
public class RestrictionsManager
extends Object

   ↳ android.content.RestrictionsManager

Provides a mechanism for apps to query restrictions imposed by an entity that manages the user. Apps can also send permission requests to a local or remote device administrator to override default app-specific restrictions or any other operation that needs explicit authorization from the administrator.

Apps can expose a set of restrictions via an XML file specified in the manifest.

If the user has an active Restrictions Provider, dynamic requests can be made in addition to the statically imposed restrictions. Dynamic requests are app-specific and can be expressed via a predefined set of request types.

The RestrictionsManager forwards the dynamic requests to the active Restrictions Provider. The Restrictions Provider can respond back to requests by calling notifyPermissionResponse(java.lang.String, android.os.PersistableBundle), when a response is received from the administrator of the device or user. The response is relayed back to the application via a protected broadcast, ACTION_PERMISSION_RESPONSE_RECEIVED.

Static restrictions are specified by an XML file referenced by a meta-data attribute in the manifest. This enables applications as well as any web administration consoles to be able to read the list of available restrictions from the apk.

The syntax of the XML format is as follows:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <restrictions xmlns:android="" >
         android:title="string resource"
         android:restrictionType=["bool" | "string" | "integer"
                                         | "choice" | "multi-select" | "hidden"
                                         | "bundle" | "bundle_array"]
         android:description="string resource"
         android:entries="string-array resource"
         android:entryValues="string-array resource"
         android:defaultValue="reference" >
             <restriction ... />
     <restriction ... />

The attributes for each restriction depend on the restriction type.

  • key, title and restrictionType are mandatory.
  • entries and entryValues are required if restrictionType is choice or multi-select.
  • defaultValue is optional and its type depends on the restrictionType
  • hidden type must have a defaultValue and will not be shown to the administrator. It can be used to pass along data that cannot be modified, such as a version code.
  • description is meant to describe the restriction in more detail to the administrator controlling the values, if the title is not sufficient.

Only restrictions of type bundle and bundle_array can have one or multiple nested restriction elements.

In your manifest's application section, add the meta-data tag to point to the restrictions XML file as shown below:

 <application ... >
     <meta-data android:name="android.content.APP_RESTRICTIONS"
                   android:resource="@xml/app_restrictions" />




Broadcast intent delivered when a response is received for a permission request.


Activity intent that is optionally implemented by the Restrictions Provider package to challenge for an administrator PIN or password locally on the device.


Broadcast intent sent to the Restrictions Provider to handle a permission request from an app.


The package name of the application making the request.


The request bundle passed in the ACTION_REQUEST_PERMISSION broadcast.


The request ID passed in the ACTION_REQUEST_PERMISSION broadcast.


The request type passed in the ACTION_REQUEST_PERMISSION broadcast.


Contains a response from the administrator for specific request.


Name of the meta-data entry in the manifest that points to the XML file containing the application's available restrictions.


Key for request approval button label contained in the request bundle.


Key for request data contained in the request bundle.


Key for request rejection button label contained in the request bundle.


Key for request icon contained in the request bundle.


Key for request ID contained in the request bundle.


Key for request message contained in the request bundle.


Key for issuing a new request, contained in the request bundle.


Key for request title contained in the request bundle.


Request type for a simple question, with a possible title and icon.


Key for the optional error code in the response bundle sent to the application.


Key for the optional message in the response bundle sent to the application.


Key for the optional timestamp of when the administrator responded to the permission request.


Key for the response result in the response bundle sent to the application, for a permission request.


Response result value indicating that the request was approved.


Response result value indicating that the request was denied.


Response result value indicating an error condition.


Error code indicating that there was a problem with the request.


Error code indicating that there was an internal error.


Error code indicating that there was a problem with the network.


Response result value indicating that the request has not received a response yet.


Response result value indicating that the request is unknown, when it's not a new request.

Public methods

static Bundle convertRestrictionsToBundle(List<RestrictionEntry> entries)

Converts a list of restrictions to the corresponding bundle, using the following mapping:

Intent createLocalApprovalIntent()
Bundle getApplicationRestrictions()

Returns any available set of application-specific restrictions applicable to this application.

