
public class PhoneNumberUtils
extends Object

   ↳ android.telephony.PhoneNumberUtils

Various utilities for dealing with phone number strings.






Japanese formatting


NANP formatting


The current locale is unknown, look for a country code or don't format

char PAUSE

int TOA_International

int TOA_Unknown

char WAIT

char WILD

Public constructors


Public methods

static void addTtsSpan(Spannable s, int start, int endExclusive)

Attach a TtsSpan to the supplied Spannable at the indicated location, annotating that location as containing a phone number.

static boolean areSamePhoneNumber(String number1, String number2, String defaultCountryIso)

Determines if two phone numbers are the same.

static String calledPartyBCDFragmentToString(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, int bcdExtType)

Like calledPartyBCDToString, but field does not start with a TOA byte.

static String calledPartyBCDFragmentToString(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)

This method was deprecated in API level 28. use calledPartyBCDFragmentToString(byte[], int, int, int) instead. Calling this method is equivalent to calling calledPartyBCDFragmentToString(byte[], int, int, int) with BCD_EXTENDED_TYPE_EF_ADN as the extended type.

static String calledPartyBCDToString(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, int bcdExtType)

3GPP TS 24.008 Called Party BCD Number See Also TS 51.011 10.5.1 "dialing number/ssc string" and TS 11.11 "10.3.1 EF adn (Abbreviated dialing numbers)"

static String calledPartyBCDToString(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)

This method was deprecated in API level 28. use calledPartyBCDToString(byte[], int, int, int) instead. Calling this method is equivalent to calling calledPartyBCDToString(byte[], int, int) with BCD_EXTENDED_TYPE_EF_ADN as the extended type.

static boolean compare(Context context, String a, String b)

This method was deprecated in API level 31. use areSamePhoneNumber(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) instead

static boolean compare(String a, String b)

This method was deprecated in API level 31. use areSamePhoneNumber(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) instead

static String convertKeypadLettersToDigits(String input)

Translates any alphabetic letters (i.e.

static TtsSpan createTtsSpan(String phoneNumberString)

Create a TtsSpan for the supplied String.

static CharSequence createTtsSpannable(CharSequence phoneNumber)

Wrap the supplied CharSequence with a TtsSpan, annotating it as containing a phone number in its entirety.

static String extractNetworkPortion(String phoneNumber)

Extracts the network address portion and canonicalizes (filters out separators.) Network address portion is everything up to DTMF control digit separators (pause or wait), but without non-dialable characters.

static String extractPostDialPortion(String phoneNumber)

Extracts the post-dial sequence of DTMF control digits, pauses, and waits.

static void formatJapaneseNumber(Editable text)

This method was deprecated in API level 21. Use link #formatNumber(String phoneNumber, String defaultCountryIso) instead

static void formatNanpNumber(Editable text)

This method was deprecated in API level 21. Use link #formatNumber(String phoneNumber, String defaultCountryIso) instead

static String formatNumber(String phoneNumber, String phoneNumberE164, String defaultCountryIso)

Format the phone number only if the given number hasn't been formatted.

static void formatNumber(Editable text, int defaultFormattingType)

This method was deprecated in API level 21. Use link #formatNumber(String phoneNumber, String defaultCountryIso) instead

static String formatNumber(String source)

This method was deprecated in API level 21. Use link #formatNumber(String phoneNumber, String defaultCountryIso) instead

static String formatNumber(String phoneNumber, String defaultCountryIso)

Format a phone number.

static String formatNumberToE164(String phoneNumber, String defaultCountryIso)

Formats the specified phoneNumber to the E.164 representation.

static String formatNumberToRFC3966(String phoneNumber, String defaultCountryIso)

Formats the specified phoneNumber to the RFC3966 representation.

static int getFormatTypeForLocale(Locale locale)

This method was deprecated in API level 21. Use link #formatNumber(String phoneNumber, String defaultCountryIso) instead

static String getNumberFromIntent(Intent intent, Context context)

