Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 31


public class PhoneStateListener
extends Object

   ↳ android.telephony.PhoneStateListener

This class was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback instead.

A listener class for monitoring changes in specific telephony states on the device, including service state, signal strength, message waiting indicator (voicemail), and others.

Override the methods for the state that you wish to receive updates for, and pass your PhoneStateListener object, along with bitwise-or of the LISTEN_ flags to TelephonyManager.listen(). Methods are called when the state changes, as well as once on initial registration.

Note that access to some telephony information is permission-protected. Your application won't receive updates for protected information unless it has the appropriate permissions declared in its manifest file. Where permissions apply, they are noted in the appropriate LISTEN_ flags.




This constant was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.ActiveDataSubscriptionIdListener instead.


This constant was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.BarringInfoListener instead.


This constant was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.CallDisconnectCauseListener instead.


This constant is deprecated. Use TelephonyCallback.CallForwardingIndicatorListener instead.


This constant is deprecated. Use TelephonyCallback.CallStateListener instead.


This constant was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.CellInfoListener instead.


This constant is deprecated. Use TelephonyCallback.CellLocationListener instead.


This constant is deprecated. Use TelephonyCallback.DataActivityListener instead.


This constant is deprecated. Use TelephonyCallback.DataConnectionStateListener instead.


This constant was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.DisplayInfoListener instead.


This constant was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.EmergencyNumberListListener instead.


This constant was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.ImsCallDisconnectCauseListener instead.


This constant is deprecated. Use TelephonyCallback.MessageWaitingIndicatorListener instead.


Stop listening for updates.


This constant was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.PreciseDataConnectionStateListener instead.


This constant was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.RegistrationFailedListener instead.


This constant is deprecated. Use TelephonyCallback.ServiceStateListener instead.


This constant was deprecated in API level 15. Use TelephonyCallback.SignalStrengthsListener instead.


This constant was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.SignalStrengthsListener instead.


This constant was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.UserMobileDataStateListener instead.

Public constructors


Create a PhoneStateListener for the Phone with the default subscription.

PhoneStateListener(Executor executor)

Create a PhoneStateListener for the Phone using the specified Executor

Create a PhoneStateListener with a specified Executor for handling necessary callbacks.

Public methods

void onActiveDataSubscriptionIdChanged(int subId)

This method was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.ActiveDataSubscriptionIdListener instead.

void onBarringInfoChanged(BarringInfo barringInfo)

This method was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.BarringInfoListener instead.

void onCallDisconnectCauseChanged(int disconnectCause, int preciseDisconnectCause)

This method was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.CallDisconnectCauseListener instead.

void onCallForwardingIndicatorChanged(boolean cfi)

This method is deprecated. Use TelephonyCallback.CallForwardingIndicatorListener instead.

void onCallStateChanged(int state, String phoneNumber)

This method is deprecated. Use TelephonyCallback.CallStateListener instead.

void onCellInfoChanged(List<CellInfo> cellInfo)

This method was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.CellInfoListener instead.

void onCellLocationChanged(CellLocation location)

This method is deprecated. Use TelephonyCallback.CellLocationListener instead.

void onDataActivity(int direction)

This method is deprecated. Use TelephonyCallback.DataActivityListener instead.

void onDataConnectionStateChanged(int state, int networkType)

This method was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.DataConnectionStateListener instead.

void onDataConnectionStateChanged(int state)

This method is deprecated. Use TelephonyCallback.DataConnectionStateListener instead.

void onDisplayInfoChanged(TelephonyDisplayInfo telephonyDisplayInfo)

This method was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.DisplayInfoListener instead.

void onEmergencyNumberListChanged(Map<IntegerList<EmergencyNumber>> emergencyNumberList)

This method was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.EmergencyNumberListListener instead.

void onImsCallDisconnectCauseChanged(ImsReasonInfo imsReasonInfo)

This method was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.ImsCallDisconnectCauseListener instead.

void onMessageWaitingIndicatorChanged(boolean mwi)

This method is deprecated. Use TelephonyCallback.MessageWaitingIndicatorListener instead.

void onPreciseDataConnectionStateChanged(PreciseDataConnectionState dataConnectionState)

This method was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.PreciseDataConnectionStateListener instead.