List<Bundle> getApplicationRestrictionsPerAdmin()

Returns a List containing a Bundle for each managing agent that has set restrictions for the current application, the bundle contains any application restrictions set for the current package.

List<RestrictionEntry> getManifestRestrictions(String packageName)

Parse and return the list of restrictions defined in the manifest for the specified package, if any.

boolean hasRestrictionsProvider()

Called by an application to check if there is an active Restrictions Provider.

void notifyPermissionResponse(String packageName, PersistableBundle response)

Called by the Restrictions Provider to deliver a response to an application.

void requestPermission(String requestType, String requestId, PersistableBundle request)

Called by an application to request permission for an operation.

Inherited methods

Object clone()

Creates and returns a copy of this object.

boolean equals(Object obj)

Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.

void finalize()

Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.

final Class<?> getClass()

Returns the runtime class of this Object.

int hashCode()

Returns a hash code value for the object.

final void notify()

Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor.

final void notifyAll()

Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor.

String toString()

Returns a string representation of the object.

final void wait(long timeoutMillis, int nanos)

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed.

final void wait(long timeoutMillis)

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed.

final void wait()

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted.



Added in API level 21

Broadcast intent delivered when a response is received for a permission request. The application should not interrupt the user by coming to the foreground if it isn't currently in the foreground. It can either post a notification informing the user of the response or wait until the next time the user launches the app.

For instance, if the user requested permission to make an in-app purchase, the app can post a notification that the request had been approved or denied.

The broadcast Intent carries the following extra: EXTRA_RESPONSE_BUNDLE.

Constant Value: "android.content.action.PERMISSION_RESPONSE_RECEIVED"


Added in API level 21
public static final String ACTION_REQUEST_LOCAL_APPROVAL

Activity intent that is optionally implemented by the Restrictions Provider package to challenge for an administrator PIN or password locally on the device. Apps will call this intent using Activity.startActivityForResult. On a successful response, Activity.onActivityResult will return a resultCode of Activity.RESULT_OK.

The intent must contain EXTRA_REQUEST_BUNDLE as an extra and the bundle must contain at least REQUEST_KEY_MESSAGE for the activity to display.

Constant Value: "android.content.action.REQUEST_LOCAL_APPROVAL"


Added in API level 21
public static final String ACTION_REQUEST_PERMISSION

Broadcast intent sent to the Restrictions Provider to handle a permission request from an app. It will have the following extras: EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME, EXTRA_REQUEST_TYPE, EXTRA_REQUEST_ID and EXTRA_REQUEST_BUNDLE. The Restrictions Provider will handle the request and respond back to the RestrictionsManager, when a response is available, by calling notifyPermissionResponse(String, PersistableBundle).

The BroadcastReceiver must require the Manifest.permission.BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN permission to ensure that only the system can send the broadcast.

Constant Value: "android.content.action.REQUEST_PERMISSION"


Added in API level 21
public static final String EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME

The package name of the application making the request.

Type: String

Constant Value: "android.content.extra.PACKAGE_NAME"


Added in API level 21
public static final String EXTRA_REQUEST_BUNDLE

The request bundle passed in the ACTION_REQUEST_PERMISSION broadcast.

Type: PersistableBundle

Constant Value: "android.content.extra.REQUEST_BUNDLE"


Added in API level 21
public static final String EXTRA_REQUEST_ID

The request ID passed in the ACTION_REQUEST_PERMISSION broadcast.

Type: String

Constant Value: "android.content.extra.REQUEST_ID"


Added in API level 21
public static final String EXTRA_REQUEST_TYPE

The request type passed in the ACTION_REQUEST_PERMISSION broadcast.

Type: String

Constant Value: "android.content.extra.REQUEST_TYPE"


Added in API level 21
public static final String EXTRA_RESPONSE_BUNDLE

Contains a response from the administrator for specific request. The bundle contains the following information, at least:

Type: PersistableBundle

Constant Value: "android.content.extra.RESPONSE_BUNDLE"


Added in API level 21
public static final String META_DATA_APP_RESTRICTIONS

Name of the meta-data entry in the manifest that points to the XML file containing the application's available restrictions.

