
public static final class R.style
extends Object

   ↳ android.R.style



int Animation

Base style for animations.

int Animation_Activity

Standard animations for a full-screen window or activity.

int Animation_Dialog

Standard animations for a non-full-screen window or activity.

int Animation_InputMethod

Window animations that are applied to input method overlay windows.

int Animation_Toast

int Animation_Translucent

Standard animations for a translucent window or activity.

int DeviceDefault_ButtonBar

Other Styles

int DeviceDefault_ButtonBar_AlertDialog

int DeviceDefault_Light_ButtonBar

int DeviceDefault_Light_ButtonBar_AlertDialog

int DeviceDefault_Light_SegmentedButton

int DeviceDefault_SegmentedButton

int Holo_ButtonBar

int Holo_ButtonBar_AlertDialog

int Holo_Light_ButtonBar

int Holo_Light_ButtonBar_AlertDialog

int Holo_Light_SegmentedButton

int Holo_SegmentedButton

int MediaButton

int MediaButton_Ffwd

int MediaButton_Next

int MediaButton_Pause

int MediaButton_Play

int MediaButton_Previous

int MediaButton_Rew

int TextAppearance

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault

Text Appearance Styles

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_DialogWindowTitle

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Headline

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Inverse

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Large

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Large_Inverse

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Medium

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Medium_Inverse

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_SearchResult_Subtitle

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_SearchResult_Title

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Small

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Small_Inverse

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_ActionBar_Menu

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle_Inverse

This constant was deprecated in API level 21. Action bars are now themed using the inheritable android:theme attribute.

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_ActionBar_Title

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_ActionBar_Title_Inverse

This constant was deprecated in API level 21. Action bars are now themed using the inheritable android:theme attribute.

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_ActionMode_Subtitle

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_ActionMode_Subtitle_Inverse

This constant was deprecated in API level 21. Action bars are now themed using the inheritable android:theme attribute.

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_ActionMode_Title

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_ActionMode_Title_Inverse

This constant was deprecated in API level 21. Action bars are now themed using the inheritable android:theme attribute.

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_Button

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_DropDownHint

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_DropDownItem

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_EditText

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_IconMenu_Item

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_PopupMenu

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_PopupMenu_Large

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_PopupMenu_Small

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_TabWidget

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_TextView

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_TextView_PopupMenu

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_TextView_SpinnerItem

int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_WindowTitle

int TextAppearance_DialogWindowTitle

int TextAppearance_Holo

Text Styles

int TextAppearance_Holo_DialogWindowTitle

int TextAppearance_Holo_Inverse

int TextAppearance_Holo_Large

int TextAppearance_Holo_Large_Inverse

int TextAppearance_Holo_Medium

int TextAppearance_Holo_Medium_Inverse

int TextAppearance_Holo_SearchResult_Subtitle

int TextAppearance_Holo_SearchResult_Title

int TextAppearance_Holo_Small

int TextAppearance_Holo_Small_Inverse

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_ActionBar_Menu

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle_Inverse

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_ActionBar_Title

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_ActionBar_Title_Inverse

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_ActionMode_Subtitle

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_ActionMode_Subtitle_Inverse

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_ActionMode_Title

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_ActionMode_Title_Inverse

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_Button

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_DropDownHint

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_DropDownItem

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_EditText

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_IconMenu_Item

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_PopupMenu

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_PopupMenu_Large

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_PopupMenu_Small

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_TabWidget

This style is for smaller screens; values-xlarge defines a version for larger screens.

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_TextView

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_TextView_PopupMenu

int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_TextView_SpinnerItem

int TextAppearance_Holo_WindowTitle

int TextAppearance_Inverse

int TextAppearance_Large

int TextAppearance_Large_Inverse

int TextAppearance_Material

Text styles

int TextAppearance_Material_Body1

int TextAppearance_Material_Body2

int TextAppearance_Material_Button

int TextAppearance_Material_Caption

int TextAppearance_Material_DialogWindowTitle

int TextAppearance_Material_Display1

int TextAppearance_Material_Display2

int TextAppearance_Material_Display3

int TextAppearance_Material_Display4

int TextAppearance_Material_Headline

int TextAppearance_Material_Inverse

Deprecated text styles

int TextAppearance_Material_Large

int TextAppearance_Material_Large_Inverse

int TextAppearance_Material_Medium

int TextAppearance_Material_Medium_Inverse

int TextAppearance_Material_Menu

int TextAppearance_Material_Notification

int TextAppearance_Material_Notification_Emphasis

unused; keep identical to parent

int TextAppearance_Material_Notification_Info

int TextAppearance_Material_Notification_Line2

int TextAppearance_Material_Notification_Time

int TextAppearance_Material_Notification_Title

int TextAppearance_Material_SearchResult_Subtitle

int TextAppearance_Material_SearchResult_Title

int TextAppearance_Material_Small

int TextAppearance_Material_Small_Inverse

int TextAppearance_Material_Subhead

int TextAppearance_Material_Title

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_ActionBar_Menu

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle_Inverse

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_ActionBar_Title

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_ActionBar_Title_Inverse

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_ActionMode_Subtitle

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_ActionMode_Subtitle_Inverse

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_ActionMode_Title

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_ActionMode_Title_Inverse

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_Button

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_Button_Borderless_Colored

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_Button_Colored

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_Button_Inverse

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_DropDownHint

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_DropDownItem

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_EditText

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_IconMenu_Item

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_PopupMenu

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_PopupMenu_Large

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_PopupMenu_Small

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_TabWidget

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_TextView

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_TextView_PopupMenu

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_TextView_SpinnerItem

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_Toolbar_Subtitle

int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_Toolbar_Title

int TextAppearance_Material_WindowTitle

int TextAppearance_Medium

int TextAppearance_Medium_Inverse

int TextAppearance_Small

int TextAppearance_Small_Inverse

int TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent

Notification content styles

int TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent_Title

int TextAppearance_StatusBar_Icon

int TextAppearance_StatusBar_Title

int TextAppearance_SuggestionHighlight

int TextAppearance_Theme

int TextAppearance_Theme_Dialog

int TextAppearance_Widget

int TextAppearance_Widget_Button

int TextAppearance_Widget_DropDownHint

int TextAppearance_Widget_DropDownItem

int TextAppearance_Widget_EditText

int TextAppearance_Widget_IconMenu_Item

int TextAppearance_Widget_PopupMenu_Large

int TextAppearance_Widget_PopupMenu_Small

int TextAppearance_Widget_TabWidget

int TextAppearance_Widget_TextView

int TextAppearance_Widget_TextView_PopupMenu

int TextAppearance_Widget_TextView_SpinnerItem

int TextAppearance_WindowTitle

int Theme

The default theme for apps on API level 10 and lower.

int ThemeOverlay

int ThemeOverlay_DeviceDefault_Accent_DayNight

Theme overlay that replaces colorAccent with the colorAccent from Theme_DeviceDefault_DayNight.

int ThemeOverlay_Material

int ThemeOverlay_Material_ActionBar

Theme overlay that replaces the normal control color, which by default is the same as the secondary text color, with the primary text color.

int ThemeOverlay_Material_Dark

Theme overlay that replaces colors with their dark versions but preserves the value of colorAccent, colorPrimary and its variants.

int ThemeOverlay_Material_Dark_ActionBar

Theme overlay that replaces colors with their dark versions and replaces the normal control color, which by default is the same as the secondary text color, with the primary text color.

int ThemeOverlay_Material_Dialog

Theme overlay that overrides window properties to display as a dialog.

int ThemeOverlay_Material_Dialog_Alert

int ThemeOverlay_Material_Light

Theme overlay that replaces colors with their light versions but preserves the value of colorAccent, colorPrimary and its variants.

int Theme_Black

Variant on Theme that ensures the background is completely black.

int Theme_Black_NoTitleBar

Variant of Theme_Black with no title bar

int Theme_Black_NoTitleBar_Fullscreen

Variant of Theme_Black that has no title bar and no status bar.

int Theme_DeviceDefault

int Theme_DeviceDefault_DayNight

DeviceDefault theme for day/night activities.

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Dialog

DeviceDefault theme for dialog windows and activities.

int Theme_DeviceDefault_DialogWhenLarge

DeviceDefault theme for a window that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

int Theme_DeviceDefault_DialogWhenLarge_NoActionBar

DeviceDefault theme for a window without an action bar that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Dialog_Alert

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Dialog_MinWidth

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Dialog that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog.

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Dialog_NoActionBar

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Dialog without an action bar Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Dialog without an action bar

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Dialog_NoActionBar_MinWidth

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Dialog_NoActionBar that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog.

int Theme_DeviceDefault_InputMethod

DeviceDefault style for input methods, which is used by the InputMethodService class.

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault with a light-colored style

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_DarkActionBar

Variant of the DeviceDefault (light) theme that has a solid (opaque) action bar with an inverse color profile.

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_Dialog

DeviceDefault light theme for dialog windows and activities.

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_DialogWhenLarge

DeviceDefault light theme for a window that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_DialogWhenLarge_NoActionBar

DeviceDefault light theme for a window without an action bar that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_Dialog_Alert

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_Dialog_MinWidth

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_Dialog that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog.

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_Dialog_NoActionBar

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_Dialog without an action bar

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_Dialog_NoActionBar_MinWidth

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_Dialog_NoActionBar that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog.

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_NoActionBar

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Light with no action bar

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_NoActionBar_Fullscreen

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Light with no action bar and no status bar.

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_NoActionBar_Overscan

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Light with no action bar and no status bar and extending in to overscan region.

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_NoActionBar_TranslucentDecor

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Light that has no title bar and translucent system decor.