Extracts the phone number from an Intent.

static String getStrippedReversed(String phoneNumber)

Returns the network portion reversed.

static final boolean is12Key(char c)

True if c is ISO-LATIN characters 0-9, *, #

static final boolean isDialable(char c)

True if c is ISO-LATIN characters 0-9, *, # , +, WILD

static boolean isEmergencyNumber(String number)

This method was deprecated in API level 29. Please use TelephonyManager.isEmergencyNumber(String) instead.

static boolean isGlobalPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber)
static boolean isISODigit(char c)

True if c is ISO-LATIN characters 0-9

static boolean isLocalEmergencyNumber(Context context, String number)

This method was deprecated in API level 29. Please use TelephonyManager.isEmergencyNumber(String) instead.

static final boolean isNonSeparator(char c)

True if c is ISO-LATIN characters 0-9, *, # , +, WILD, WAIT, PAUSE

static final boolean isReallyDialable(char c)

True if c is ISO-LATIN characters 0-9, *, # , + (no WILD)

static final boolean isStartsPostDial(char c)

This any anything to the right of this char is part of the post-dial string (eg this is PAUSE or WAIT)

static boolean isVoiceMailNumber(String number)

isVoiceMailNumber: checks a given number against the voicemail number provided by the RIL and SIM card.

static boolean isWellFormedSmsAddress(String address)

Return true iff the network portion of address is, as far as we can tell on the device, suitable for use as an SMS destination address.

static boolean isWpsCallNumber(String number)

Check if the number is for Wireless Priority Service call.

static byte[] networkPortionToCalledPartyBCD(String s)

Note: calls extractNetworkPortion(), so do not use for SIM EF[ADN] style records Returns null if network portion is empty.

static byte[] networkPortionToCalledPartyBCDWithLength(String s)

Same as networkPortionToCalledPartyBCD(String), but includes a one-byte length prefix.

static String normalizeNumber(String phoneNumber)

Normalize a phone number by removing the characters other than digits.

static byte[] numberToCalledPartyBCD(String number, int bcdExtType)

Convert a dialing number to BCD byte array

static byte[] numberToCalledPartyBCD(String number)

This method was deprecated in API level 28. use numberToCalledPartyBCD(java.lang.String, int) instead. Calling this method is equivalent to calling numberToCalledPartyBCD(java.lang.String, int) with BCD_EXTENDED_TYPE_EF_ADN as the extended type.

static String replaceUnicodeDigits(String number)

Replaces all unicode(e.g. Arabic, Persian) digits with their decimal digit equivalents.

static String stringFromStringAndTOA(String s, int TOA)

Basically: makes sure there's a + in front of a TOA_International number Returns null if s == null

static String stripSeparators(String phoneNumber)

Strips separators from a phone number string.

static String toCallerIDMinMatch(String phoneNumber)

Returns the rightmost minimum matched characters in the network portion in *reversed* order This can be used to do a database lookup against the column that stores getStrippedReversed() Returns null if phoneNumber == null

static int toaFromString(String s)

Returns the TOA for the given dial string Basically, returns TOA_International if there's a + prefix

Inherited methods

Object clone()

Creates and returns a copy of this object.

boolean equals(Object obj)

Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.

void finalize()

Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.

final Class<?> getClass()

Returns the runtime class of this Object.

int hashCode()

Returns a hash code value for the object.

final void notify()

Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor.

final void notifyAll()

Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor.

String toString()

Returns a string representation of the object.

final void wait(long timeoutMillis, int nanos)

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed.

final void wait(long timeoutMillis)

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed.

final void wait()

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted.