void onRegistrationFailed(CellIdentity cellIdentity, String chosenPlmn, int domain, int causeCode, int additionalCauseCode)

This method was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.RegistrationFailedListener instead.

void onServiceStateChanged(ServiceState serviceState)

This method is deprecated. Use TelephonyCallback.ServiceStateListener instead.

void onSignalStrengthChanged(int asu)

This method was deprecated in API level 15. Use onSignalStrengthsChanged(android.telephony.SignalStrength)

void onSignalStrengthsChanged(SignalStrength signalStrength)

This method was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.SignalStrengthsListener instead.

void onUserMobileDataStateChanged(boolean enabled)

This method was deprecated in API level 31. Use TelephonyCallback.UserMobileDataStateListener instead.

Inherited methods

Object clone()

Creates and returns a copy of this object.

boolean equals(Object obj)

Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.

void finalize()

Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.

final Class<?> getClass()

Returns the runtime class of this Object.

int hashCode()

Returns a hash code value for the object.

final void notify()

Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor.

final void notifyAll()

Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor.

String toString()

Returns a string representation of the object.

final void wait(long timeoutMillis, int nanos)

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed.

final void wait(long timeoutMillis)

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed.

final void wait()

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted.



Added in API level 29
Deprecated in API level 31

This constant was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.ActiveDataSubscriptionIdListener instead.

Listen for changes to active data subId. Active data subscription is the current subscription used to setup Cellular Internet data. For example, it could be the current active opportunistic subscription in use, or the subscription user selected as default data subscription in DSDS mode.
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE

Constant Value: 4194304 (0x00400000)


Added in API level 30
Deprecated in API level 31
public static final int LISTEN_BARRING_INFO

This constant was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.BarringInfoListener instead.

Listen for Barring Information for the current registered / camped cell.

Requires permission Manifest.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE or the calling app has carrier privileges (see TelephonyManager.hasCarrierPrivileges).

Also requires the Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission, regardless of whether the calling app has carrier privileges.
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE and Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

Constant Value: -2147483648 (0x80000000)


Added in API level 30
Deprecated in API level 31
public static final int LISTEN_CALL_DISCONNECT_CAUSES

This constant was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.CallDisconnectCauseListener instead.

Listen for call disconnect causes which contains DisconnectCause and the precise disconnect cause.

Requires permission Manifest.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE or the calling app has carrier privileges (see TelephonyManager.hasCarrierPrivileges).
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE

Constant Value: 33554432 (0x02000000)


Added in API level 1

This constant is deprecated.
Use TelephonyCallback.CallForwardingIndicatorListener instead.

Listen for changes to the call-forwarding indicator.

Requires Permission: READ_PHONE_STATE or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see TelephonyManager.hasCarrierPrivileges).
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE

Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)


Added in API level 1
public static final int LISTEN_CALL_STATE

This constant is deprecated.
Use TelephonyCallback.CallStateListener instead.

Listen for changes to the device call state.

Constant Value: 32 (0x00000020)


Added in API level 17
Deprecated in API level 31
public static final int LISTEN_CELL_INFO

This constant was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.CellInfoListener instead.

Listen for changes to observed cell info. Listening to this event requires the Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE and Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission.
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE and Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

Constant Value: 1024 (0x00000400)


Added in API level 1
public static final int LISTEN_CELL_LOCATION

This constant is deprecated.
Use TelephonyCallback.CellLocationListener instead.

Listen for changes to the device's cell location. Note that this will result in frequent callbacks to the listener.

Requires Permission: ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

If you need regular location updates but want more control over the update interval or location precision, you can set up a listener through the location manager instead.
Requires Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

Constant Value: 16 (0x00000010)


Added in API level 1
public static final int LISTEN_DATA_ACTIVITY

This constant is deprecated.
Use TelephonyCallback.DataActivityListener instead.

Listen for changes to the direction of data traffic on the data connection (cellular).

Example: The status bar uses this to display the appropriate data-traffic icon.

Constant Value: 128 (0x00000080)


Added in API level 1
public static final int LISTEN_DATA_CONNECTION_STATE

This constant is deprecated.
Use TelephonyCallback.DataConnectionStateListener instead.

Listen for changes to the data connection state (cellular).