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_Panel

DeviceDefault light theme for panel windows.

int Theme_DeviceDefault_NoActionBar

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault with no action bar Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault with no action bar

int Theme_DeviceDefault_NoActionBar_Fullscreen

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault with no action bar and no status bar.

int Theme_DeviceDefault_NoActionBar_Overscan

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault with no action bar and no status bar and extending in to overscan region.

int Theme_DeviceDefault_NoActionBar_TranslucentDecor

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault that has no title bar and translucent system decor.

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Panel

DeviceDefault theme for panel windows.

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Settings

DeviceDefault theme for a window that should look like the Settings app.

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Wallpaper

DeviceDefault theme for windows that want to have the user's selected wallpaper appear behind them.

int Theme_DeviceDefault_Wallpaper_NoTitleBar

DeviceDefault theme for windows that want to have the user's selected wallpaper appear behind them and without an action bar.

int Theme_Dialog

Default theme for dialog windows and activities (on API level 10 and lower), which is used by the Dialog class.

int Theme_Holo

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_Dialog

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_DialogWhenLarge

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_DialogWhenLarge_NoActionBar

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_Dialog_MinWidth

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_Dialog_NoActionBar

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_Dialog_NoActionBar_MinWidth

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_InputMethod

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_Light

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_Light_DarkActionBar

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_Light_Dialog

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_Light_DialogWhenLarge

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_Light_DialogWhenLarge_NoActionBar

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_Light_Dialog_MinWidth

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_Light_Dialog_NoActionBar

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_Light_Dialog_NoActionBar_MinWidth

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_Light_NoActionBar

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_Light_NoActionBar_Fullscreen

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_Light_NoActionBar_Overscan

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_Light_NoActionBar_TranslucentDecor

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_Light_Panel

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_NoActionBar

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_NoActionBar_Fullscreen

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_NoActionBar_Overscan

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_NoActionBar_TranslucentDecor

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_Panel

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_Wallpaper

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_Holo_Wallpaper_NoTitleBar

This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

int Theme_InputMethod

Default theme for input methods (on API level 10 and lower), which is used by the InputMethodService class.

int Theme_Light

Theme for a light background with dark text on top.

int Theme_Light_NoTitleBar

Variant of Theme_Light with no title bar

int Theme_Light_NoTitleBar_Fullscreen

Variant of Theme_Light that has no title bar and no status bar.

int Theme_Light_Panel

Default light theme for panel windows (on API level 10 and lower).

int Theme_Light_WallpaperSettings

Theme for a wallpaper's setting activity, which is designed to be a transparent background with a light shade, so the previous Activity is visible in the background.

int Theme_Material

Material theme (dark version).

int Theme_Material_Dialog

Material theme for dialog windows and activities, which is used by the Dialog class.

int Theme_Material_DialogWhenLarge

Theme for a window that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

int Theme_Material_DialogWhenLarge_NoActionBar

Theme for a window without a title bar that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

int Theme_Material_Dialog_Alert

Material theme for alert dialog windows, which is used by the AlertDialog class.

int Theme_Material_Dialog_MinWidth

Variant of Theme.Material.Dialog that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog.

int Theme_Material_Dialog_NoActionBar

Variant of Theme.Material.Dialog that does not include a title bar.

int Theme_Material_Dialog_NoActionBar_MinWidth

Variant of Theme.Material.Dialog.NoActionBar that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog.

int Theme_Material_Dialog_Presentation

Theme for a presentation window on a secondary display.

int Theme_Material_InputMethod

Default theme for material style input methods, which is used by the InputMethodService class.

int Theme_Material_Light

Material theme (light version).

int Theme_Material_Light_DarkActionBar

Variant of the material (light) theme that has a solid (opaque) action bar with an inverse color profile.

int Theme_Material_Light_Dialog

Material light theme for dialog windows and activities, which is used by the Dialog class.

int Theme_Material_Light_DialogWhenLarge

Theme for a window that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

int Theme_Material_Light_DialogWhenLarge_DarkActionBar

Theme for a window with a dark title bar that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

int Theme_Material_Light_DialogWhenLarge_NoActionBar

Theme for a window without an action bar that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

int Theme_Material_Light_Dialog_Alert

Material light theme for alert dialog windows, which is used by the AlertDialog class.

int Theme_Material_Light_Dialog_MinWidth

Variant of Theme.Material.Light.Dialog that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog.

int Theme_Material_Light_Dialog_NoActionBar

Variant of Theme.Material.Light.Dialog that does not include a title bar.

int Theme_Material_Light_Dialog_NoActionBar_MinWidth

Variant of Theme.Material.Light.Dialog.NoActionBar that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog.

int Theme_Material_Light_Dialog_Presentation

Theme for a presentation window on a secondary display.

int Theme_Material_Light_LightStatusBar

Variant of the material (light) theme that has a light status bar background with dark status bar contents.

int Theme_Material_Light_NoActionBar

Variant of the material (light) theme with no action bar.

int Theme_Material_Light_NoActionBar_Fullscreen

Variant of the material (light) theme that has no title bar and fills the entire screen.

int Theme_Material_Light_NoActionBar_Overscan

This constant was deprecated in API level 30. Overscan areas aren't set by any Android product anymore as of Android 11.

int Theme_Material_Light_NoActionBar_TranslucentDecor

Variant of the material (light) theme that has no title bar and translucent system decor.

int Theme_Material_Light_Panel

Default material light theme for panel windows.

int Theme_Material_Light_Voice

Material light theme for an activity that is to be used for voice interaction.

int Theme_Material_NoActionBar

Variant of the material (dark) theme with no action bar.

int Theme_Material_NoActionBar_Fullscreen

Variant of the material (dark) theme that has no title bar and fills the entire screen.

int Theme_Material_NoActionBar_Overscan

This constant was deprecated in API level 30. Overscan areas aren't set by any Android product anymore as of Android 11.

int Theme_Material_NoActionBar_TranslucentDecor

Variant of the material (dark) theme that has no title bar and translucent system decor.

int Theme_Material_Panel

Default material dark theme for panel windows.

int Theme_Material_Settings

Default theme for Settings and activities launched from Settings.

int Theme_Material_Voice

Material theme for an activity that is to be used for voice interaction.

int Theme_Material_Wallpaper

Default material (dark) for windows that want to have the user's selected wallpaper appear behind them.

int Theme_Material_Wallpaper_NoTitleBar

Default material (dark) for windows that want to have the user's selected wallpaper appear behind them and without an action bar.

int Theme_NoDisplay

Default theme for activities that don't actually display a UI; that is, they finish themselves before being resumed.

int Theme_NoTitleBar

Variant of Theme with no title bar

int Theme_NoTitleBar_Fullscreen

Variant of Theme that has no title bar and no status bar.

int Theme_NoTitleBar_OverlayActionModes

No title bar, but Action Mode bars will overlay application content instead of pushing it down to make room.

int Theme_Panel

Default dark theme for panel windows (on API level 10 and lower).

int Theme_Translucent

Theme for translucent activities (on API level 10 and lower).

int Theme_Translucent_NoTitleBar

Variant of Theme_Translucent with no title bar

int Theme_Translucent_NoTitleBar_Fullscreen

Variant of Theme_Translucent that has no title bar and no status bar

int Theme_Wallpaper

Theme for windows that want to have the user's selected wallpaper appear behind them (for API level 10 and lower).

int Theme_WallpaperSettings

Theme for a wallpaper's setting activity, which is designed to be a transparent background with a dark shade, so the previous Activity is visible in the background.

int Theme_Wallpaper_NoTitleBar

Variant of Theme_Wallpaper that has no title bar

int Theme_Wallpaper_NoTitleBar_Fullscreen

Variant of Theme_Wallpaper that has no title bar or status bar.

int Theme_WithActionBar

Default theme with an Action Bar.

int Widget

Widget Styles

int Widget_AbsListView

int Widget_ActionBar

int Widget_ActionBar_TabBar

int Widget_ActionBar_TabText

int Widget_ActionBar_TabView

int Widget_ActionButton

int Widget_ActionButton_CloseMode

int Widget_ActionButton_Overflow

int Widget_AutoCompleteTextView

int Widget_Button

int Widget_Button_Inset

int Widget_Button_Small

int Widget_Button_Toggle

int Widget_CalendarView

int Widget_CompoundButton

int Widget_CompoundButton_CheckBox

int Widget_CompoundButton_RadioButton

int Widget_CompoundButton_Star

int Widget_DatePicker

int Widget_DeviceDefault

Widget Styles

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ActionBar

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ActionBar_Solid

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ActionBar_TabBar

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ActionBar_TabText

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ActionBar_TabView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ActionButton

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ActionButton_CloseMode

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ActionButton_Overflow

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ActionButton_TextButton

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ActionMode

int Widget_DeviceDefault_AutoCompleteTextView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Button

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Button_Borderless

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Button_Borderless_Colored

Colored borderless ink button

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Button_Borderless_Small

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Button_Colored

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Button_Inset

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Button_Small

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Button_Toggle

int Widget_DeviceDefault_CalendarView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_CheckedTextView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_CompoundButton_CheckBox

int Widget_DeviceDefault_CompoundButton_RadioButton

int Widget_DeviceDefault_CompoundButton_Star

int Widget_DeviceDefault_DatePicker

int Widget_DeviceDefault_DropDownItem

int Widget_DeviceDefault_DropDownItem_Spinner

int Widget_DeviceDefault_EditText

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ExpandableListView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_FastScroll

int Widget_DeviceDefault_GridView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_HorizontalScrollView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ImageButton

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionBar

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionBar_Solid

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionBar_Solid_Inverse

This constant was deprecated in API level 21. Action bars are now themed using the inheritable android:theme attribute.

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionBar_TabBar

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionBar_TabBar_Inverse

This constant was deprecated in API level 21. Action bars are now themed using the inheritable android:theme attribute.

