
public static final class R.color
extends Object

   ↳ android.R.color



int background_dark

Equivalent to 0xff000000 Equivalent to 0xff000000

int background_light

Equivalent to 0xffffffff Equivalent to 0xffffffff

int black

The color black, equivalent to 0xff000000

int darker_gray

Equivalent to 0xffaaaaaa A dark gray, equivalent to 0xffaaaaaa

int holo_blue_bright

A really bright Holo shade of blue.

int holo_blue_dark

A dark Holo shade of blue.

int holo_blue_light

A light Holo shade of blue.

int holo_green_dark

A dark Holo shade of green.

int holo_green_light

A light Holo shade of green.

int holo_orange_dark

A dark Holo shade of orange.

int holo_orange_light

A light Holo shade of orange.

int holo_purple

A Holo shade of purple.

int holo_red_dark

A dark Holo shade of red.

int holo_red_light

A light Holo shade of red.

int primary_text_dark

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use a text color from your theme instead.

int primary_text_dark_nodisable

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use a text color from your theme instead.

int primary_text_light

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use a text color from your theme instead.

int primary_text_light_nodisable

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use a text color from your theme instead.

int secondary_text_dark

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use a text color from your theme instead.

int secondary_text_dark_nodisable

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use a text color from your theme instead.

int secondary_text_light

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use a text color from your theme instead.

int secondary_text_light_nodisable

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use a text color from your theme instead.

int system_accent1_0

Lightest shade of the Primary color used by the system.

int system_accent1_10

Shade of the Primary system color at 99% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent1_100

Shade of the Primary system color at 90% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent1_1000

Darkest shade of the Primary color used by the system.

int system_accent1_200

Shade of the Primary system color at 80% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent1_300

Shade of the Primary system color at 70% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent1_400

Shade of the Primary system color at 60% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent1_50

Shade of the Primary system color at 95% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent1_500

Shade of the Primary system color at 50% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent1_600

Shade of the Primary system color at 40% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent1_700

Shade of the Primary system color at 30% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent1_800

Shade of the Primary system color at 20% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent1_900

Shade of the Primary system color at 10% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent2_0

Lightest shade of the Secondary color used by the system.

int system_accent2_10

Shade of the Secondary system color at 99% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent2_100

Shade of the Secondary system color at 90% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent2_1000

Darkest shade of the Secondary color used by the system.

int system_accent2_200

Shade of the Secondary system color at 80% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent2_300

Shade of the Secondary system color at 70% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent2_400

Shade of the Secondary system color at 60% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent2_50

Shade of the Secondary system color at 95% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent2_500

Shade of the Secondary system color at 50% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent2_600

Shade of the Secondary system color at 40% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent2_700

Shade of the Secondary system color at 30% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent2_800

Shade of the Secondary system color at 20% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent2_900

Shade of the Secondary system color at 10% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent3_0

Lightest shade of the Tertiary color used by the system.

int system_accent3_10

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 99% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent3_100

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 90% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent3_1000

Darkest shade of the Tertiary color used by the system.

int system_accent3_200

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 80% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent3_300

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 70% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent3_400

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 60% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent3_50

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 95% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent3_500

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 50% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent3_600

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 40% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent3_700

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 30% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent3_800

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 20% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_accent3_900

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 10% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_background_dark

int system_background_light

Colors used in Android system, from design system.

int system_control_activated_dark

int system_control_activated_light

int system_control_highlight_dark

int system_control_highlight_light

int system_control_normal_dark

int system_control_normal_light

int system_error_0

Lightest shade of the Error color used by the system.

int system_error_10

Shade of the Error system color at 99% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_error_100

Shade of the Error system color at 90% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_error_1000

Darkest shade of the Error color used by the system.

int system_error_200

Shade of the Error system color at 80% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_error_300

Shade of the Error system color at 70% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_error_400

Shade of the Error system color at 60% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_error_50

Shade of the Error system color at 95% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_error_500