Added in API level 28
public static final int BCD_EXTENDED_TYPE_CALLED_PARTY

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


Added in API level 28
public static final int BCD_EXTENDED_TYPE_EF_ADN

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


Added in API level 3
public static final int FORMAT_JAPAN

Japanese formatting

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


Added in API level 1
public static final int FORMAT_NANP

NANP formatting

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


Added in API level 1
public static final int FORMAT_UNKNOWN

The current locale is unknown, look for a country code or don't format

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


Added in API level 1
public static final char PAUSE

Constant Value: 44 (0x0000002c)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TOA_International

Constant Value: 145 (0x00000091)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TOA_Unknown

Constant Value: 129 (0x00000081)


Added in API level 1
public static final char WAIT

Constant Value: 59 (0x0000003b)


Added in API level 1
public static final char WILD

Constant Value: 78 (0x0000004e)

Public constructors


public PhoneNumberUtils ()

Public methods


Added in API level 23
public static void addTtsSpan (Spannable s, 
                int start, 
                int endExclusive)

Attach a TtsSpan to the supplied Spannable at the indicated location, annotating that location as containing a phone number.

s Spannable: A Spannable to annotate.

start int: The starting character position of the phone number in s.

endExclusive int: The position after the ending character in the phone number s.


Added in API level 31
public static boolean areSamePhoneNumber (String number1, 
                String number2, 
                String defaultCountryIso)

Determines if two phone numbers are the same.

Matching is based on compare(java.lang.String, java.lang.String), matching takes into account national dialing plans rather than simply matching the last 7 digits of the two phone numbers. As a result, it is expected that some numbers which would match using the previous method will no longer match using this new approach.

number1 String: This value cannot be null.

number2 String: This value cannot be null.

defaultCountryIso String: The lowercase two letter ISO 3166-1 country code. Used when parsing the phone numbers where it is not possible to determine the country associated with a phone number based on the number alone. It is recommended to pass in TelephonyManager.getNetworkCountryIso(). This value cannot be null.

boolean True if the two given phone number are same.


Added in API level 28
public static String calledPartyBCDFragmentToString (byte[] bytes, 
                int offset, 
                int length, 
                int bcdExtType)

Like calledPartyBCDToString, but field does not start with a TOA byte. For example: SIM ADN extension fields

bytes byte

offset int

length int




Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 28
public static String calledPartyBCDFragmentToString (byte[] bytes, 
                int offset, 
                int length)

This method was deprecated in API level 28.
use calledPartyBCDFragmentToString(byte[], int, int, int) instead. Calling this method is equivalent to calling calledPartyBCDFragmentToString(byte[], int, int, int) with BCD_EXTENDED_TYPE_EF_ADN as the extended type.

Like calledPartyBCDToString, but field does not start with a TOA byte. For example: SIM ADN extension fields

bytes byte

offset int

length int



Added in API level 28
public static String calledPartyBCDToString (byte[] bytes, 
                int offset, 
                int length, 
                int bcdExtType)

3GPP TS 24.008 Called Party BCD Number See Also TS 51.011 10.5.1 "dialing number/ssc string" and TS 11.11 "10.3.1 EF adn (Abbreviated dialing numbers)"

bytes byte: the data buffer

offset int: should point to the TOA (aka. TON/NPI) octet after the length byte

length int: is the number of bytes including TOA byte and must be at least 2

bcdExtType int: used to determine the extended bcd coding Value is BCD_EXTENDED_TYPE_EF_ADN, or BCD_EXTENDED_TYPE_CALLED_PARTY



Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 28
public static String calledPartyBCDToString (byte[] bytes, 
                int offset, 
                int length)

This method was deprecated in API level 28.
use calledPartyBCDToString(byte[], int, int, int) instead. Calling this method is equivalent to calling calledPartyBCDToString(byte[], int, int) with BCD_EXTENDED_TYPE_EF_ADN as the extended type.