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionBar_TabText

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionBar_TabText_Inverse

This constant was deprecated in API level 21. Action bars are now themed using the inheritable android:theme attribute.

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionBar_TabView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionBar_TabView_Inverse

This constant was deprecated in API level 21. Action bars are now themed using the inheritable android:theme attribute.

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionButton

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionButton_CloseMode

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionButton_Overflow

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionMode

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionMode_Inverse

This constant was deprecated in API level 21. Action bars are now themed using the inheritable android:theme attribute.

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_AutoCompleteTextView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_Button

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_Button_Borderless_Small

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_Button_Inset

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_Button_Small

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_Button_Toggle

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_CalendarView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_CheckedTextView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_CompoundButton_CheckBox

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_CompoundButton_RadioButton

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_CompoundButton_Star

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_DropDownItem

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_DropDownItem_Spinner

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_EditText

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ExpandableListView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_FastScroll

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_GridView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_HorizontalScrollView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ImageButton

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ListPopupWindow

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ListView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ListView_DropDown

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_MediaRouteButton

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_PopupMenu

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_PopupWindow

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ProgressBar

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ProgressBar_Horizontal

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ProgressBar_Inverse

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ProgressBar_Large

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ProgressBar_Large_Inverse

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ProgressBar_Small

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ProgressBar_Small_Inverse

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ProgressBar_Small_Title

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_RatingBar

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_RatingBar_Indicator

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_RatingBar_Small

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ScrollView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_SeekBar

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_Spinner

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_StackView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_Tab

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_TabWidget

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_TextView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_TextView_SpinnerItem

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_WebTextView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_WebView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ListPopupWindow

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ListView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ListView_DropDown

int Widget_DeviceDefault_MediaRouteButton

int Widget_DeviceDefault_PopupMenu

int Widget_DeviceDefault_PopupWindow

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ProgressBar

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ProgressBar_Horizontal

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ProgressBar_Large

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ProgressBar_Small

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ProgressBar_Small_Title

int Widget_DeviceDefault_RatingBar

int Widget_DeviceDefault_RatingBar_Indicator

int Widget_DeviceDefault_RatingBar_Small

int Widget_DeviceDefault_ScrollView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_SeekBar

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Spinner

int Widget_DeviceDefault_StackView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_Tab

int Widget_DeviceDefault_TabWidget

int Widget_DeviceDefault_TextView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_TextView_SpinnerItem

int Widget_DeviceDefault_WebTextView

int Widget_DeviceDefault_WebView

int Widget_DropDownItem

int Widget_DropDownItem_Spinner

int Widget_EditText

int Widget_ExpandableListView

int Widget_FastScroll

int Widget_FragmentBreadCrumbs

int Widget_Gallery

int Widget_GridView

int Widget_Holo

Widget Styles

int Widget_Holo_ActionBar

int Widget_Holo_ActionBar_Solid

int Widget_Holo_ActionBar_TabBar

int Widget_Holo_ActionBar_TabText

int Widget_Holo_ActionBar_TabView

int Widget_Holo_ActionButton

int Widget_Holo_ActionButton_CloseMode

int Widget_Holo_ActionButton_Overflow

int Widget_Holo_ActionButton_TextButton

int Widget_Holo_ActionMode

int Widget_Holo_AutoCompleteTextView

int Widget_Holo_Button

int Widget_Holo_Button_Borderless

int Widget_Holo_Button_Borderless_Small

int Widget_Holo_Button_Inset

int Widget_Holo_Button_Small

int Widget_Holo_Button_Toggle

int Widget_Holo_CalendarView

int Widget_Holo_CheckedTextView

int Widget_Holo_CompoundButton_CheckBox

int Widget_Holo_CompoundButton_RadioButton

int Widget_Holo_CompoundButton_Star

int Widget_Holo_DatePicker

int Widget_Holo_DropDownItem

int Widget_Holo_DropDownItem_Spinner

int Widget_Holo_EditText

int Widget_Holo_ExpandableListView

int Widget_Holo_GridView

int Widget_Holo_HorizontalScrollView

int Widget_Holo_ImageButton

int Widget_Holo_Light

Light widget styles

int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionBar

int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionBar_Solid

int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionBar_Solid_Inverse

int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionBar_TabBar

int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionBar_TabBar_Inverse

int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionBar_TabText

int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionBar_TabText_Inverse

int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionBar_TabView

int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionBar_TabView_Inverse

int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionButton

int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionButton_CloseMode

int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionButton_Overflow

int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionMode

int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionMode_Inverse

int Widget_Holo_Light_AutoCompleteTextView

int Widget_Holo_Light_Button

int Widget_Holo_Light_Button_Borderless_Small

int Widget_Holo_Light_Button_Inset

int Widget_Holo_Light_Button_Small

int Widget_Holo_Light_Button_Toggle

int Widget_Holo_Light_CalendarView

int Widget_Holo_Light_CheckedTextView

int Widget_Holo_Light_CompoundButton_CheckBox

int Widget_Holo_Light_CompoundButton_RadioButton

int Widget_Holo_Light_CompoundButton_Star

int Widget_Holo_Light_DropDownItem

int Widget_Holo_Light_DropDownItem_Spinner

int Widget_Holo_Light_EditText

int Widget_Holo_Light_ExpandableListView

int Widget_Holo_Light_GridView

int Widget_Holo_Light_HorizontalScrollView

int Widget_Holo_Light_ImageButton

int Widget_Holo_Light_ListPopupWindow

int Widget_Holo_Light_ListView

int Widget_Holo_Light_ListView_DropDown

int Widget_Holo_Light_MediaRouteButton

int Widget_Holo_Light_PopupMenu

int Widget_Holo_Light_PopupWindow

int Widget_Holo_Light_ProgressBar

int Widget_Holo_Light_ProgressBar_Horizontal

int Widget_Holo_Light_ProgressBar_Inverse

int Widget_Holo_Light_ProgressBar_Large

int Widget_Holo_Light_ProgressBar_Large_Inverse

int Widget_Holo_Light_ProgressBar_Small

int Widget_Holo_Light_ProgressBar_Small_Inverse

int Widget_Holo_Light_ProgressBar_Small_Title

int Widget_Holo_Light_RatingBar

int Widget_Holo_Light_RatingBar_Indicator

int Widget_Holo_Light_RatingBar_Small

int Widget_Holo_Light_ScrollView

int Widget_Holo_Light_SeekBar

int Widget_Holo_Light_Spinner

int Widget_Holo_Light_Tab

int Widget_Holo_Light_TabWidget

int Widget_Holo_Light_TextView

int Widget_Holo_Light_TextView_SpinnerItem

int Widget_Holo_Light_WebTextView

int Widget_Holo_Light_WebView

int Widget_Holo_ListPopupWindow

int Widget_Holo_ListView

int Widget_Holo_ListView_DropDown

int Widget_Holo_MediaRouteButton

int Widget_Holo_PopupMenu

int Widget_Holo_PopupWindow

int Widget_Holo_ProgressBar

int Widget_Holo_ProgressBar_Horizontal

int Widget_Holo_ProgressBar_Large

int Widget_Holo_ProgressBar_Small

int Widget_Holo_ProgressBar_Small_Title

int Widget_Holo_RatingBar

int Widget_Holo_RatingBar_Indicator

int Widget_Holo_RatingBar_Small

int Widget_Holo_ScrollView

int Widget_Holo_SeekBar

int Widget_Holo_Spinner

int Widget_Holo_Tab

int Widget_Holo_TabWidget

int Widget_Holo_TextView

int Widget_Holo_TextView_SpinnerItem

int Widget_Holo_WebTextView

int Widget_Holo_WebView

int Widget_ImageButton

int Widget_ImageWell

int Widget_KeyboardView

This constant was deprecated in API level 29. Use Copy this definition into your own application project.

