.
VibrationEffect |
A VibrationEffect describes a haptic effect to be performed by a Vibrator .
VibrationEffect.BasicEnvelopeBuilder | A builder for waveform effects defined by their envelope, designed to provide a consistent haptic perception across devices with varying capabilities. |
VibrationEffect.Composition |
A composition of haptic elements that are combined to be playable as a single
VibrationEffect .
VibrationEffect.WaveformEnvelopeBuilder | A builder for waveform effects described by its envelope. |
Vibrator | Class that operates the vibrator on the device. |
VibratorManager | Provides access to all vibrators from the device, as well as the ability to run them in a synchronized fashion. |
WorkDuration |
WorkDuration contains the measured time in nano seconds of the workload
in each component, see
PerformanceHintManager.Session.reportActualWorkDuration(WorkDuration) .
WorkSource | Describes the source of some work that may be done by someone else. |
AsyncTask.Status | Indicates the current status of the task. |
BadParcelableException |
Exception thrown when a Parcelable is malformed or otherwise invalid.
DeadObjectException | The object you are calling has died, because its hosting process no longer exists, or there has been a low-level binder error. |
DeadSystemException | The core Android system has died and is going through a runtime restart. |
FileUriExposedException |
The exception that is thrown when an application exposes a file://
Uri to another app.
LimitExceededException | Indicates that the app has exceeded a limit set by the System. |
NetworkOnMainThreadException | The exception that is thrown when an application attempts to perform a networking operation on its main thread. |
OperationCanceledException | An exception type that is thrown when an operation in progress is canceled. |
ParcelFileDescriptor.FileDescriptorDetachedException | Exception that indicates that the file descriptor was detached. |
ParcelFormatException | The contents of a Parcel (usually during unmarshalling) does not contain the expected data. |
RemoteException | Parent exception for all Binder remote-invocation errors Note: not all exceptions from binder services will be subclasses of this. |
TransactionTooLargeException | The Binder transaction failed because it was too large. |
UserManager.UserOperationException | Thrown to indicate user operation failed. |
- CancellationSignal.OnCancelListener
- FileUtils.ProgressListener
- Handler.Callback
- IBinder
- IBinder.DeathRecipient
- IBinder.FrozenStateChangeCallback
- IInterface
- MessageQueue.IdleHandler
- MessageQueue.OnFileDescriptorEventListener
- OutcomeReceiver
- Parcelable
- Parcelable.ClassLoaderCreator
- Parcelable.Creator
- ParcelFileDescriptor.OnCloseListener
- PowerManager.OnThermalHeadroomChangedListener
- PowerManager.OnThermalStatusChangedListener
- PowerManager.WakeLockStateListener
- RecoverySystem.ProgressListener
- RemoteCallbackList.Builder.InterfaceDiedCallback
- StrictMode.OnThreadViolationListener
- StrictMode.OnVmViolationListener
- AsyncTask
- BaseBundle
- BatteryManager
- Binder
- BugreportManager
- BugreportManager.BugreportCallback
- Build
- Build.Partition
- Bundle
- CancellationSignal
- CombinedVibration
- CombinedVibration.ParallelCombination
- ConditionVariable
- CountDownTimer
- CpuHeadroomParams
- CpuHeadroomParams.Builder
- CpuUsageInfo
- Debug
- Debug.InstructionCount
- Debug.MemoryInfo
- DropBoxManager
- DropBoxManager.Entry
- Environment
- FileObserver
- FileUtils
- GpuHeadroomParams
- GpuHeadroomParams.Builder
- Handler
- HandlerThread
- HardwarePropertiesManager
- LocaleList
- Looper
- MemoryFile
- Message
- MessageQueue
- Messenger
- Parcel
- ParcelFileDescriptor
- ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseInputStream
- ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseOutputStream
- ParcelUuid
- PatternMatcher
- PerformanceHintManager
- PerformanceHintManager.Session
- PersistableBundle
- PowerManager
- PowerManager.WakeLock
- PowerMonitor
- PowerMonitorReadings
- Process
- ProfilingManager
- ProfilingResult
- ProfilingTrigger
- ProfilingTrigger.Builder
- ProxyFileDescriptorCallback
- RecoverySystem
- RemoteCallbackList
- RemoteCallbackList.Builder
- ResultReceiver
- SecurityStateManager
- SharedMemory
- StatFs
- StrictMode
- StrictMode.ThreadPolicy
- StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder
- StrictMode.VmPolicy
- StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder
- SystemClock
- TestLooperManager
- TokenWatcher
- Trace
- UserHandle
- UserManager
- VibrationAttributes
- VibrationAttributes.Builder
- VibrationEffect
- VibrationEffect.BasicEnvelopeBuilder
- VibrationEffect.Composition
- VibrationEffect.WaveformEnvelopeBuilder
- Vibrator
- VibratorManager
- WorkDuration
- WorkSource
- BadParcelableException
- DeadObjectException
- DeadSystemException
- FileUriExposedException
- LimitExceededException
- NetworkOnMainThreadException
- OperationCanceledException
- ParcelFileDescriptor.FileDescriptorDetachedException
- ParcelFormatException
- RemoteException
- TransactionTooLargeException
- UserManager.UserOperationException