Shade of the Error system color at 50% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_error_600

Shade of the Error system color at 40% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_error_700

Shade of the Error system color at 30% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_error_800

Shade of the Error system color at 20% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_error_900

Shade of the Error system color at 10% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_error_container_dark

int system_error_container_light

int system_error_dark

int system_error_light

int system_neutral1_0

Lightest shade of the Neutral color used by the system.

int system_neutral1_10

Shade of the Neutral system color at 99% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral1_100

Shade of the Neutral system color at 90% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral1_1000

Darkest shade of the Neutral color used by the system.

int system_neutral1_200

Shade of the Neutral system color at 80% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral1_300

Shade of the Neutral system color at 70% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral1_400

Shade of the Neutral system color at 60% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral1_50

Shade of the Neutral system color at 95% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral1_500

Shade of the Neutral system color at 50% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral1_600

Shade of the Neutral system color at 40% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral1_700

Shade of the Neutral system color at 30% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral1_800

Shade of the Neutral system color at 20% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral1_900

Shade of the Neutral system color at 10% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral2_0

Lightest shade of the Secondary Neutral color used by the system.

int system_neutral2_10

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 99% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral2_100

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 90% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral2_1000

Darkest shade of the Secondary Neutral color used by the system.

int system_neutral2_200

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 80% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral2_300

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 70% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral2_400

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 60% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral2_50

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 95% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral2_500

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 50% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral2_600

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 40% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral2_700

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 30% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral2_800

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 20% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_neutral2_900

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 10% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space).