Constant Value: 64 (0x00000040)


Added in API level 30
Deprecated in API level 31
public static final int LISTEN_DISPLAY_INFO_CHANGED

This constant was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.DisplayInfoListener instead.

Listen for display info changed event. For clients compiled on Android 11 SDK, requires permission: Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see TelephonyManager.hasCarrierPrivileges). For clients compiled on Android 12 SDK or newer, Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE or carrier privileges is not required anymore.

Constant Value: 1048576 (0x00100000)


Added in API level 29
Deprecated in API level 31
public static final int LISTEN_EMERGENCY_NUMBER_LIST

This constant was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.EmergencyNumberListListener instead.

Listen for changes to emergency number list based on all active subscriptions.

Requires permission Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE or the calling app has carrier privileges (see TelephonyManager.hasCarrierPrivileges).
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE

Constant Value: 16777216 (0x01000000)


Added in API level 30
Deprecated in API level 31

This constant was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.ImsCallDisconnectCauseListener instead.

Listen for IMS call disconnect causes which contains ImsReasonInfo

Requires permission Manifest.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE or the calling app has carrier privileges (see TelephonyManager.hasCarrierPrivileges).
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE

Constant Value: 134217728 (0x08000000)


Added in API level 1

This constant is deprecated.
Use TelephonyCallback.MessageWaitingIndicatorListener instead.

Listen for changes to the message-waiting indicator.

Requires Permission: READ_PHONE_STATE or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see TelephonyManager.hasCarrierPrivileges).

Example: The status bar uses this to determine when to display the voicemail icon.
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE

Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)


Added in API level 1
public static final int LISTEN_NONE

Stop listening for updates. The PhoneStateListener is not tied to any subscription and unregistered for any update.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


Added in API level 30
Deprecated in API level 31

This constant was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.PreciseDataConnectionStateListener instead.

Listen for PreciseDataConnectionState on the data connection (cellular).

Requires permission Manifest.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE or the calling app has carrier privileges (see TelephonyManager.hasCarrierPrivileges).
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE

Constant Value: 4096 (0x00001000)


Added in API level 30
Deprecated in API level 31
public static final int LISTEN_REGISTRATION_FAILURE

This constant was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.RegistrationFailedListener instead.

Listen for Registration Failures. Listen for indications that a registration procedure has failed in either the CS or PS domain. This indication does not necessarily indicate a change of service state, which should be tracked via LISTEN_SERVICE_STATE.

Requires permission Manifest.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE or the calling app has carrier privileges (see TelephonyManager.hasCarrierPrivileges).

Also requires the Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission, regardless of whether the calling app has carrier privileges.
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE and Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

Constant Value: 1073741824 (0x40000000)


Added in API level 1
public static final int LISTEN_SERVICE_STATE

This constant is deprecated.
Use TelephonyCallback.ServiceStateListener instead.

Listen for changes to the network service state (cellular).

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 15
public static final int LISTEN_SIGNAL_STRENGTH

This constant was deprecated in API level 15.
Use TelephonyCallback.SignalStrengthsListener instead.

Listen for changes to the network signal strength (cellular).

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


Added in API level 7
Deprecated in API level 31
public static final int LISTEN_SIGNAL_STRENGTHS

This constant was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.SignalStrengthsListener instead.

Listen for changes to the network signal strengths (cellular).

Example: The status bar uses this to control the signal-strength icon.

Constant Value: 256 (0x00000100)


Added in API level 28
Deprecated in API level 31
public static final int LISTEN_USER_MOBILE_DATA_STATE

This constant was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.UserMobileDataStateListener instead.

Listen for changes to the user mobile data state

Constant Value: 524288 (0x00080000)

Public constructors


Added in API level 1
public PhoneStateListener ()

Create a PhoneStateListener for the Phone with the default subscription. This class requires Looper.myLooper() not return null.


Added in API level 29
public PhoneStateListener (Executor executor)

Create a PhoneStateListener for the Phone using the specified Executor

Create a PhoneStateListener with a specified Executor for handling necessary callbacks. The Executor must not be null.

executor Executor: a non-null Executor that will execute callbacks for the PhoneStateListener.

Public methods


Added in API level 29
Deprecated in API level 31
public void onActiveDataSubscriptionIdChanged (int subId)

This method was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.ActiveDataSubscriptionIdListener instead.