Constant Value: "android.content.APP_RESTRICTIONS"


Added in API level 21
public static final String REQUEST_KEY_APPROVE_LABEL

Key for request approval button label contained in the request bundle.

Optional, may be shown as a label on the positive button in a dialog or notification presented to the administrator who approves the request.

Type: String

Constant Value: "android.request.approve_label"


Added in API level 21
public static final String REQUEST_KEY_DATA

Key for request data contained in the request bundle.

Optional, typically used to identify the specific data that is being referred to, such as the unique identifier for a movie or book. This is not used for display purposes and is more like a cookie. This value is returned in the EXTRA_RESPONSE_BUNDLE.

Type: String

Constant Value: ""


Added in API level 21
public static final String REQUEST_KEY_DENY_LABEL

Key for request rejection button label contained in the request bundle.

Optional, may be shown as a label on the negative button in a dialog or notification presented to the administrator who approves the request.

Type: String

Constant Value: "android.request.deny_label"


Added in API level 21
public static final String REQUEST_KEY_ICON

Key for request icon contained in the request bundle.

Optional, shown alongside the request message presented to the administrator who approves the request. The content must be a compressed image such as a PNG or JPEG, as a byte array.

Type: byte[]

Constant Value: "android.request.icon"


Added in API level 21
public static final String REQUEST_KEY_ID

Key for request ID contained in the request bundle.

App-generated request ID to identify the specific request when receiving a response. This value is returned in the EXTRA_RESPONSE_BUNDLE.

Type: String

Constant Value: ""


Added in API level 21
public static final String REQUEST_KEY_MESSAGE

Key for request message contained in the request bundle.

Required, shown as the actual message in a notification or dialog presented to the administrator who approves the request.

Type: String

Constant Value: "android.request.mesg"


Added in API level 21
public static final String REQUEST_KEY_NEW_REQUEST

Key for issuing a new request, contained in the request bundle. If this is set to true, the Restrictions Provider must make a new request. If it is false or not specified, then the Restrictions Provider can return a cached response that has the same requestId, if available. If there's no cached response, it will issue a new one to the administrator.

Type: boolean

Constant Value: "android.request.new_request"


Added in API level 21
public static final String REQUEST_KEY_TITLE

Key for request title contained in the request bundle.

Optional, typically used as the title of any notification or dialog presented to the administrator who approves the request.

Type: String

Constant Value: "android.request.title"


Added in API level 21
public static final String REQUEST_TYPE_APPROVAL

Request type for a simple question, with a possible title and icon.

Required keys are: REQUEST_KEY_MESSAGE


Constant Value: "android.request.type.approval"


Added in API level 21
public static final String RESPONSE_KEY_ERROR_CODE

Key for the optional error code in the response bundle sent to the application.

Type: int


Constant Value: "android.response.errorcode"


Added in API level 21
public static final String RESPONSE_KEY_MESSAGE

Key for the optional message in the response bundle sent to the application.

Type: String

Constant Value: "android.response.msg"


Added in API level 21
public static final String RESPONSE_KEY_RESPONSE_TIMESTAMP

Key for the optional timestamp of when the administrator responded to the permission request. It is an represented in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00.0 UTC.

Type: long

Constant Value: "android.response.timestamp"


Added in API level 21
public static final String RESPONSE_KEY_RESULT

Key for the response result in the response bundle sent to the application, for a permission request. It indicates the status of the request. In some cases an additional message might be available in RESPONSE_KEY_MESSAGE, to be displayed to the user.

Type: int


Constant Value: "android.response.result"


Added in API level 21
public static final int RESULT_APPROVED

Response result value indicating that the request was approved.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


Added in API level 21
public static final int RESULT_DENIED

Response result value indicating that the request was denied.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


Added in API level 21
public static final int RESULT_ERROR

Response result value indicating an error condition. Additional error code might be available in the response bundle, for the key RESPONSE_KEY_ERROR_CODE. There might also be an associated error message in the response bundle, for the key RESPONSE_KEY_MESSAGE.

Constant Value: 5 (0x00000005)


Added in API level 21
public static final int RESULT_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST

Error code indicating that there was a problem with the request.