int system_on_background_dark

int system_on_background_light

int system_on_error_container_dark

int system_on_error_container_light

int system_on_error_dark

int system_on_error_light

int system_on_primary_container_dark

int system_on_primary_container_light

int system_on_primary_dark

int system_on_primary_fixed

int system_on_primary_fixed_variant

int system_on_primary_light

int system_on_secondary_container_dark

int system_on_secondary_container_light

int system_on_secondary_dark

int system_on_secondary_fixed

int system_on_secondary_fixed_variant

int system_on_secondary_light

int system_on_surface_dark

int system_on_surface_disabled

int system_on_surface_light

int system_on_surface_variant_dark

int system_on_surface_variant_light

int system_on_tertiary_container_dark

int system_on_tertiary_container_light

int system_on_tertiary_dark

int system_on_tertiary_fixed

int system_on_tertiary_fixed_variant

int system_on_tertiary_light

int system_outline_dark

int system_outline_disabled

int system_outline_light

int system_outline_variant_dark

int system_outline_variant_light

int system_palette_key_color_neutral_dark

int system_palette_key_color_neutral_light

int system_palette_key_color_neutral_variant_dark

int system_palette_key_color_neutral_variant_light

int system_palette_key_color_primary_dark

int system_palette_key_color_primary_light

int system_palette_key_color_secondary_dark

int system_palette_key_color_secondary_light

int system_palette_key_color_tertiary_dark

int system_palette_key_color_tertiary_light

int system_primary_container_dark

int system_primary_container_light

int system_primary_dark

int system_primary_fixed

int system_primary_fixed_dim

int system_primary_light

int system_secondary_container_dark

int system_secondary_container_light

int system_secondary_dark

int system_secondary_fixed

int system_secondary_fixed_dim

int system_secondary_light

int system_surface_bright_dark

int system_surface_bright_light

int system_surface_container_dark

int system_surface_container_high_dark

int system_surface_container_high_light

int system_surface_container_highest_dark

int system_surface_container_highest_light

int system_surface_container_light

int system_surface_container_low_dark

int system_surface_container_low_light

int system_surface_container_lowest_dark

int system_surface_container_lowest_light

int system_surface_dark

int system_surface_dim_dark

int system_surface_dim_light

int system_surface_disabled

int system_surface_light

int system_surface_variant_dark

int system_surface_variant_light

int system_tertiary_container_dark

int system_tertiary_container_light

int system_tertiary_dark

int system_tertiary_fixed

int system_tertiary_fixed_dim

int system_tertiary_light

int system_text_hint_inverse_dark

int system_text_hint_inverse_light

int system_text_primary_inverse_dark

int system_text_primary_inverse_disable_only_dark

int system_text_primary_inverse_disable_only_light

int system_text_primary_inverse_light

int system_text_secondary_and_tertiary_inverse_dark

int system_text_secondary_and_tertiary_inverse_disabled_dark

int system_text_secondary_and_tertiary_inverse_disabled_light

int system_text_secondary_and_tertiary_inverse_light

int tab_indicator_text

Equivalent to 0xff808080

int tertiary_text_dark

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use a text color from your theme instead.

int tertiary_text_light

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use a text color from your theme instead.

int transparent

Fully transparent, equivalent to 0x00000000

int white

The color white, equivalent to 0xffffffff

int widget_edittext_dark

Equivalent to 0xff000000

Public constructors


Inherited methods

Object clone()

Creates and returns a copy of this object.

boolean equals(Object obj)

Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.

void finalize()

Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.

final Class<?> getClass()

Returns the runtime class of this Object.

int hashCode()

Returns a hash code value for the object.

final void notify()

Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor.

final void notifyAll()

Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor.

String toString()

Returns a string representation of the object.

final void wait(long timeoutMillis, int nanos)

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed.

final void wait(long timeoutMillis)

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed.

final void wait()

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted.



Added in API level 1
public static final int background_dark

Equivalent to 0xff000000 Equivalent to 0xff000000

Constant Value: 17170446 (0x0106000e)


Added in API level 1
public static final int background_light

Equivalent to 0xffffffff Equivalent to 0xffffffff

Constant Value: 17170447 (0x0106000f)


Added in API level 1
public static final int black

The color black, equivalent to 0xff000000

Constant Value: 17170444 (0x0106000c)


Added in API level 1
public static final int darker_gray

Equivalent to 0xffaaaaaa A dark gray, equivalent to 0xffaaaaaa

Constant Value: 17170432 (0x01060000)


Added in API level 14
public static final int holo_blue_bright

A really bright Holo shade of blue. Equivalent to #ff00ddff.

Constant Value: 17170459 (0x0106001b)


Added in API level 14
public static final int holo_blue_dark

A dark Holo shade of blue. Equivalent to #ff0099cc

Constant Value: 17170451 (0x01060013)


Added in API level 14
public static final int holo_blue_light

A light Holo shade of blue. Equivalent to #ff33b5e5.

Constant Value: 17170450 (0x01060012)


Added in API level 14
public static final int holo_green_dark

A dark Holo shade of green. Equivalent to #ff669900

Constant Value: 17170453 (0x01060015)


Added in API level 14
public static final int holo_green_light

A light Holo shade of green. Equivalent to #ff99cc00.

Constant Value: 17170452 (0x01060014)


Added in API level 14
public static final int holo_orange_dark

A dark Holo shade of orange. Equivalent to ffff8800.

Constant Value: 17170457 (0x01060019)


Added in API level 14
public static final int holo_orange_light

A light Holo shade of orange. Equivalent to #ffffbb33.

Constant Value: 17170456 (0x01060018)


Added in API level 14
public static final int holo_purple

A Holo shade of purple. Equivalent to #ffaa66cc

Constant Value: 17170458 (0x0106001a)


Added in API level 14
public static final int holo_red_dark

A dark Holo shade of red. Equivalent to #ffcc0000

Constant Value: 17170455 (0x01060017)


Added in API level 14
public static final int holo_red_light

A light Holo shade of red. Equivalent to #ffff4444. <

Constant Value: 17170454 (0x01060016)


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int primary_text_dark

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use a text color from your theme instead.

Constant Value: 17170433 (0x01060001)


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int primary_text_dark_nodisable

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use a text color from your theme instead.

Constant Value: 17170434 (0x01060002)


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int primary_text_light

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use a text color from your theme instead.