int Widget_ListPopupWindow

int Widget_ListView

int Widget_ListView_DropDown

int Widget_ListView_Menu

int Widget_ListView_White

int Widget_Material

int Widget_Material_ActionBar

int Widget_Material_ActionBar_Solid

int Widget_Material_ActionBar_TabBar

int Widget_Material_ActionBar_TabText

int Widget_Material_ActionBar_TabView

int Widget_Material_ActionButton

int Widget_Material_ActionButton_CloseMode

int Widget_Material_ActionButton_Overflow

int Widget_Material_ActionMode

int Widget_Material_AutoCompleteTextView

int Widget_Material_Button

Bordered ink button

int Widget_Material_ButtonBar

int Widget_Material_ButtonBar_AlertDialog

int Widget_Material_Button_Borderless

Borderless ink button

int Widget_Material_Button_Borderless_Colored

Colored borderless ink button

int Widget_Material_Button_Borderless_Small

Small borderless ink button

int Widget_Material_Button_Colored

Colored bordered ink button

int Widget_Material_Button_Inset

int Widget_Material_Button_Small

Small bordered ink button

int Widget_Material_Button_Toggle

int Widget_Material_CalendarView

int Widget_Material_CheckedTextView

int Widget_Material_CompoundButton_CheckBox

int Widget_Material_CompoundButton_RadioButton

int Widget_Material_CompoundButton_Star

int Widget_Material_CompoundButton_Switch

int Widget_Material_DatePicker

int Widget_Material_DropDownItem

int Widget_Material_DropDownItem_Spinner

int Widget_Material_EditText

int Widget_Material_ExpandableListView

int Widget_Material_FastScroll

int Widget_Material_GridView

int Widget_Material_HorizontalScrollView

int Widget_Material_ImageButton

int Widget_Material_Light

Light widget styles

int Widget_Material_Light_ActionBar

int Widget_Material_Light_ActionBar_Solid

int Widget_Material_Light_ActionBar_TabBar

int Widget_Material_Light_ActionBar_TabText

int Widget_Material_Light_ActionBar_TabView

int Widget_Material_Light_ActionButton

int Widget_Material_Light_ActionButton_CloseMode

int Widget_Material_Light_ActionButton_Overflow

int Widget_Material_Light_ActionMode

int Widget_Material_Light_AutoCompleteTextView

int Widget_Material_Light_Button

int Widget_Material_Light_ButtonBar

int Widget_Material_Light_ButtonBar_AlertDialog

int Widget_Material_Light_Button_Borderless

int Widget_Material_Light_Button_Borderless_Colored

int Widget_Material_Light_Button_Borderless_Small

int Widget_Material_Light_Button_Inset

int Widget_Material_Light_Button_Small

int Widget_Material_Light_Button_Toggle

int Widget_Material_Light_CalendarView

int Widget_Material_Light_CheckedTextView

int Widget_Material_Light_CompoundButton_CheckBox

int Widget_Material_Light_CompoundButton_RadioButton

int Widget_Material_Light_CompoundButton_Star

int Widget_Material_Light_CompoundButton_Switch

int Widget_Material_Light_DatePicker

int Widget_Material_Light_DropDownItem

int Widget_Material_Light_DropDownItem_Spinner

int Widget_Material_Light_EditText

int Widget_Material_Light_ExpandableListView

int Widget_Material_Light_FastScroll

int Widget_Material_Light_GridView

int Widget_Material_Light_HorizontalScrollView

int Widget_Material_Light_ImageButton

int Widget_Material_Light_ListPopupWindow

int Widget_Material_Light_ListView

int Widget_Material_Light_ListView_DropDown

int Widget_Material_Light_MediaRouteButton

int Widget_Material_Light_NumberPicker

int Widget_Material_Light_PopupMenu

int Widget_Material_Light_PopupMenu_Overflow

int Widget_Material_Light_PopupWindow

int Widget_Material_Light_ProgressBar

int Widget_Material_Light_ProgressBar_Horizontal

int Widget_Material_Light_ProgressBar_Inverse

int Widget_Material_Light_ProgressBar_Large

int Widget_Material_Light_ProgressBar_Large_Inverse

int Widget_Material_Light_ProgressBar_Small

int Widget_Material_Light_ProgressBar_Small_Inverse

int Widget_Material_Light_ProgressBar_Small_Title

int Widget_Material_Light_RatingBar

int Widget_Material_Light_RatingBar_Indicator

int Widget_Material_Light_RatingBar_Small

int Widget_Material_Light_ScrollView

int Widget_Material_Light_SearchView

int Widget_Material_Light_SeekBar

int Widget_Material_Light_SegmentedButton

int Widget_Material_Light_Spinner

int Widget_Material_Light_Spinner_Underlined

int Widget_Material_Light_StackView

int Widget_Material_Light_Tab

int Widget_Material_Light_TabWidget

int Widget_Material_Light_TextView

int Widget_Material_Light_TextView_SpinnerItem

int Widget_Material_Light_TimePicker

int Widget_Material_Light_WebTextView

int Widget_Material_Light_WebView

int Widget_Material_ListPopupWindow

int Widget_Material_ListView

int Widget_Material_ListView_DropDown

int Widget_Material_MediaRouteButton

int Widget_Material_NumberPicker

int Widget_Material_PopupMenu

int Widget_Material_PopupMenu_Overflow

int Widget_Material_PopupWindow

int Widget_Material_ProgressBar

int Widget_Material_ProgressBar_Horizontal

Material progress part (indeterminate/horizontal) for Wear

int Widget_Material_ProgressBar_Large

int Widget_Material_ProgressBar_Small

int Widget_Material_ProgressBar_Small_Title

int Widget_Material_RatingBar

int Widget_Material_RatingBar_Indicator

int Widget_Material_RatingBar_Small

int Widget_Material_ScrollView

int Widget_Material_SearchView

int Widget_Material_SeekBar

int Widget_Material_SeekBar_Discrete

A seek bar with tick marks at each progress value.

int Widget_Material_SegmentedButton

int Widget_Material_Spinner

int Widget_Material_Spinner_Underlined

int Widget_Material_StackView

int Widget_Material_Tab

int Widget_Material_TabWidget

int Widget_Material_TextView

int Widget_Material_TextView_SpinnerItem

int Widget_Material_TimePicker

int Widget_Material_Toolbar

int Widget_Material_Toolbar_Button_Navigation

int Widget_Material_WebTextView

int Widget_Material_WebView

int Widget_PopupMenu

int Widget_PopupWindow

int Widget_ProgressBar

int Widget_ProgressBar_Horizontal

int Widget_ProgressBar_Inverse

int Widget_ProgressBar_Large

int Widget_ProgressBar_Large_Inverse

int Widget_ProgressBar_Small

int Widget_ProgressBar_Small_Inverse

int Widget_RatingBar

int Widget_ScrollView

int Widget_SeekBar

int Widget_Spinner

int Widget_Spinner_DropDown

int Widget_StackView

int Widget_TabWidget

int Widget_TextView

int Widget_TextView_PopupMenu

int Widget_TextView_SpinnerItem

int Widget_Toolbar

int Widget_Toolbar_Button_Navigation

int Widget_WebView

Public constructors


Inherited methods

Object clone()

Creates and returns a copy of this object.

boolean equals(Object obj)

Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.

void finalize()

Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.

final Class<?> getClass()

Returns the runtime class of this Object.

int hashCode()

Returns a hash code value for the object.

final void notify()

Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor.

final void notifyAll()

Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor.

String toString()

Returns a string representation of the object.

final void wait(long timeoutMillis, int nanos)

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed.

final void wait(long timeoutMillis)

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed.

final void wait()

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted.



Added in API level 1
public static final int Animation

Base style for animations. This style specifies no animations.

Constant Value: 16973824 (0x01030000)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Animation_Activity

Standard animations for a full-screen window or activity.

Constant Value: 16973825 (0x01030001)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Animation_Dialog

Standard animations for a non-full-screen window or activity.

Constant Value: 16973826 (0x01030002)


Added in API level 5
public static final int Animation_InputMethod

Window animations that are applied to input method overlay windows.

Constant Value: 16973910 (0x01030056)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Animation_Toast

Constant Value: 16973828 (0x01030004)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Animation_Translucent

Standard animations for a translucent window or activity. This style is not used by default for the translucent theme (since translucent activities are a special case that have no clear UI paradigm), but you can make your own specialized theme with this animation style if you would like to have the standard platform transition animation.

Constant Value: 16973827 (0x01030003)


Added in API level 14
public static final int DeviceDefault_ButtonBar

Other Styles

Constant Value: 16974287 (0x010301cf)


Added in API level 14
public static final int DeviceDefault_ButtonBar_AlertDialog

Constant Value: 16974288 (0x010301d0)


Added in API level 14
public static final int DeviceDefault_Light_ButtonBar

Constant Value: 16974290 (0x010301d2)


Added in API level 14
public static final int DeviceDefault_Light_ButtonBar_AlertDialog

Constant Value: 16974291 (0x010301d3)


Added in API level 14
public static final int DeviceDefault_Light_SegmentedButton

Constant Value: 16974292 (0x010301d4)


Added in API level 14
public static final int DeviceDefault_SegmentedButton

Constant Value: 16974289 (0x010301d1)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Holo_ButtonBar

Constant Value: 16974053 (0x010300e5)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Holo_ButtonBar_AlertDialog

Constant Value: 16974055 (0x010300e7)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Holo_Light_ButtonBar

Constant Value: 16974054 (0x010300e6)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Holo_Light_ButtonBar_AlertDialog

Constant Value: 16974056 (0x010300e8)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Holo_Light_SegmentedButton

Constant Value: 16974058 (0x010300ea)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Holo_SegmentedButton

Constant Value: 16974057 (0x010300e9)


Added in API level 1
public static final int MediaButton

Constant Value: 16973879 (0x01030037)


Added in API level 1
public static final int MediaButton_Ffwd

Constant Value: 16973883 (0x0103003b)


Added in API level 1
public static final int MediaButton_Next

Constant Value: 16973881 (0x01030039)


Added in API level 1
public static final int MediaButton_Pause

Constant Value: 16973885 (0x0103003d)


Added in API level 1
public static final int MediaButton_Play

Constant Value: 16973882 (0x0103003a)


Added in API level 1
public static final int MediaButton_Previous

Constant Value: 16973880 (0x01030038)


Added in API level 1
public static final int MediaButton_Rew

Constant Value: 16973884 (0x0103003c)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance

Constant Value: 16973886 (0x0103003e)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault

Text Appearance Styles

Constant Value: 16974253 (0x010301ad)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_DialogWindowTitle

Constant Value: 16974264 (0x010301b8)


Added in API level 33
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Headline

Constant Value: 16974565 (0x010302e5)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974254 (0x010301ae)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Large

Constant Value: 16974255 (0x010301af)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Large_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974256 (0x010301b0)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Medium

Constant Value: 16974257 (0x010301b1)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Medium_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974258 (0x010301b2)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_SearchResult_Subtitle

Constant Value: 16974262 (0x010301b6)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_SearchResult_Title

Constant Value: 16974261 (0x010301b5)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Small

Constant Value: 16974259 (0x010301b3)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Small_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974260 (0x010301b4)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget

Constant Value: 16974265 (0x010301b9)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_ActionBar_Menu

Constant Value: 16974286 (0x010301ce)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle

Constant Value: 16974279 (0x010301c7)


Added in API level 14
Deprecated in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle_Inverse

This constant was deprecated in API level 21.
Action bars are now themed using the inheritable android:theme attribute.

Constant Value: 16974283 (0x010301cb)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_ActionBar_Title

Constant Value: 16974278 (0x010301c6)


Added in API level 14
Deprecated in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_ActionBar_Title_Inverse

This constant was deprecated in API level 21.
Action bars are now themed using the inheritable android:theme attribute.