Callback invoked when active data subId changes. Note, this callback triggers regardless of registered subscription. Requires the READ_PHONE_STATE permission.
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE

subId int: current subscription used to setup Cellular Internet data. For example, it could be the current active opportunistic subscription in use, or the subscription user selected as default data subscription in DSDS mode.


Added in API level 30
Deprecated in API level 31
public void onBarringInfoChanged (BarringInfo barringInfo)

This method was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.BarringInfoListener instead.

Report updated barring information for the current camped/registered cell.

Barring info is provided for all services applicable to the current camped/registered cell, for the registered PLMN and current access class/access category.
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE and Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

barringInfo BarringInfo: for all services on the current cell. This value cannot be null.

See also:


Added in API level 30
Deprecated in API level 31
public void onCallDisconnectCauseChanged (int disconnectCause, 
                int preciseDisconnectCause)

This method was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.CallDisconnectCauseListener instead.

Callback invoked when call disconnect cause changes on the registered subscription. Note, the registration subId comes from TelephonyManager object which registers PhoneStateListener by TelephonyManager.listen(PhoneStateListener, int). If this TelephonyManager object was created with TelephonyManager.createForSubscriptionId(int), then the callback applies to the subId. Otherwise, this callback applies to SubscriptionManager.getDefaultSubscriptionId().
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE

disconnectCause int: the disconnect cause Value is DisconnectCause.NOT_VALID, DisconnectCause.NOT_DISCONNECTED, DisconnectCause.INCOMING_MISSED, DisconnectCause.NORMAL, DisconnectCause.LOCAL, DisconnectCause.BUSY, DisconnectCause.CONGESTION, DisconnectCause.MMI, DisconnectCause.INVALID_NUMBER, DisconnectCause.NUMBER_UNREACHABLE, DisconnectCause.SERVER_UNREACHABLE, DisconnectCause.INVALID_CREDENTIALS, DisconnectCause.OUT_OF_NETWORK, DisconnectCause.SERVER_ERROR, DisconnectCause.TIMED_OUT, DisconnectCause.LOST_SIGNAL, DisconnectCause.LIMIT_EXCEEDED, DisconnectCause.INCOMING_REJECTED, DisconnectCause.POWER_OFF, DisconnectCause.OUT_OF_SERVICE, DisconnectCause.ICC_ERROR, DisconnectCause.CALL_BARRED, DisconnectCause.FDN_BLOCKED, DisconnectCause.CS_RESTRICTED, DisconnectCause.CS_RESTRICTED_NORMAL, DisconnectCause.CS_RESTRICTED_EMERGENCY, DisconnectCause.UNOBTAINABLE_NUMBER, DisconnectCause.CDMA_LOCKED_UNTIL_POWER_CYCLE, DisconnectCause.CDMA_DROP, DisconnectCause.CDMA_INTERCEPT, DisconnectCause.CDMA_REORDER, DisconnectCause.CDMA_SO_REJECT, DisconnectCause.CDMA_RETRY_ORDER, DisconnectCause.CDMA_ACCESS_FAILURE, DisconnectCause.CDMA_PREEMPTED, DisconnectCause.CDMA_NOT_EMERGENCY, DisconnectCause.CDMA_ACCESS_BLOCKED, or DisconnectCause.ERROR_UNSPECIFIED

preciseDisconnectCause int: the precise disconnect cause Value is android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.NOT_VALID, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.NO_DISCONNECT_CAUSE_AVAILABLE, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.UNOBTAINABLE_NUMBER, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.NORMAL, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.BUSY, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.NUMBER_CHANGED, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.STATUS_ENQUIRY, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.NO_CIRCUIT_AVAIL, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.TEMPORARY_FAILURE, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.SWITCHING_CONGESTION, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.CHANNEL_NOT_AVAIL, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.QOS_NOT_AVAIL, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.BEARER_NOT_AVAIL, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.ACM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.CALL_BARRED, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.FDN_BLOCKED, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.IMSI_UNKNOWN_IN_VLR, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.IMEI_NOT_ACCEPTED, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.CDMA_LOCKED_UNTIL_POWER_CYCLE, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.CDMA_DROP, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.CDMA_INTERCEPT, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.CDMA_REORDER, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.CDMA_SO_REJECT, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.CDMA_RETRY_ORDER, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.CDMA_ACCESS_FAILURE, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.CDMA_PREEMPTED, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.CDMA_NOT_EMERGENCY, android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.CDMA_ACCESS_BLOCKED, or android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause.ERROR_UNSPECIFIED


Added in API level 1
public void onCallForwardingIndicatorChanged (boolean cfi)

This method is deprecated.
Use TelephonyCallback.CallForwardingIndicatorListener instead.