Constant Value: 17170435 (0x01060003)


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int primary_text_light_nodisable

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use a text color from your theme instead.

Constant Value: 17170436 (0x01060004)


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int secondary_text_dark

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use a text color from your theme instead.

Constant Value: 17170437 (0x01060005)


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int secondary_text_dark_nodisable

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use a text color from your theme instead.

Constant Value: 17170438 (0x01060006)


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int secondary_text_light

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use a text color from your theme instead.

Constant Value: 17170439 (0x01060007)


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int secondary_text_light_nodisable

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use a text color from your theme instead.

Constant Value: 17170440 (0x01060008)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent1_0

Lightest shade of the Primary color used by the system. White. This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170487 (0x01060037)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent1_10

Shade of the Primary system color at 99% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170488 (0x01060038)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent1_100

Shade of the Primary system color at 90% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170490 (0x0106003a)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent1_1000

Darkest shade of the Primary color used by the system. Black. This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170499 (0x01060043)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent1_200

Shade of the Primary system color at 80% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170491 (0x0106003b)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent1_300

Shade of the Primary system color at 70% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170492 (0x0106003c)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent1_400

Shade of the Primary system color at 60% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170493 (0x0106003d)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent1_50

Shade of the Primary system color at 95% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170489 (0x01060039)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent1_500

Shade of the Primary system color at 50% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170494 (0x0106003e)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent1_600

Shade of the Primary system color at 40% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170495 (0x0106003f)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent1_700

Shade of the Primary system color at 30% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170496 (0x01060040)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent1_800

Shade of the Primary system color at 20% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170497 (0x01060041)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent1_900

Shade of the Primary system color at 10% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170498 (0x01060042)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent2_0

Lightest shade of the Secondary color used by the system. White. This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170500 (0x01060044)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent2_10

Shade of the Secondary system color at 99% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170501 (0x01060045)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent2_100

Shade of the Secondary system color at 90% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170503 (0x01060047)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent2_1000

Darkest shade of the Secondary color used by the system. Black. This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170512 (0x01060050)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent2_200

Shade of the Secondary system color at 80% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170504 (0x01060048)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent2_300

Shade of the Secondary system color at 70% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170505 (0x01060049)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent2_400

Shade of the Secondary system color at 60% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170506 (0x0106004a)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent2_50

Shade of the Secondary system color at 95% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170502 (0x01060046)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent2_500

Shade of the Secondary system color at 50% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170507 (0x0106004b)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent2_600

Shade of the Secondary system color at 40% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170508 (0x0106004c)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent2_700

Shade of the Secondary system color at 30% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170509 (0x0106004d)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent2_800

Shade of the Secondary system color at 20% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170510 (0x0106004e)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent2_900

Shade of the Secondary system color at 10% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170511 (0x0106004f)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent3_0

Lightest shade of the Tertiary color used by the system. White. This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170513 (0x01060051)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent3_10

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 99% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170514 (0x01060052)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent3_100

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 90% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170516 (0x01060054)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent3_1000

Darkest shade of the Tertiary color used by the system. Black. This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170525 (0x0106005d)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent3_200

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 80% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170517 (0x01060055)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent3_300

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 70% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170518 (0x01060056)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent3_400

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 60% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170519 (0x01060057)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent3_50

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 95% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170515 (0x01060053)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent3_500

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 50% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170520 (0x01060058)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent3_600

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 40% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170521 (0x01060059)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent3_700

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 30% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170522 (0x0106005a)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent3_800

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 20% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170523 (0x0106005b)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_accent3_900

Shade of the Tertiary system color at 10% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170524 (0x0106005c)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_background_dark

Constant Value: 17170581 (0x01060095)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_background_light

Colors used in Android system, from design system. These values can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170538 (0x0106006a)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_control_activated_dark

Constant Value: 17170599 (0x010600a7)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_control_activated_light

Constant Value: 17170556 (0x0106007c)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_control_highlight_dark