Constant Value: 16974282 (0x010301ca)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_ActionMode_Subtitle

Constant Value: 16974281 (0x010301c9)


Added in API level 14
Deprecated in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_ActionMode_Subtitle_Inverse

This constant was deprecated in API level 21.
Action bars are now themed using the inheritable android:theme attribute.

Constant Value: 16974285 (0x010301cd)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_ActionMode_Title

Constant Value: 16974280 (0x010301c8)


Added in API level 14
Deprecated in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_ActionMode_Title_Inverse

This constant was deprecated in API level 21.
Action bars are now themed using the inheritable android:theme attribute.

Constant Value: 16974284 (0x010301cc)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_Button

Constant Value: 16974266 (0x010301ba)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_DropDownHint

Constant Value: 16974271 (0x010301bf)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_DropDownItem

Constant Value: 16974272 (0x010301c0)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_EditText

Constant Value: 16974274 (0x010301c2)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_IconMenu_Item

Constant Value: 16974267 (0x010301bb)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_PopupMenu

Constant Value: 16974275 (0x010301c3)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_PopupMenu_Large

Constant Value: 16974276 (0x010301c4)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_PopupMenu_Small

Constant Value: 16974277 (0x010301c5)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_TabWidget

Constant Value: 16974268 (0x010301bc)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_TextView

Constant Value: 16974269 (0x010301bd)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_TextView_PopupMenu

Constant Value: 16974270 (0x010301be)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_Widget_TextView_SpinnerItem

Constant Value: 16974273 (0x010301c1)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_DeviceDefault_WindowTitle

Constant Value: 16974263 (0x010301b7)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_DialogWindowTitle

Constant Value: 16973889 (0x01030041)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo

Text Styles

Constant Value: 16974075 (0x010300fb)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_DialogWindowTitle

Constant Value: 16974103 (0x01030117)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974076 (0x010300fc)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Large

Constant Value: 16974077 (0x010300fd)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Large_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974078 (0x010300fe)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Medium

Constant Value: 16974079 (0x010300ff)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Medium_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974080 (0x01030100)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_SearchResult_Subtitle

Constant Value: 16974084 (0x01030104)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_SearchResult_Title

Constant Value: 16974083 (0x01030103)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Small

Constant Value: 16974081 (0x01030101)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Small_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974082 (0x01030102)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget

Constant Value: 16974085 (0x01030105)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_ActionBar_Menu

Constant Value: 16974112 (0x01030120)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle

Constant Value: 16974099 (0x01030113)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974109 (0x0103011d)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_ActionBar_Title

Constant Value: 16974098 (0x01030112)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_ActionBar_Title_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974108 (0x0103011c)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_ActionMode_Subtitle

Constant Value: 16974101 (0x01030115)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_ActionMode_Subtitle_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974111 (0x0103011f)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_ActionMode_Title

Constant Value: 16974100 (0x01030114)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_ActionMode_Title_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974110 (0x0103011e)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_Button

Constant Value: 16974086 (0x01030106)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_DropDownHint

Constant Value: 16974091 (0x0103010b)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_DropDownItem

Constant Value: 16974092 (0x0103010c)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_EditText

Constant Value: 16974094 (0x0103010e)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_IconMenu_Item

Constant Value: 16974087 (0x01030107)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_PopupMenu

Constant Value: 16974095 (0x0103010f)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_PopupMenu_Large

Constant Value: 16974096 (0x01030110)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_PopupMenu_Small

Constant Value: 16974097 (0x01030111)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_TabWidget

This style is for smaller screens; values-xlarge defines a version for larger screens.

Constant Value: 16974088 (0x01030108)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_TextView

Constant Value: 16974089 (0x01030109)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_TextView_PopupMenu

Constant Value: 16974090 (0x0103010a)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_Widget_TextView_SpinnerItem

Constant Value: 16974093 (0x0103010d)


Added in API level 13
public static final int TextAppearance_Holo_WindowTitle

Constant Value: 16974102 (0x01030116)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_Inverse

Constant Value: 16973887 (0x0103003f)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_Large

Constant Value: 16973890 (0x01030042)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_Large_Inverse

Constant Value: 16973891 (0x01030043)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material

Text styles

Constant Value: 16974317 (0x010301ed)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Body1

Constant Value: 16974320 (0x010301f0)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Body2

Constant Value: 16974319 (0x010301ef)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Button

Constant Value: 16974318 (0x010301ee)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Caption

Constant Value: 16974321 (0x010301f1)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_DialogWindowTitle

Constant Value: 16974322 (0x010301f2)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Display1

Constant Value: 16974326 (0x010301f6)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Display2

Constant Value: 16974325 (0x010301f5)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Display3

Constant Value: 16974324 (0x010301f4)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Display4

Constant Value: 16974323 (0x010301f3)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Headline

Constant Value: 16974327 (0x010301f7)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Inverse

Deprecated text styles

Constant Value: 16974328 (0x010301f8)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Large

Constant Value: 16974329 (0x010301f9)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Large_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974330 (0x010301fa)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Medium

Constant Value: 16974331 (0x010301fb)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Medium_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974332 (0x010301fc)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Menu

Constant Value: 16974333 (0x010301fd)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Notification

Constant Value: 16974334 (0x010301fe)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Notification_Emphasis

unused; keep identical to parent

Constant Value: 16974335 (0x010301ff)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Notification_Info

Constant Value: 16974336 (0x01030200)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Notification_Line2

Constant Value: 16974337 (0x01030201)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Notification_Time

Constant Value: 16974338 (0x01030202)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Notification_Title

Constant Value: 16974339 (0x01030203)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_SearchResult_Subtitle

Constant Value: 16974340 (0x01030204)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_SearchResult_Title

Constant Value: 16974341 (0x01030205)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Small

Constant Value: 16974342 (0x01030206)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Small_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974343 (0x01030207)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Subhead

Constant Value: 16974344 (0x01030208)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Title

Constant Value: 16974345 (0x01030209)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget

Constant Value: 16974347 (0x0103020b)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_ActionBar_Menu

Constant Value: 16974348 (0x0103020c)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle

Constant Value: 16974349 (0x0103020d)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974350 (0x0103020e)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_ActionBar_Title

Constant Value: 16974351 (0x0103020f)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_ActionBar_Title_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974352 (0x01030210)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_ActionMode_Subtitle

Constant Value: 16974353 (0x01030211)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_ActionMode_Subtitle_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974354 (0x01030212)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_ActionMode_Title

Constant Value: 16974355 (0x01030213)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_ActionMode_Title_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974356 (0x01030214)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_Button

Constant Value: 16974357 (0x01030215)


Added in API level 24
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_Button_Borderless_Colored

Constant Value: 16974559 (0x010302df)


Added in API level 24
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_Button_Colored

Constant Value: 16974558 (0x010302de)


Added in API level 23
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_Button_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974548 (0x010302d4)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_DropDownHint

Constant Value: 16974358 (0x01030216)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_DropDownItem

Constant Value: 16974359 (0x01030217)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_EditText

Constant Value: 16974360 (0x01030218)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_IconMenu_Item

Constant Value: 16974361 (0x01030219)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_PopupMenu

Constant Value: 16974362 (0x0103021a)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_PopupMenu_Large

Constant Value: 16974363 (0x0103021b)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_PopupMenu_Small

Constant Value: 16974364 (0x0103021c)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_TabWidget

Constant Value: 16974365 (0x0103021d)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_TextView

Constant Value: 16974366 (0x0103021e)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_TextView_PopupMenu

Constant Value: 16974367 (0x0103021f)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_TextView_SpinnerItem

Constant Value: 16974368 (0x01030220)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_Toolbar_Subtitle

Constant Value: 16974369 (0x01030221)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_Widget_Toolbar_Title

Constant Value: 16974370 (0x01030222)


Added in API level 21
public static final int TextAppearance_Material_WindowTitle

Constant Value: 16974346 (0x0103020a)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_Medium

Constant Value: 16973892 (0x01030044)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_Medium_Inverse

Constant Value: 16973893 (0x01030045)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_Small

Constant Value: 16973894 (0x01030046)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_Small_Inverse

Constant Value: 16973895 (0x01030047)


Added in API level 9
public static final int TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent

Notification content styles

Constant Value: 16973927 (0x01030067)


Added in API level 9
public static final int TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent_Title

Constant Value: 16973928 (0x01030068)


Added in API level 9
public static final int TextAppearance_StatusBar_Icon

Constant Value: 16973926 (0x01030066)


Added in API level 9
public static final int TextAppearance_StatusBar_Title

Constant Value: 16973925 (0x01030065)


Added in API level 14
public static final int TextAppearance_SuggestionHighlight

Constant Value: 16974104 (0x01030118)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_Theme

Constant Value: 16973888 (0x01030040)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_Theme_Dialog

Constant Value: 16973896 (0x01030048)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_Widget

Constant Value: 16973897 (0x01030049)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_Widget_Button

Constant Value: 16973898 (0x0103004a)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_Widget_DropDownHint

Constant Value: 16973904 (0x01030050)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_Widget_DropDownItem

Constant Value: 16973905 (0x01030051)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_Widget_EditText

Constant Value: 16973900 (0x0103004c)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_Widget_IconMenu_Item

Constant Value: 16973899 (0x0103004b)


Added in API level 11
public static final int TextAppearance_Widget_PopupMenu_Large

Constant Value: 16973952 (0x01030080)


Added in API level 11
public static final int TextAppearance_Widget_PopupMenu_Small

Constant Value: 16973953 (0x01030081)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_Widget_TabWidget

Constant Value: 16973901 (0x0103004d)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_Widget_TextView

Constant Value: 16973902 (0x0103004e)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_Widget_TextView_PopupMenu

Constant Value: 16973903 (0x0103004f)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_Widget_TextView_SpinnerItem

Constant Value: 16973906 (0x01030052)


Added in API level 1
public static final int TextAppearance_WindowTitle

Constant Value: 16973907 (0x01030053)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Theme

The default theme for apps on API level 10 and lower. This is the theme used for activities that have not explicitly set their own theme.