Callback invoked when the call-forwarding indicator changes on the registered subscription. Note, the registration subId comes from TelephonyManager object which registers PhoneStateListener by TelephonyManager.listen(PhoneStateListener, int). If this TelephonyManager object was created with TelephonyManager.createForSubscriptionId(int), then the callback applies to the subId. Otherwise, this callback applies to SubscriptionManager.getDefaultSubscriptionId().
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE

cfi boolean


Added in API level 1
public void onCallStateChanged (int state, 
                String phoneNumber)

This method is deprecated.
Use TelephonyCallback.CallStateListener instead.

Callback invoked when device call state changes.

Reports the state of Telephony (mobile) calls on the device for the registered subscription.

Note: the registration subId comes from TelephonyManager object which registers PhoneStateListener by TelephonyManager.listen(PhoneStateListener, int). If this TelephonyManager object was created with TelephonyManager.createForSubscriptionId(int), then the callback applies to the subId. Otherwise, this callback applies to SubscriptionManager.getDefaultSubscriptionId().

Note: The state returned here may differ from that returned by TelephonyManager.getCallState(). Receivers of this callback should be aware that calling TelephonyManager.getCallState() from within this callback may return a different state than the callback reports. Requires Permission: READ_PHONE_STATE for applications targeting API level 31+.

state int: call state Value is TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE, TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING, or TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK

phoneNumber String: call phone number. If application does not have READ_CALL_LOG permission or carrier privileges (see TelephonyManager.hasCarrierPrivileges), an empty string will be passed as an argument.


Added in API level 17
Deprecated in API level 31
public void onCellInfoChanged (List<CellInfo> cellInfo)

This method was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.CellInfoListener instead.

Callback invoked when a observed cell info has changed or new cells have been added or removed on the registered subscription. Note, the registration subId s from TelephonyManager object which registers PhoneStateListener by TelephonyManager.listen(PhoneStateListener, int). If this TelephonyManager object was created with TelephonyManager.createForSubscriptionId(int), then the callback applies to the subId. Otherwise, this callback applies to SubscriptionManager.getDefaultSubscriptionId().
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE and Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

cellInfo List: is the list of currently visible cells.


Added in API level 1
public void onCellLocationChanged (CellLocation location)

This method is deprecated.
Use TelephonyCallback.CellLocationListener instead.

Callback invoked when device cell location changes on the registered subscription. Note, the registration subId comes from TelephonyManager object which registers PhoneStateListener by TelephonyManager.listen(PhoneStateListener, int). If this TelephonyManager object was created with TelephonyManager.createForSubscriptionId(int), then the callback applies to the subId. Otherwise, this callback applies to SubscriptionManager.getDefaultSubscriptionId().
Requires Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

location CellLocation


Added in API level 1
public void onDataActivity (int direction)

This method is deprecated.
Use TelephonyCallback.DataActivityListener instead.

Callback invoked when data activity state changes on the registered subscription. Note, the registration subId comes from TelephonyManager object which registers PhoneStateListener by TelephonyManager.listen(PhoneStateListener, int). If this TelephonyManager object was created with TelephonyManager.createForSubscriptionId(int), then the callback applies to the subId. Otherwise, this callback applies to SubscriptionManager.getDefaultSubscriptionId().

direction int


Added in API level 7
Deprecated in API level 31
public void onDataConnectionStateChanged (int state, 
                int networkType)

This method was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.DataConnectionStateListener instead.

same as above, but with the network type. Both called.

state int

networkType int


Added in API level 1
public void onDataConnectionStateChanged (int state)

This method is deprecated.
Use TelephonyCallback.DataConnectionStateListener instead.