Constant Value: 17170601 (0x010600a9)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_control_highlight_light

Constant Value: 17170558 (0x0106007e)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_control_normal_dark

Constant Value: 17170600 (0x010600a8)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_control_normal_light

Constant Value: 17170557 (0x0106007d)


Added in API level 35
public static final int system_error_0

Lightest shade of the Error color used by the system. White. This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170629 (0x010600c5)


Added in API level 35
public static final int system_error_10

Shade of the Error system color at 99% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170630 (0x010600c6)


Added in API level 35
public static final int system_error_100

Shade of the Error system color at 90% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170632 (0x010600c8)


Added in API level 35
public static final int system_error_1000

Darkest shade of the Error color used by the system. Black. This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170641 (0x010600d1)


Added in API level 35
public static final int system_error_200

Shade of the Error system color at 80% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170633 (0x010600c9)


Added in API level 35
public static final int system_error_300

Shade of the Error system color at 70% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170634 (0x010600ca)


Added in API level 35
public static final int system_error_400

Shade of the Error system color at 60% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170635 (0x010600cb)


Added in API level 35
public static final int system_error_50

Shade of the Error system color at 95% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170631 (0x010600c7)


Added in API level 35
public static final int system_error_500

Shade of the Error system color at 50% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170636 (0x010600cc)


Added in API level 35
public static final int system_error_600

Shade of the Error system color at 40% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170637 (0x010600cd)


Added in API level 35
public static final int system_error_700

Shade of the Error system color at 30% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170638 (0x010600ce)


Added in API level 35
public static final int system_error_800

Shade of the Error system color at 20% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170639 (0x010600cf)


Added in API level 35
public static final int system_error_900

Shade of the Error system color at 10% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170640 (0x010600d0)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_error_container_dark

Constant Value: 17170597 (0x010600a5)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_error_container_light

Constant Value: 17170554 (0x0106007a)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_error_dark

Constant Value: 17170595 (0x010600a3)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_error_light

Constant Value: 17170552 (0x01060078)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral1_0

Lightest shade of the Neutral color used by the system. White. This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170461 (0x0106001d)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral1_10

Shade of the Neutral system color at 99% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170462 (0x0106001e)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral1_100

Shade of the Neutral system color at 90% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170464 (0x01060020)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral1_1000

Darkest shade of the Neutral color used by the system. Black. This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170473 (0x01060029)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral1_200

Shade of the Neutral system color at 80% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170465 (0x01060021)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral1_300

Shade of the Neutral system color at 70% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170466 (0x01060022)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral1_400

Shade of the Neutral system color at 60% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170467 (0x01060023)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral1_50

Shade of the Neutral system color at 95% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170463 (0x0106001f)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral1_500

Shade of the Neutral system color at 50% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170468 (0x01060024)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral1_600

Shade of the Neutral system color at 40% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170469 (0x01060025)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral1_700

Shade of the Neutral system color at 30% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170470 (0x01060026)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral1_800

Shade of the Neutral system color at 20% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170471 (0x01060027)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral1_900

Shade of the Neutral system color at 10% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170472 (0x01060028)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral2_0

Lightest shade of the Secondary Neutral color used by the system. White. This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170474 (0x0106002a)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral2_10

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 99% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170475 (0x0106002b)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral2_100

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 90% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170477 (0x0106002d)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral2_1000

Darkest shade of the Secondary Neutral color used by the system. Black. This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170486 (0x01060036)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral2_200

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 80% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170478 (0x0106002e)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral2_300

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 70% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170479 (0x0106002f)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral2_400

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 60% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170480 (0x01060030)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral2_50

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 95% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170476 (0x0106002c)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral2_500

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 50% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170481 (0x01060031)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral2_600

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 40% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170482 (0x01060032)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral2_700

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 30% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170483 (0x01060033)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral2_800

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 20% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170484 (0x01060034)


Added in API level 31
public static final int system_neutral2_900

Shade of the Secondary Neutral system color at 10% perceptual luminance (L* in L*a*b* color space). This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs.