You can count on this being a dark background with light text on top, but should try to make no other assumptions about its appearance. In particular, the text inside of widgets using this theme may be completely different, with the widget container being a light color and the text on top of it a dark color.

If you're developing for API level 11 and higher, you should instead use Theme_Holo or Theme_DeviceDefault.

Constant Value: 16973829 (0x01030005)


Added in API level 21
public static final int ThemeOverlay

Constant Value: 16974407 (0x01030247)


Added in API level 29
public static final int ThemeOverlay_DeviceDefault_Accent_DayNight

Theme overlay that replaces colorAccent with the colorAccent from Theme_DeviceDefault_DayNight.

Constant Value: 16974564 (0x010302e4)


Added in API level 21
public static final int ThemeOverlay_Material

Constant Value: 16974408 (0x01030248)


Added in API level 21
public static final int ThemeOverlay_Material_ActionBar

Theme overlay that replaces the normal control color, which by default is the same as the secondary text color, with the primary text color.

Constant Value: 16974409 (0x01030249)


Added in API level 21
public static final int ThemeOverlay_Material_Dark

Theme overlay that replaces colors with their dark versions but preserves the value of colorAccent, colorPrimary and its variants.

Constant Value: 16974411 (0x0103024b)


Added in API level 21
public static final int ThemeOverlay_Material_Dark_ActionBar

Theme overlay that replaces colors with their dark versions and replaces the normal control color, which by default is the same as the secondary text color, with the primary text color.

Constant Value: 16974412 (0x0103024c)


Added in API level 23
public static final int ThemeOverlay_Material_Dialog

Theme overlay that overrides window properties to display as a dialog. Override behaviour to set the theme colours for dialogs, keep them the same.

Constant Value: 16974550 (0x010302d6)


Added in API level 23
public static final int ThemeOverlay_Material_Dialog_Alert

Constant Value: 16974551 (0x010302d7)


Added in API level 21
public static final int ThemeOverlay_Material_Light

Theme overlay that replaces colors with their light versions but preserves the value of colorAccent, colorPrimary and its variants.

Constant Value: 16974410 (0x0103024a)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Theme_Black

Variant on Theme that ensures the background is completely black. This is useful for things like image viewers and media players. If you want the normal (dark background) theme do not use this, use Theme.

Constant Value: 16973832 (0x01030008)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Theme_Black_NoTitleBar

Variant of Theme_Black with no title bar

Constant Value: 16973833 (0x01030009)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Theme_Black_NoTitleBar_Fullscreen

Variant of Theme_Black that has no title bar and no status bar. This theme sets R.attr.windowFullscreen to true.

Constant Value: 16973834 (0x0103000a)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault

Constant Value: 16974120 (0x01030128)


Added in API level 29
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_DayNight

DeviceDefault theme for day/night activities.

Constant Value: 16974563 (0x010302e3)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Dialog

DeviceDefault theme for dialog windows and activities. This changes the window to be floating (not fill the entire screen), and puts a frame around its contents. You can set this theme on an activity if you would like to make an activity that looks like a Dialog. DeviceDefault theme for dialog windows and activities. In contrast to Material, the watch theme is not floating. You can set this theme on an activity if you would like to make an activity that looks like a Dialog.

Constant Value: 16974126 (0x0103012e)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_DialogWhenLarge

DeviceDefault theme for a window that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge). DeviceDefault theme for a window that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

Constant Value: 16974134 (0x01030136)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_DialogWhenLarge_NoActionBar

DeviceDefault theme for a window without an action bar that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge). DeviceDefault theme for a window without an action bar that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

Constant Value: 16974135 (0x01030137)


Added in API level 22
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Dialog_Alert

Constant Value: 16974545 (0x010302d1)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Dialog_MinWidth

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Dialog that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog. Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Dialog that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog.

Constant Value: 16974127 (0x0103012f)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Dialog_NoActionBar

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Dialog without an action bar Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Dialog without an action bar

Constant Value: 16974128 (0x01030130)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Dialog_NoActionBar_MinWidth

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Dialog_NoActionBar that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog. Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Dialog_NoActionBar that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog.

Constant Value: 16974129 (0x01030131)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_InputMethod

DeviceDefault style for input methods, which is used by the InputMethodService class. DeviceDefault style for input methods, which is used by the InputMethodService class.

Constant Value: 16974142 (0x0103013e)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault with a light-colored style

Constant Value: 16974123 (0x0103012b)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_DarkActionBar

Variant of the DeviceDefault (light) theme that has a solid (opaque) action bar with an inverse color profile.

Constant Value: 16974143 (0x0103013f)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_Dialog

DeviceDefault light theme for dialog windows and activities. This changes the window to be floating (not fill the entire screen), and puts a frame around its contents. You can set this theme on an activity if you would like to make an activity that looks like a Dialog.

Constant Value: 16974130 (0x01030132)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_DialogWhenLarge

DeviceDefault light theme for a window that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

Constant Value: 16974136 (0x01030138)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_DialogWhenLarge_NoActionBar

DeviceDefault light theme for a window without an action bar that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

Constant Value: 16974137 (0x01030139)


Added in API level 22
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_Dialog_Alert

Constant Value: 16974546 (0x010302d2)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_Dialog_MinWidth

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_Dialog that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog.

Constant Value: 16974131 (0x01030133)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_Dialog_NoActionBar

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_Dialog without an action bar

Constant Value: 16974132 (0x01030134)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_Dialog_NoActionBar_MinWidth

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_Dialog_NoActionBar that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog.

Constant Value: 16974133 (0x01030135)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_NoActionBar

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Light with no action bar

Constant Value: 16974124 (0x0103012c)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_NoActionBar_Fullscreen

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Light with no action bar and no status bar. This theme sets R.attr.windowFullscreen to true.

Constant Value: 16974125 (0x0103012d)


Added in API level 18
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_NoActionBar_Overscan

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Light with no action bar and no status bar and extending in to overscan region. This theme sets R.attr.windowFullscreen and R.attr.windowOverscan to true.

Constant Value: 16974304 (0x010301e0)


Added in API level 19
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_NoActionBar_TranslucentDecor

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault_Light that has no title bar and translucent system decor. This theme sets R.attr.windowTranslucentStatus and R.attr.windowTranslucentNavigation to true.

Constant Value: 16974308 (0x010301e4)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_Panel

DeviceDefault light theme for panel windows. This removes all extraneous window decorations, so you basically have an empty rectangle in which to place your content. It makes the window floating, with a transparent background, and turns off dimming behind the window.

Constant Value: 16974139 (0x0103013b)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_NoActionBar

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault with no action bar Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault with no action bar

Constant Value: 16974121 (0x01030129)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_NoActionBar_Fullscreen

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault with no action bar and no status bar. This theme sets R.attr.windowFullscreen to true. Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault with no action bar and no status bar. This theme sets R.attr.windowFullscreen to true.

Constant Value: 16974122 (0x0103012a)


Added in API level 18
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_NoActionBar_Overscan

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault with no action bar and no status bar and extending in to overscan region. This theme sets R.attr.windowFullscreen and R.attr.windowOverscan to true. Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault with no action bar and no status bar and extending in to overscan region. This theme sets R.attr.windowFullscreen and R.attr.windowOverscan to true.

Constant Value: 16974303 (0x010301df)


Added in API level 19
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_NoActionBar_TranslucentDecor

Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault that has no title bar and translucent system decor. This theme sets R.attr.windowTranslucentStatus and R.attr.windowTranslucentNavigation to true. Variant of Theme_DeviceDefault that has no title bar and translucent system decor. This theme sets R.attr.windowTranslucentStatus and R.attr.windowTranslucentNavigation to true.

Constant Value: 16974307 (0x010301e3)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Panel

DeviceDefault theme for panel windows. This removes all extraneous window decorations, so you basically have an empty rectangle in which to place your content. It makes the window floating, with a transparent background, and turns off dimming behind the window. DeviceDefault theme for panel windows. This removes all extraneous window decorations, so you basically have an empty rectangle in which to place your content. It makes the window floating, with a transparent background, and turns off dimming behind the window.

Constant Value: 16974138 (0x0103013a)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Settings

DeviceDefault theme for a window that should look like the Settings app. DeviceDefault theme for a window that should look like the Settings app. DeviceDefault theme for a window that should look like the Settings app.

Constant Value: 16974371 (0x01030223)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Wallpaper

DeviceDefault theme for windows that want to have the user's selected wallpaper appear behind them. DeviceDefault theme for windows that want to have the user's selected wallpaper appear behind them.

Constant Value: 16974140 (0x0103013c)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Theme_DeviceDefault_Wallpaper_NoTitleBar

DeviceDefault theme for windows that want to have the user's selected wallpaper appear behind them and without an action bar. DeviceDefault theme for windows that want to have the user's selected wallpaper appear behind them and without an action bar.

Constant Value: 16974141 (0x0103013d)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Theme_Dialog

Default theme for dialog windows and activities (on API level 10 and lower), which is used by the Dialog class. This changes the window to be floating (not fill the entire screen), and puts a frame around its contents. You can set this theme on an activity if you would like to make an activity that looks like a Dialog.

Constant Value: 16973835 (0x0103000b)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Honeycomb holographic theme (dark version).