3GPP TS 24.008 Called Party BCD Number See Also TS 51.011 10.5.1 "dialing number/ssc string" and TS 11.11 "10.3.1 EF adn (Abbreviated dialing numbers)"

bytes byte: the data buffer

offset int: should point to the TOA (aka. TON/NPI) octet after the length byte

length int: is the number of bytes including TOA byte and must be at least 2

String partial string on invalid decode


Added in API level 5
Deprecated in API level 31
public static boolean compare (Context context, 
                String a, 
                String b)

This method was deprecated in API level 31.
use areSamePhoneNumber(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) instead

Compare phone numbers a and b, and return true if they're identical enough for caller ID purposes. Checks a resource to determine whether to use a strict or loose comparison algorithm.

context Context

a String

b String



Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 31
public static boolean compare (String a, 
                String b)

This method was deprecated in API level 31.
use areSamePhoneNumber(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) instead

Compare phone numbers a and b, return true if they're identical enough for caller ID purposes.

a String

b String



Added in API level 1
public static String convertKeypadLettersToDigits (String input)

Translates any alphabetic letters (i.e. [A-Za-z]) in the specified phone number into the equivalent numeric digits, according to the phone keypad letter mapping described in ITU E.161 and ISO/IEC 9995-8.

input String

String the input string, with alpha letters converted to numeric digits using the phone keypad letter mapping. For example, an input of "1-800-GOOG-411" will return "1-800-4664-411".


Added in API level 23
public static TtsSpan createTtsSpan (String phoneNumberString)

Create a TtsSpan for the supplied String.

phoneNumberString String: A String the entirety of which represents a phone number.

TtsSpan A TtsSpan for .


Added in API level 23
public static CharSequence createTtsSpannable (CharSequence phoneNumber)

Wrap the supplied CharSequence with a TtsSpan, annotating it as containing a phone number in its entirety.

phoneNumber CharSequence: A CharSequence the entirety of which represents a phone number.

CharSequence A CharSequence with appropriate annotations.


Added in API level 1
public static String extractNetworkPortion (String phoneNumber)

Extracts the network address portion and canonicalizes (filters out separators.) Network address portion is everything up to DTMF control digit separators (pause or wait), but without non-dialable characters. Please note that the GSM wild character is allowed in the result. This must be resolved before dialing. Returns null if phoneNumber == null

phoneNumber String



Added in API level 1
public static String extractPostDialPortion (String phoneNumber)

Extracts the post-dial sequence of DTMF control digits, pauses, and waits. Strips separators. This string may be empty, but will not be null unless phoneNumber == null. Returns null if phoneNumber == null

phoneNumber String



Added in API level 3
Deprecated in API level 21
public static void formatJapaneseNumber (Editable text)

This method was deprecated in API level 21.
Use link #formatNumber(String phoneNumber, String defaultCountryIso) instead

Formats a phone number in-place using the Japanese formatting rules. Numbers will be formatted as:

03-xxxx-xxxx 090-xxxx-xxxx 0120-xxx-xxx +81-3-xxxx-xxxx +81-90-xxxx-xxxx

text Editable: the number to be formatted, will be modified with the formatting


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 21
public static void formatNanpNumber (Editable text)

This method was deprecated in API level 21.
Use link #formatNumber(String phoneNumber, String defaultCountryIso) instead

Formats a phone number in-place using the NANP formatting rules. Numbers will be formatted as:

xxxxx xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx +1-xxx-xxx-xxxx

text Editable: the number to be formatted, will be modified with the formatting


Added in API level 21
public static String formatNumber (String phoneNumber, 
                String phoneNumberE164, 
                String defaultCountryIso)

Format the phone number only if the given number hasn't been formatted.

The number which has only dailable character is treated as not being formatted.

phoneNumber String: the number to be formatted.

phoneNumberE164 String: the E164 format number whose country code is used if the given phoneNumber doesn't have the country code.

defaultCountryIso String: the ISO 3166-1 two letters country code whose convention will be used if the phoneNumberE164 is null or invalid, or if phoneNumber contains IDD.

String the formatted number if the given number has been formatted, otherwise, return the given number.