Constant Value: 17170485 (0x01060035)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_background_dark

Constant Value: 17170582 (0x01060096)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_background_light

Constant Value: 17170539 (0x0106006b)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_error_container_dark

Constant Value: 17170598 (0x010600a6)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_error_container_light

Constant Value: 17170555 (0x0106007b)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_error_dark

Constant Value: 17170596 (0x010600a4)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_error_light

Constant Value: 17170553 (0x01060079)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_primary_container_dark

Constant Value: 17170570 (0x0106008a)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_primary_container_light

Constant Value: 17170527 (0x0106005f)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_primary_dark

Constant Value: 17170572 (0x0106008c)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_primary_fixed

Constant Value: 17170614 (0x010600b6)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_primary_fixed_variant

Constant Value: 17170615 (0x010600b7)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_primary_light

Constant Value: 17170529 (0x01060061)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_secondary_container_dark

Constant Value: 17170574 (0x0106008e)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_secondary_container_light

Constant Value: 17170531 (0x01060063)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_secondary_dark

Constant Value: 17170576 (0x01060090)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_secondary_fixed

Constant Value: 17170618 (0x010600ba)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_secondary_fixed_variant

Constant Value: 17170619 (0x010600bb)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_secondary_light

Constant Value: 17170533 (0x01060065)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_surface_dark

Constant Value: 17170584 (0x01060098)


Added in API level 35
public static final int system_on_surface_disabled

Constant Value: 17170627 (0x010600c3)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_surface_light

Constant Value: 17170541 (0x0106006d)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_surface_variant_dark

Constant Value: 17170593 (0x010600a1)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_surface_variant_light

Constant Value: 17170550 (0x01060076)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_tertiary_container_dark

Constant Value: 17170578 (0x01060092)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_tertiary_container_light

Constant Value: 17170535 (0x01060067)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_tertiary_dark

Constant Value: 17170580 (0x01060094)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_tertiary_fixed

Constant Value: 17170622 (0x010600be)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_tertiary_fixed_variant

Constant Value: 17170623 (0x010600bf)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_on_tertiary_light

Constant Value: 17170537 (0x01060069)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_outline_dark

Constant Value: 17170594 (0x010600a2)


Added in API level 35
public static final int system_outline_disabled

Constant Value: 17170628 (0x010600c4)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_outline_light

Constant Value: 17170551 (0x01060077)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_outline_variant_dark

Constant Value: 17170625 (0x010600c1)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_outline_variant_light

Constant Value: 17170624 (0x010600c0)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_palette_key_color_neutral_dark

Constant Value: 17170610 (0x010600b2)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_palette_key_color_neutral_light

Constant Value: 17170567 (0x01060087)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_palette_key_color_neutral_variant_dark

Constant Value: 17170611 (0x010600b3)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_palette_key_color_neutral_variant_light

Constant Value: 17170568 (0x01060088)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_palette_key_color_primary_dark

Constant Value: 17170607 (0x010600af)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_palette_key_color_primary_light

Constant Value: 17170564 (0x01060084)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_palette_key_color_secondary_dark

Constant Value: 17170608 (0x010600b0)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_palette_key_color_secondary_light

Constant Value: 17170565 (0x01060085)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_palette_key_color_tertiary_dark

Constant Value: 17170609 (0x010600b1)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_palette_key_color_tertiary_light

Constant Value: 17170566 (0x01060086)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_primary_container_dark

Constant Value: 17170569 (0x01060089)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_primary_container_light

Constant Value: 17170526 (0x0106005e)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_primary_dark

Constant Value: 17170571 (0x0106008b)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_primary_fixed

Constant Value: 17170612 (0x010600b4)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_primary_fixed_dim

Constant Value: 17170613 (0x010600b5)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_primary_light

Constant Value: 17170528 (0x01060060)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_secondary_container_dark

Constant Value: 17170573 (0x0106008d)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_secondary_container_light

