
public final class CreateEntry
extends Object implements Parcelable

   ↳ android.service.credentials.CreateEntry

An entry to be shown on the UI. This entry represents where the credential to be created will be stored. Examples include user's account, family group etc.

If user selects this entry, the corresponding PendingIntent set on the slice as a SliceAction will get invoked. Once the resulting activity fulfills the required user engagement, the Activity result should be set to Activity.RESULT_OK, and the CredentialProviderService.EXTRA_CREATE_CREDENTIAL_RESPONSE must be set with a CreateCredentialResponse object.


Inherited constants


public static final Creator<CreateEntry> CREATOR

Public constructors

CreateEntry(Slice slice)

Constructs a CreateEntry to be displayed on the UI.

Public methods

int describeContents()

Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation.

Slice getSlice()

Returns the content to be displayed with this create entry on the UI.

void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)

Flatten this object in to a Parcel.

Inherited methods



Added in API level 34
public static final Creator<CreateEntry> CREATOR

Public constructors


Added in API level 34
public CreateEntry (Slice slice)

Constructs a CreateEntry to be displayed on the UI.

slice Slice: the slice containing the metadata to be shown on the UI, must be constructed through the androidx.credentials.provider Jetpack library; If constructed manually, the slice object must contain the non-null properties of the CreateEntry class populated as slice items against specific hints as used in the class's toSlice method, since the Android System uses this library to parse the slice and extract the required attributes

Public methods


Added in API level 34
public int describeContents ()

Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation. For example, if the object will include a file descriptor in the output of writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int), the return value of this method must include the CONTENTS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR bit.

int a bitmask indicating the set of special object types marshaled by this Parcelable object instance. Value is either 0 or CONTENTS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR


Added in API level 34
public Slice getSlice ()

Returns the content to be displayed with this create entry on the UI.

Slice This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 34
public void writeToParcel (Parcel dest, 
                int flags)

Flatten this object in to a Parcel.

dest Parcel: This value cannot be null.

flags int: Additional flags about how the object should be written. May be 0 or Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE. Value is either 0 or a combination of Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE, and android.os.Parcelable.PARCELABLE_ELIDE_DUPLICATES