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 21
public static void formatNumber (Editable text, 
                int defaultFormattingType)

This method was deprecated in API level 21.
Use link #formatNumber(String phoneNumber, String defaultCountryIso) instead

Formats a phone number in-place. Currently FORMAT_JAPAN and FORMAT_NANP is supported as a second argument.

text Editable: The number to be formatted, will be modified with the formatting

defaultFormattingType int: The default formatting rules to apply if the number does not begin with +[country_code]


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 21
public static String formatNumber (String source)

This method was deprecated in API level 21.
Use link #formatNumber(String phoneNumber, String defaultCountryIso) instead

Breaks the given number down and formats it according to the rules for the country the number is from.

source String: The phone number to format

String A locally acceptable formatting of the input, or the raw input if formatting rules aren't known for the number


Added in API level 21
public static String formatNumber (String phoneNumber, 
                String defaultCountryIso)

Format a phone number.

If the given number doesn't have the country code, the phone will be formatted to the default country's convention.

phoneNumber String: the number to be formatted.

defaultCountryIso String: the ISO 3166-1 two letters country code whose convention will be used if the given number doesn't have the country code.

String the formatted number, or null if the given number is not valid.


Added in API level 21
public static String formatNumberToE164 (String phoneNumber, 
                String defaultCountryIso)

Formats the specified phoneNumber to the E.164 representation.

phoneNumber String: the phone number to format.

defaultCountryIso String: the ISO 3166-1 two letters country code in UPPER CASE.

String the E.164 representation, or null if the given phone number is not valid.


Added in API level 23
public static String formatNumberToRFC3966 (String phoneNumber, 
                String defaultCountryIso)

Formats the specified phoneNumber to the RFC3966 representation.

phoneNumber String: the phone number to format.

defaultCountryIso String: the ISO 3166-1 two letters country code in UPPER CASE.

String the RFC3966 representation, or null if the given phone number is not valid.


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 21
public static int getFormatTypeForLocale (Locale locale)

This method was deprecated in API level 21.
Use link #formatNumber(String phoneNumber, String defaultCountryIso) instead

Returns the phone number formatting type for the given locale.

locale Locale: The locale of interest, usually Locale.getDefault()

int The formatting type for the given locale, or FORMAT_UNKNOWN if the formatting rules are not known for the given locale


Added in API level 1
public static String getNumberFromIntent (Intent intent, 
                Context context)

Extracts the phone number from an Intent.

intent Intent: the intent to get the number of

context Context: a context to use for database access

String the phone number that would be called by the intent, or null if the number cannot be found.


Added in API level 1
public static String getStrippedReversed (String phoneNumber)

Returns the network portion reversed. This string is intended to go into an index column for a database lookup. Returns null if phoneNumber == null

phoneNumber String



Added in API level 1
public static final boolean is12Key (char c)

True if c is ISO-LATIN characters 0-9, *, #

c char



Added in API level 1
public static final boolean isDialable (char c)

True if c is ISO-LATIN characters 0-9, *, # , +, WILD

c char



Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 29
public static boolean isEmergencyNumber (String number)

This method was deprecated in API level 29.
Please use TelephonyManager.isEmergencyNumber(String) instead.

Checks a given number against the list of emergency numbers provided by the RIL and SIM card.

number String: the number to look up.

boolean true if the number is in the list of emergency numbers listed in the RIL / SIM, otherwise return false.


Added in API level 1
public static boolean isGlobalPhoneNumber (String phoneNumber)

phoneNumber String



Added in API level 1
public static boolean isISODigit (char c)

True if c is ISO-LATIN characters 0-9

c char



Added in API level 21
Deprecated in API level 29
public static boolean isLocalEmergencyNumber (Context context, 
                String number)

This method was deprecated in API level 29.
Please use TelephonyManager.isEmergencyNumber(String) instead.