Constant Value: 17170530 (0x01060062)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_secondary_dark

Constant Value: 17170575 (0x0106008f)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_secondary_fixed

Constant Value: 17170616 (0x010600b8)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_secondary_fixed_dim

Constant Value: 17170617 (0x010600b9)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_secondary_light

Constant Value: 17170532 (0x01060064)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_surface_bright_dark

Constant Value: 17170590 (0x0106009e)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_surface_bright_light

Constant Value: 17170547 (0x01060073)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_surface_container_dark

Constant Value: 17170587 (0x0106009b)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_surface_container_high_dark

Constant Value: 17170588 (0x0106009c)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_surface_container_high_light

Constant Value: 17170545 (0x01060071)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_surface_container_highest_dark

Constant Value: 17170589 (0x0106009d)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_surface_container_highest_light

Constant Value: 17170546 (0x01060072)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_surface_container_light

Constant Value: 17170544 (0x01060070)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_surface_container_low_dark

Constant Value: 17170585 (0x01060099)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_surface_container_low_light

Constant Value: 17170542 (0x0106006e)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_surface_container_lowest_dark

Constant Value: 17170586 (0x0106009a)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_surface_container_lowest_light

Constant Value: 17170543 (0x0106006f)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_surface_dark

Constant Value: 17170583 (0x01060097)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_surface_dim_dark

Constant Value: 17170591 (0x0106009f)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_surface_dim_light

Constant Value: 17170548 (0x01060074)


Added in API level 35
public static final int system_surface_disabled

Constant Value: 17170626 (0x010600c2)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_surface_light

Constant Value: 17170540 (0x0106006c)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_surface_variant_dark

Constant Value: 17170592 (0x010600a0)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_surface_variant_light

Constant Value: 17170549 (0x01060075)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_tertiary_container_dark

Constant Value: 17170577 (0x01060091)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_tertiary_container_light

Constant Value: 17170534 (0x01060066)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_tertiary_dark

Constant Value: 17170579 (0x01060093)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_tertiary_fixed

Constant Value: 17170620 (0x010600bc)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_tertiary_fixed_dim

Constant Value: 17170621 (0x010600bd)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_tertiary_light

Constant Value: 17170536 (0x01060068)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_text_hint_inverse_dark

Constant Value: 17170606 (0x010600ae)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_text_hint_inverse_light

Constant Value: 17170563 (0x01060083)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_text_primary_inverse_dark

Constant Value: 17170602 (0x010600aa)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_text_primary_inverse_disable_only_dark

Constant Value: 17170604 (0x010600ac)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_text_primary_inverse_disable_only_light

Constant Value: 17170561 (0x01060081)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_text_primary_inverse_light

Constant Value: 17170559 (0x0106007f)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_text_secondary_and_tertiary_inverse_dark

Constant Value: 17170603 (0x010600ab)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_text_secondary_and_tertiary_inverse_disabled_dark

Constant Value: 17170605 (0x010600ad)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_text_secondary_and_tertiary_inverse_disabled_light

Constant Value: 17170562 (0x01060082)


Added in API level 34
public static final int system_text_secondary_and_tertiary_inverse_light

Constant Value: 17170560 (0x01060080)


Added in API level 1
public static final int tab_indicator_text

Equivalent to 0xff808080

Constant Value: 17170441 (0x01060009)


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int tertiary_text_dark

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use a text color from your theme instead.

Constant Value: 17170448 (0x01060010)


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int tertiary_text_light

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use a text color from your theme instead.

Constant Value: 17170449 (0x01060011)


Added in API level 1
public static final int transparent

Fully transparent, equivalent to 0x00000000

Constant Value: 17170445 (0x0106000d)


Added in API level 1
public static final int white

The color white, equivalent to 0xffffffff

Constant Value: 17170443 (0x0106000b)


Added in API level 1
public static final int widget_edittext_dark

Equivalent to 0xff000000

Constant Value: 17170442 (0x0106000a)

Public constructors


public color ()