This is the default system theme for apps that target API level 11 - 20. Starting with API level 14, the default system theme is supplied by Theme_DeviceDefault, which might apply a different style on different devices. If you want to ensure that your app consistently uses the Holo theme at all times, you must explicitly declare it in your manifest. For example, <application android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Holo">. For more information, read Holo Everywhere.

The widgets in the holographic theme are translucent on their background, so applications must ensure that any background they use with this theme is itself dark; otherwise, it will be difficult to see the widgets. This UI style also includes a full action bar by default.

Styles used by the Holo theme are named using the convention Type.Holo.Etc (for example, Widget.Holo.Button and TextAppearance.Holo.Widget.PopupMenu.Large). Specific resources used by Holo are named using the convention @type/foo_bar_baz_holo with trailing _dark or _light specifiers if they are not shared between both light and dark versions of the theme.

Constant Value: 16973931 (0x0103006b)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_Dialog

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Holo theme for dialog windows and activities, which is used by the Dialog class. This changes the window to be floating (not fill the entire screen), and puts a frame around its contents. You can set this theme on an activity if you would like to make an activity that looks like a Dialog. This is the default Dialog theme for applications targeting Honeycomb or newer.

Constant Value: 16973935 (0x0103006f)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_DialogWhenLarge

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Theme for a window that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

Constant Value: 16973943 (0x01030077)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_DialogWhenLarge_NoActionBar

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Theme for a window without a title bar that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

Constant Value: 16973944 (0x01030078)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_Dialog_MinWidth

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Variant of Theme.Holo.Dialog that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog.

Constant Value: 16973936 (0x01030070)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_Dialog_NoActionBar

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Variant of Theme.Holo.Dialog that does not include a title bar.

Constant Value: 16973937 (0x01030071)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_Dialog_NoActionBar_MinWidth

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Variant of Theme.Holo.Dialog.NoActionBar that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog.

Constant Value: 16973938 (0x01030072)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_InputMethod

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Default theme for holo style input methods, which is used by the InputMethodService class. this inherits from Theme.Panel, but sets up IME appropriate animations and a few custom attributes.

Constant Value: 16973951 (0x0103007f)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_Light

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Honeycomb holographic theme (light version). The widgets in the holographic theme are translucent on their brackground, so applications must ensure that any background they use with this theme is itself light; otherwise, it will be difficult to see the widgets. This UI style also includes a full action bar by default.

Constant Value: 16973934 (0x0103006e)


Added in API level 14
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_Light_DarkActionBar

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Variant of the holographic (light) theme that has a solid (opaque) action bar with an inverse color profile. The dark action bar sharply stands out against the light content.

Constant Value: 16974105 (0x01030119)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_Light_Dialog

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Holo light theme for dialog windows and activities, which is used by the Dialog class. This changes the window to be floating (not fill the entire screen), and puts a frame around its contents. You can set this theme on an activity if you would like to make an activity that looks like a Dialog. This is the default Dialog theme for applications targeting Honeycomb or newer.

Constant Value: 16973939 (0x01030073)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_Light_DialogWhenLarge

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Theme for a window that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

Constant Value: 16973945 (0x01030079)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_Light_DialogWhenLarge_NoActionBar

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Theme for a window without an action bar that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

Constant Value: 16973946 (0x0103007a)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_Light_Dialog_MinWidth

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Variant of Theme.Holo.Light.Dialog that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog.

Constant Value: 16973940 (0x01030074)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_Light_Dialog_NoActionBar

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Variant of Theme.Holo.Light.Dialog that does not include a title bar.

Constant Value: 16973941 (0x01030075)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_Light_Dialog_NoActionBar_MinWidth

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Variant of Theme.Holo.Light.Dialog.NoActionBar that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog.

Constant Value: 16973942 (0x01030076)


Added in API level 13
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_Light_NoActionBar

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Variant of the holographic (light) theme with no action bar.

Constant Value: 16974064 (0x010300f0)


Added in API level 13
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_Light_NoActionBar_Fullscreen

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Variant of the holographic (light) theme that has no title bar and fills the entire screen. This theme sets R.attr.windowFullscreen to true.

Constant Value: 16974065 (0x010300f1)


Added in API level 18
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_Light_NoActionBar_Overscan

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Variant of the holographic (light) theme that has no title bar and fills the entire screen and extends into the display overscan region. This theme sets R.attr.windowFullscreen and R.attr.windowOverscan to true.

Constant Value: 16974302 (0x010301de)


Added in API level 19
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_Light_NoActionBar_TranslucentDecor

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Variant of the holographic (light) theme that has no title bar and translucent system decor. This theme sets R.attr.windowTranslucentStatus and R.attr.windowTranslucentNavigation to true.

Constant Value: 16974306 (0x010301e2)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_Light_Panel

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Default holo light theme for panel windows. This removes all extraneous window decorations, so you basically have an empty rectangle in which to place your content. It makes the window floating, with a transparent background, and turns off dimming behind the window.

Constant Value: 16973948 (0x0103007c)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_NoActionBar

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Variant of the holographic (dark) theme with no action bar.

Constant Value: 16973932 (0x0103006c)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_NoActionBar_Fullscreen

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Variant of the holographic (dark) theme that has no title bar and fills the entire screen. This theme sets R.attr.windowFullscreen to true.

Constant Value: 16973933 (0x0103006d)


Added in API level 18
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_NoActionBar_Overscan

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Variant of the holographic (dark) theme that has no title bar and fills the entire screen and extends into the display overscan region. This theme sets R.attr.windowFullscreen and R.attr.windowOverscan to true.

Constant Value: 16974301 (0x010301dd)


Added in API level 19
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_NoActionBar_TranslucentDecor

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Variant of the holographic (dark) theme that has no title bar and translucent system decor. This theme sets R.attr.windowTranslucentStatus and R.attr.windowTranslucentNavigation to true.

Constant Value: 16974305 (0x010301e1)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_Panel

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Default holo dark theme for panel windows. This removes all extraneous window decorations, so you basically have an empty rectangle in which to place your content. It makes the window floating, with a transparent background, and turns off dimming behind the window.

Constant Value: 16973947 (0x0103007b)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_Wallpaper

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Default holographic (dark) for windows that want to have the user's selected wallpaper appear behind them.

Constant Value: 16973949 (0x0103007d)


Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 28
public static final int Theme_Holo_Wallpaper_NoTitleBar

This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Use Material themes on API 21+ or AppCompat on supported APIs.

Default holographic (dark) for windows that want to have the user's selected wallpaper appear behind them and without an action bar.

Constant Value: 16973950 (0x0103007e)


Added in API level 3
public static final int Theme_InputMethod

Default theme for input methods (on API level 10 and lower), which is used by the InputMethodService class. this inherits from Theme.Panel, but sets up IME appropriate animations and a few custom attributes.

Constant Value: 16973908 (0x01030054)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Theme_Light

Theme for a light background with dark text on top. Set your activity to this theme if you would like such an appearance. As with the default theme, you should try to assume little more than that the background will be a light color.

This is designed for API level 10 and lower.

Constant Value: 16973836 (0x0103000c)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Theme_Light_NoTitleBar

Variant of Theme_Light with no title bar

Constant Value: 16973837 (0x0103000d)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Theme_Light_NoTitleBar_Fullscreen

Variant of Theme_Light that has no title bar and no status bar. This theme sets R.attr.windowFullscreen to true.

Constant Value: 16973838 (0x0103000e)


Added in API level 3
public static final int Theme_Light_Panel

Default light theme for panel windows (on API level 10 and lower). This removes all extraneous window decorations, so you basically have an empty rectangle in which to place your content. It makes the window floating, with a transparent background, and turns off dimming behind the window.

Constant Value: 16973914 (0x0103005a)


Added in API level 5
public static final int Theme_Light_WallpaperSettings

Theme for a wallpaper's setting activity, which is designed to be a transparent background with a light shade, so the previous Activity is visible in the background.

Constant Value: 16973922 (0x01030062)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material

Material theme (dark version).

If you want to ensure that your app consistently uses the Material theme at all times, you must explicitly declare it in your manifest. For example, <application android:theme="@style/Theme.Material">.

Styles used by the Material theme are named using the convention Type.Material.Etc (for example, Widget.Material.Button and TextAppearance.Material.Widget.PopupMenu.Large). Specific resources used by Material are named using the convention @type/foo_bar_baz_material with trailing _dark or _light specifiers if they are not shared between both light and dark versions of the theme.

Constant Value: 16974372 (0x01030224)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Dialog

Material theme for dialog windows and activities, which is used by the Dialog class. This changes the window to be floating (not fill the entire screen), and puts a frame around its contents. You can set this theme on an activity if you would like to make an activity that looks like a Dialog. Force the background and floating colours to be the default colours.

Constant Value: 16974373 (0x01030225)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_DialogWhenLarge

Theme for a window that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

Constant Value: 16974379 (0x0103022b)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_DialogWhenLarge_NoActionBar

Theme for a window without a title bar that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

Constant Value: 16974380 (0x0103022c)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Dialog_Alert

Material theme for alert dialog windows, which is used by the AlertDialog class. This is basically a dialog but sets the background to empty so it can do two-tone backgrounds. For applications targeting Honeycomb or newer, this is the default AlertDialog theme. Force the background and floating colours to be the default colours.

Constant Value: 16974374 (0x01030226)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Dialog_MinWidth

Variant of Theme.Material.Dialog that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog.

Constant Value: 16974375 (0x01030227)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Dialog_NoActionBar

Variant of Theme.Material.Dialog that does not include a title bar.

Constant Value: 16974376 (0x01030228)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Dialog_NoActionBar_MinWidth

Variant of Theme.Material.Dialog.NoActionBar that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog.

Constant Value: 16974377 (0x01030229)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Dialog_Presentation

Theme for a presentation window on a secondary display.

