Added in API level 1


public interface Interpolator
implements TimeInterpolator

AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator An interpolator where the rate of change starts and ends slowly but accelerates through the middle. 
AccelerateInterpolator An interpolator where the rate of change starts out slowly and and then accelerates. 
AnticipateInterpolator An interpolator where the change starts backward then flings forward. 
AnticipateOvershootInterpolator An interpolator where the change starts backward then flings forward and overshoots the target value and finally goes back to the final value. 
BaseInterpolator An abstract class which is extended by default interpolators. 
BounceInterpolator An interpolator where the change bounces at the end. 
CycleInterpolator Repeats the animation for a specified number of cycles. 
DecelerateInterpolator An interpolator where the rate of change starts out quickly and and then decelerates. 
LinearInterpolator An interpolator where the rate of change is constant 
OvershootInterpolator An interpolator where the change flings forward and overshoots the last value then comes back. 
PathInterpolator An interpolator that can traverse a Path that extends from Point (0, 0) to (1, 1)

An interpolator defines the rate of change of an animation. This allows the basic animation effects (alpha, scale, translate, rotate) to be accelerated, decelerated, repeated, etc.


Inherited methods

abstract float getInterpolation(float input)

Maps a value representing the elapsed fraction of an animation to a value that represents the interpolated fraction.