Stored in RESPONSE_KEY_ERROR_CODE field in the response bundle.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


Added in API level 21
public static final int RESULT_ERROR_INTERNAL

Error code indicating that there was an internal error.

Stored in RESPONSE_KEY_ERROR_CODE field in the response bundle.

Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)


Added in API level 21
public static final int RESULT_ERROR_NETWORK

Error code indicating that there was a problem with the network.

Stored in RESPONSE_KEY_ERROR_CODE field in the response bundle.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


Added in API level 21
public static final int RESULT_NO_RESPONSE

Response result value indicating that the request has not received a response yet.

Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)


Added in API level 21
public static final int RESULT_UNKNOWN_REQUEST

Response result value indicating that the request is unknown, when it's not a new request.

Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)

Public methods


Added in API level 23
public static Bundle convertRestrictionsToBundle (List<RestrictionEntry> entries)

Converts a list of restrictions to the corresponding bundle, using the following mapping:

entries List: list of restrictions



Added in API level 21
public Intent createLocalApprovalIntent ()



Added in API level 21
public Bundle getApplicationRestrictions ()

Returns any available set of application-specific restrictions applicable to this application.

Bundle the application restrictions as a Bundle. Returns null if there are no restrictions.

Starting from Android version Build.VERSION_CODES.UPSIDE_DOWN_CAKE, it is possible for there to be multiple managing apps on the device with the ability to set restrictions, e.g. a Device Policy Controller (DPC) and a Supervision admin. This API will only return the restrictions set by the DPCs. To retrieve restrictions set by all managing apps, use getApplicationRestrictionsPerAdmin() instead.


Added in API level 34
public List<Bundle> getApplicationRestrictionsPerAdmin ()

Returns a List containing a Bundle for each managing agent that has set restrictions for the current application, the bundle contains any application restrictions set for the current package. The order of the items in the list is not guaranteed to remain stable between multiple calls.

Starting from Android version Build.VERSION_CODES.UPSIDE_DOWN_CAKE, it is possible for there to be multiple managing apps on the device with the ability to set restrictions, e.g. an Enterprise Device Policy Controller (DPC) and a Supervision admin.

Each Bundle consists of key-value pairs, as defined by the application, where the types of values may be:

NOTE: The method performs disk I/O and shouldn't be called on the main thread
This method may take several seconds to complete, so it should only be called from a worker thread.

List<Bundle> a List of Bundle containing the restrictions set by admins for that package. Returns an empty List if there are no saved restrictions. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 21
public List<RestrictionEntry> getManifestRestrictions (String packageName)

Parse and return the list of restrictions defined in the manifest for the specified package, if any.

packageName String: The application for which to fetch the restrictions list.

List<RestrictionEntry> The list of RestrictionEntry objects created from the XML file specified in the manifest, or null if none was specified.


Added in API level 21
public boolean hasRestrictionsProvider ()

Called by an application to check if there is an active Restrictions Provider. If there isn't, requestPermission(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, android.os.PersistableBundle) is not available.

boolean whether there is an active Restrictions Provider.


Added in API level 21
public void notifyPermissionResponse (String packageName, 
                PersistableBundle response)

Called by the Restrictions Provider to deliver a response to an application.

packageName String: the application to deliver the response to. Cannot be null.

response PersistableBundle: the bundle containing the response status, request ID and other information. Cannot be null.

IllegalArgumentException if any of the required parameters are missing.


Added in API level 21
public void requestPermission (String requestType, 
                String requestId, 
                PersistableBundle request)

Called by an application to request permission for an operation. The contents of the request are passed in a Bundle that contains several pieces of data depending on the chosen request type.

requestType String: The type of request. The type could be one of the predefined types specified here or a custom type that the specific Restrictions Provider might understand. For custom types, the type name should be namespaced to avoid collisions with predefined types and types specified by other Restrictions Providers.

requestId String: A unique id generated by the app that contains sufficient information to identify the parameters of the request when it receives the id in the response.

request PersistableBundle: A PersistableBundle containing the data corresponding to the specified request type. The keys for the data in the bundle depend on the request type.

IllegalArgumentException if any of the required parameters are missing.