Callback invoked when connection state changes on the registered subscription. Note, the registration subId comes from TelephonyManager object which registers PhoneStateListener by TelephonyManager.listen(PhoneStateListener, int). If this TelephonyManager object was created with TelephonyManager.createForSubscriptionId(int), then the callback applies to the subId. Otherwise, this callback applies to SubscriptionManager.getDefaultSubscriptionId().

state int


Added in API level 30
Deprecated in API level 31
public void onDisplayInfoChanged (TelephonyDisplayInfo telephonyDisplayInfo)

This method was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.DisplayInfoListener instead.

Callback invoked when the display info has changed on the registered subscription.

The TelephonyDisplayInfo contains status information shown to the user based on carrier policy. For clients compiled on Android 11 SDK, requires permission: Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see TelephonyManager.hasCarrierPrivileges). For clients compiled on Android 12 SDK or newer, Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE or carrier privileges is not required anymore.
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE

telephonyDisplayInfo TelephonyDisplayInfo: The display information. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 31
Deprecated in API level 31
public void onEmergencyNumberListChanged (Map<IntegerList<EmergencyNumber>> emergencyNumberList)

This method was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.EmergencyNumberListListener instead.

Callback invoked when the current emergency number list has changed on the registered subscription. Note, the registered subscription is associated with TelephonyManager object on which TelephonyManager.listen(PhoneStateListener, int) was called. If this TelephonyManager object was created with TelephonyManager.createForSubscriptionId(int), then the callback applies to the given subId. Otherwise, this callback applies to SubscriptionManager.getDefaultSubscriptionId().
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE

emergencyNumberList Map: Map associating all active subscriptions on the device with the list of emergency numbers originating from that subscription. If there are no active subscriptions, the map will contain a single entry with SubscriptionManager.INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID as the key and a list of emergency numbers as the value. If no emergency number information is available, the value will be null.


Added in API level 30
Deprecated in API level 31
public void onImsCallDisconnectCauseChanged (ImsReasonInfo imsReasonInfo)

This method was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.ImsCallDisconnectCauseListener instead.

Callback invoked when Ims call disconnect cause changes on the registered subscription. Note, the registration subId comes from TelephonyManager object which registers PhoneStateListener by TelephonyManager.listen(PhoneStateListener, int). If this TelephonyManager object was created with TelephonyManager.createForSubscriptionId(int), then the callback applies to the subId. Otherwise, this callback applies to SubscriptionManager.getDefaultSubscriptionId().
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE

imsReasonInfo ImsReasonInfo: ImsReasonInfo contains details on why IMS call failed. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 1
public void onMessageWaitingIndicatorChanged (boolean mwi)

This method is deprecated.
Use TelephonyCallback.MessageWaitingIndicatorListener instead.

Callback invoked when the message-waiting indicator changes on the registered subscription. Note, the registration subId comes from TelephonyManager object which registers PhoneStateListener by TelephonyManager.listen(PhoneStateListener, int). If this TelephonyManager object was created with TelephonyManager.createForSubscriptionId(int), then the callback applies to the subId. Otherwise, this callback applies to SubscriptionManager.getDefaultSubscriptionId().
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE

mwi boolean


Added in API level 30
Deprecated in API level 31
public void onPreciseDataConnectionStateChanged (PreciseDataConnectionState dataConnectionState)

This method was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.PreciseDataConnectionStateListener instead.

Callback providing update about the default/internet data connection on the registered subscription. Note, the registration subId comes from TelephonyManager object which registers PhoneStateListener by TelephonyManager.listen(PhoneStateListener, int). If this TelephonyManager object was created with TelephonyManager.createForSubscriptionId(int), then the callback applies to the subId. Otherwise, this callback applies to SubscriptionManager.getDefaultSubscriptionId().

Requires permission Manifest.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE or the calling app has carrier privileges (see TelephonyManager.hasCarrierPrivileges).
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE

dataConnectionState PreciseDataConnectionState: PreciseDataConnectionState This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 30
Deprecated in API level 31
public void onRegistrationFailed (CellIdentity cellIdentity, 
                String chosenPlmn, 
                int domain, 
                int causeCode, 
                int additionalCauseCode)

This method was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.RegistrationFailedListener instead.