Checks if a given number is an emergency number for the country that the user is in.

context Context: the specific context which the number should be checked against

number String: the number to look up.

boolean true if the specified number is an emergency number for the country the user is currently in.


Added in API level 1
public static final boolean isNonSeparator (char c)

True if c is ISO-LATIN characters 0-9, *, # , +, WILD, WAIT, PAUSE

c char



Added in API level 1
public static final boolean isReallyDialable (char c)

True if c is ISO-LATIN characters 0-9, *, # , + (no WILD)

c char



Added in API level 1
public static final boolean isStartsPostDial (char c)

This any anything to the right of this char is part of the post-dial string (eg this is PAUSE or WAIT)

c char



Added in API level 21
public static boolean isVoiceMailNumber (String number)

isVoiceMailNumber: checks a given number against the voicemail number provided by the RIL and SIM card. The caller must have the READ_PHONE_STATE credential.

number String: the number to look up.

boolean true if the number is in the list of voicemail. False otherwise, including if the caller does not have the permission to read the VM number.


Added in API level 1
public static boolean isWellFormedSmsAddress (String address)

Return true iff the network portion of address is, as far as we can tell on the device, suitable for use as an SMS destination address.

address String



Added in API level 35
public static boolean isWpsCallNumber (String number)

Check if the number is for Wireless Priority Service call.

number String: The phone number used for WPS call. This value cannot be null.

boolean true if number matches WPS pattern and false otherwise.


Added in API level 1
public static byte[] networkPortionToCalledPartyBCD (String s)

Note: calls extractNetworkPortion(), so do not use for SIM EF[ADN] style records Returns null if network portion is empty.

s String



Added in API level 1
public static byte[] networkPortionToCalledPartyBCDWithLength (String s)

Same as networkPortionToCalledPartyBCD(String), but includes a one-byte length prefix.

s String



Added in API level 21
public static String normalizeNumber (String phoneNumber)

Normalize a phone number by removing the characters other than digits. If the given number has keypad letters, the letters will be converted to digits first.

phoneNumber String: the number to be normalized.

String the normalized number.


Added in API level 28
public static byte[] numberToCalledPartyBCD (String number, 
                int bcdExtType)

Convert a dialing number to BCD byte array

number String: dialing number string. If the dialing number starts with '+', set to international TOA

bcdExtType int: used to determine the extended bcd coding Value is BCD_EXTENDED_TYPE_EF_ADN, or BCD_EXTENDED_TYPE_CALLED_PARTY

byte[] BCD byte array


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 28
public static byte[] numberToCalledPartyBCD (String number)

This method was deprecated in API level 28.
use numberToCalledPartyBCD(java.lang.String, int) instead. Calling this method is equivalent to calling numberToCalledPartyBCD(java.lang.String, int) with BCD_EXTENDED_TYPE_EF_ADN as the extended type.

Convert a dialing number to BCD byte array

number String: dialing number string. If the dialing number starts with '+', set to international TOA

byte[] BCD byte array


Added in API level 21
public static String replaceUnicodeDigits (String number)

Replaces all unicode(e.g. Arabic, Persian) digits with their decimal digit equivalents.

number String: the number to perform the replacement on.

String the replaced number.


Added in API level 1
public static String stringFromStringAndTOA (String s, 
                int TOA)

Basically: makes sure there's a + in front of a TOA_International number Returns null if s == null

s String

TOA int



Added in API level 1
public static String stripSeparators (String phoneNumber)

Strips separators from a phone number string.

phoneNumber String: phone number to strip.

String phone string stripped of separators.


Added in API level 1
public static String toCallerIDMinMatch (String phoneNumber)

Returns the rightmost minimum matched characters in the network portion in *reversed* order This can be used to do a database lookup against the column that stores getStrippedReversed() Returns null if phoneNumber == null

phoneNumber String



Added in API level 1
public static int toaFromString (String s)

Returns the TOA for the given dial string Basically, returns TOA_International if there's a + prefix

s String