Report that Registration or a Location/Routing/Tracking Area update has failed.

Indicate whenever a registration procedure, including a location, routing, or tracking area update fails. This includes procedures that do not necessarily result in a change of the modem's registration status. If the modem's registration status changes, that is reflected in the onNetworkStateChanged() and subsequent get{Voice/Data}RegistrationState().

Because registration failures are ephemeral, this callback is not sticky. Registrants will not receive the most recent past value when registering.
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE and Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

cellIdentity CellIdentity: the CellIdentity, which must include the globally unique identifier for the cell (for example, all components of the CGI or ECGI). This value cannot be null.

chosenPlmn String: a 5 or 6 digit alphanumeric PLMN (MCC|MNC) among those broadcast by the cell that was chosen for the failed registration attempt. This value cannot be null.

domain int: DOMAIN_CS, DOMAIN_PS or both in case of a combined procedure.

causeCode int: the primary failure cause code of the procedure. For GSM/UMTS (MM), values are in TS 24.008 Sec 10.5.95 For GSM/UMTS (GMM), values are in TS 24.008 Sec 10.5.147 For LTE (EMM), cause codes are TS 24.301 Sec For NR (5GMM), cause codes are TS 24.501 Sec Integer.MAX_VALUE if this value is unused.

additionalCauseCode int: the cause code of any secondary/combined procedure if appropriate. For UMTS, if a combined attach succeeds for PS only, then the GMM cause code shall be included as an additionalCauseCode. For LTE (ESM), cause codes are in TS 24.301 Integer.MAX_VALUE if this value is unused.


Added in API level 1
public void onServiceStateChanged (ServiceState serviceState)

This method is deprecated.
Use TelephonyCallback.ServiceStateListener instead.

Callback invoked when device service state changes on the registered subscription. Note, the registration subId comes from TelephonyManager object which registers PhoneStateListener by TelephonyManager.listen(PhoneStateListener, int). If this TelephonyManager object was created with TelephonyManager.createForSubscriptionId(int), then the callback applies to the subId. Otherwise, this callback applies to SubscriptionManager.getDefaultSubscriptionId(). The instance of ServiceState passed as an argument here will have various levels of location information stripped from it depending on the location permissions that your app holds. Only apps holding the Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission will receive all the information in ServiceState, otherwise the cellIdentity will be null if apps only holding the Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission. Network operator name in long/short alphanumeric format and numeric id will be null if apps holding neither Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION nor Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION.

serviceState ServiceState


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 15
public void onSignalStrengthChanged (int asu)

This method was deprecated in API level 15.
Use onSignalStrengthsChanged(android.telephony.SignalStrength)

Callback invoked when network signal strength changes on the registered subscription. Note, the registration subId comes from TelephonyManager object which registers PhoneStateListener by TelephonyManager.listen(PhoneStateListener, int). If this TelephonyManager object was created with TelephonyManager.createForSubscriptionId(int), then the callback applies to the subId. Otherwise, this callback applies to SubscriptionManager.getDefaultSubscriptionId().

asu int


Added in API level 7
Deprecated in API level 31
public void onSignalStrengthsChanged (SignalStrength signalStrength)

This method was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.SignalStrengthsListener instead.

Callback invoked when network signal strengths changes on the registered subscription. Note, the registration subId comes from TelephonyManager object which registers PhoneStateListener by TelephonyManager.listen(PhoneStateListener, int). If this TelephonyManager object was created with TelephonyManager.createForSubscriptionId(int), then the callback applies to the subId. Otherwise, this callback applies to SubscriptionManager.getDefaultSubscriptionId().

signalStrength SignalStrength


Added in API level 28
Deprecated in API level 31
public void onUserMobileDataStateChanged (boolean enabled)

This method was deprecated in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback.UserMobileDataStateListener instead.

Callback invoked when the user mobile data state has changed on the registered subscription. Note, the registration subId comes from TelephonyManager object which registers PhoneStateListener by TelephonyManager.listen(PhoneStateListener, int). If this TelephonyManager object was created with TelephonyManager.createForSubscriptionId(int), then the callback applies to the subId. Otherwise, this callback applies to SubscriptionManager.getDefaultSubscriptionId().

enabled boolean: indicates whether the current user mobile data state is enabled or disabled.