Constant Value: 16974378 (0x0103022a)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_InputMethod

Default theme for material style input methods, which is used by the InputMethodService class. this inherits from Theme.Panel, but sets up IME appropriate animations and a few custom attributes. Default theme for material style input methods, which is used by the InputMethodService class. this inherits from Theme.Panel, but sets up IME appropriate animations and a few custom attributes.

Constant Value: 16974381 (0x0103022d)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Light

Material theme (light version).

Constant Value: 16974391 (0x01030237)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Light_DarkActionBar

Variant of the material (light) theme that has a solid (opaque) action bar with an inverse color profile. The dark action bar sharply stands out against the light content.

Constant Value: 16974392 (0x01030238)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Light_Dialog

Material light theme for dialog windows and activities, which is used by the Dialog class. This changes the window to be floating (not fill the entire screen), and puts a frame around its contents. You can set this theme on an activity if you would like to make an activity that looks like a Dialog. Force the background and floating colours to be the default colours.

Constant Value: 16974393 (0x01030239)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Light_DialogWhenLarge

Theme for a window that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

Constant Value: 16974399 (0x0103023f)


Added in API level 24
public static final int Theme_Material_Light_DialogWhenLarge_DarkActionBar

Theme for a window with a dark title bar that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

Constant Value: 16974552 (0x010302d8)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Light_DialogWhenLarge_NoActionBar

Theme for a window without an action bar that will be displayed either full-screen on smaller screens (small, normal) or as a dialog on larger screens (large, xlarge).

Constant Value: 16974400 (0x01030240)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Light_Dialog_Alert

Material light theme for alert dialog windows, which is used by the AlertDialog class. This is basically a dialog but sets the background to empty so it can do two-tone backgrounds. For applications targeting Honeycomb or newer, this is the default AlertDialog theme.

Constant Value: 16974394 (0x0103023a)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Light_Dialog_MinWidth

Variant of Theme.Material.Light.Dialog that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog.

Constant Value: 16974395 (0x0103023b)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Light_Dialog_NoActionBar

Variant of Theme.Material.Light.Dialog that does not include a title bar.

Constant Value: 16974396 (0x0103023c)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Light_Dialog_NoActionBar_MinWidth

Variant of Theme.Material.Light.Dialog.NoActionBar that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog.

Constant Value: 16974397 (0x0103023d)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Light_Dialog_Presentation

Theme for a presentation window on a secondary display.

Constant Value: 16974398 (0x0103023e)


Added in API level 23
public static final int Theme_Material_Light_LightStatusBar

Variant of the material (light) theme that has a light status bar background with dark status bar contents.

Constant Value: 16974549 (0x010302d5)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Light_NoActionBar

Variant of the material (light) theme with no action bar.

Constant Value: 16974401 (0x01030241)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Light_NoActionBar_Fullscreen

Variant of the material (light) theme that has no title bar and fills the entire screen. This theme sets R.attr.windowFullscreen to true.

Constant Value: 16974402 (0x01030242)


Added in API level 21
Deprecated in API level 30
public static final int Theme_Material_Light_NoActionBar_Overscan

This constant was deprecated in API level 30.
Overscan areas aren't set by any Android product anymore as of Android 11.

Variant of the material (light) theme that has no title bar and fills the entire screen and extends into the display overscan region. This theme sets R.attr.windowFullscreen and R.attr.windowOverscan to true.

Constant Value: 16974403 (0x01030243)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Light_NoActionBar_TranslucentDecor

Variant of the material (light) theme that has no title bar and translucent system decor. This theme sets R.attr.windowTranslucentStatus and R.attr.windowTranslucentNavigation to true.

Constant Value: 16974404 (0x01030244)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Light_Panel

Default material light theme for panel windows. This removes all extraneous window decorations, so you basically have an empty rectangle in which to place your content. It makes the window floating, with a transparent background, and turns off dimming behind the window.

Constant Value: 16974405 (0x01030245)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Light_Voice

Material light theme for an activity that is to be used for voice interaction. This gives the activity a floating dialog style, to incorporate with the system voice experience.

Constant Value: 16974406 (0x01030246)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_NoActionBar

Variant of the material (dark) theme with no action bar.

Constant Value: 16974382 (0x0103022e)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_NoActionBar_Fullscreen

Variant of the material (dark) theme that has no title bar and fills the entire screen. This theme sets R.attr.windowFullscreen to true.

Constant Value: 16974383 (0x0103022f)


Added in API level 21
Deprecated in API level 30
public static final int Theme_Material_NoActionBar_Overscan

This constant was deprecated in API level 30.
Overscan areas aren't set by any Android product anymore as of Android 11.

Variant of the material (dark) theme that has no title bar and fills the entire screen and extends into the display overscan region. This theme sets R.attr.windowFullscreen and R.attr.windowOverscan to true.

Constant Value: 16974384 (0x01030230)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_NoActionBar_TranslucentDecor

Variant of the material (dark) theme that has no title bar and translucent system decor. This theme sets R.attr.windowTranslucentStatus and R.attr.windowTranslucentNavigation to true.

Constant Value: 16974385 (0x01030231)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Panel

Default material dark theme for panel windows. This removes all extraneous window decorations, so you basically have an empty rectangle in which to place your content. It makes the window floating, with a transparent background, and turns off dimming behind the window.

Constant Value: 16974386 (0x01030232)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Settings

Default theme for Settings and activities launched from Settings. Force all settings themes to use normal Material theme.

Constant Value: 16974387 (0x01030233)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Voice

Material theme for an activity that is to be used for voice interaction. This gives the activity a floating dialog style, to incorporate with the system voice experience.

Constant Value: 16974388 (0x01030234)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Wallpaper

Default material (dark) for windows that want to have the user's selected wallpaper appear behind them.

Constant Value: 16974389 (0x01030235)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Theme_Material_Wallpaper_NoTitleBar

Default material (dark) for windows that want to have the user's selected wallpaper appear behind them and without an action bar.

Constant Value: 16974390 (0x01030236)


Added in API level 3
public static final int Theme_NoDisplay

Default theme for activities that don't actually display a UI; that is, they finish themselves before being resumed.

Constant Value: 16973909 (0x01030055)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Theme_NoTitleBar

Variant of Theme with no title bar

Constant Value: 16973830 (0x01030006)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Theme_NoTitleBar_Fullscreen

Variant of Theme that has no title bar and no status bar. This theme sets R.attr.windowFullscreen to true.

Constant Value: 16973831 (0x01030007)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Theme_NoTitleBar_OverlayActionModes

No title bar, but Action Mode bars will overlay application content instead of pushing it down to make room.

Constant Value: 16973930 (0x0103006a)


Added in API level 3
public static final int Theme_Panel

Default dark theme for panel windows (on API level 10 and lower). This removes all extraneous window decorations, so you basically have an empty rectangle in which to place your content. It makes the window floating, with a transparent background, and turns off dimming behind the window.

Constant Value: 16973913 (0x01030059)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Theme_Translucent

Theme for translucent activities (on API level 10 and lower). That is, windows that allow you to see through them to the windows behind. This sets up the translucent flag and appropriate animations for your windows.

Constant Value: 16973839 (0x0103000f)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Theme_Translucent_NoTitleBar

Variant of Theme_Translucent with no title bar

Constant Value: 16973840 (0x01030010)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Theme_Translucent_NoTitleBar_Fullscreen

Variant of Theme_Translucent that has no title bar and no status bar

Constant Value: 16973841 (0x01030011)


Added in API level 5
public static final int Theme_Wallpaper

Theme for windows that want to have the user's selected wallpaper appear behind them (for API level 10 and lower).

Constant Value: 16973918 (0x0103005e)


Added in API level 5
public static final int Theme_WallpaperSettings

Theme for a wallpaper's setting activity, which is designed to be a transparent background with a dark shade, so the previous Activity is visible in the background.

Constant Value: 16973921 (0x01030061)


Added in API level 5
public static final int Theme_Wallpaper_NoTitleBar

Variant of Theme_Wallpaper that has no title bar

Constant Value: 16973919 (0x0103005f)


Added in API level 5
public static final int Theme_Wallpaper_NoTitleBar_Fullscreen

Variant of Theme_Wallpaper that has no title bar or status bar.

Constant Value: 16973920 (0x01030060)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Theme_WithActionBar

Default theme with an Action Bar.

Constant Value: 16973929 (0x01030069)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget

Widget Styles

Constant Value: 16973842 (0x01030012)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_AbsListView

Constant Value: 16973843 (0x01030013)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_ActionBar

Constant Value: 16973954 (0x01030082)


Added in API level 13
public static final int Widget_ActionBar_TabBar

Constant Value: 16974068 (0x010300f4)


Added in API level 13
public static final int Widget_ActionBar_TabText

Constant Value: 16974067 (0x010300f3)


Added in API level 13
public static final int Widget_ActionBar_TabView

Constant Value: 16974066 (0x010300f2)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_ActionButton

Constant Value: 16973956 (0x01030084)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_ActionButton_CloseMode

Constant Value: 16973960 (0x01030088)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_ActionButton_Overflow

Constant Value: 16973959 (0x01030087)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_AutoCompleteTextView

Constant Value: 16973863 (0x01030027)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_Button

Constant Value: 16973844 (0x01030014)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_Button_Inset

Constant Value: 16973845 (0x01030015)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_Button_Small

Constant Value: 16973846 (0x01030016)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_Button_Toggle

Constant Value: 16973847 (0x01030017)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_CalendarView

Constant Value: 16974059 (0x010300eb)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_CompoundButton

Constant Value: 16973848 (0x01030018)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_CompoundButton_CheckBox

Constant Value: 16973849 (0x01030019)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_CompoundButton_RadioButton

Constant Value: 16973850 (0x0103001a)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_CompoundButton_Star

Constant Value: 16973851 (0x0103001b)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_DatePicker

Constant Value: 16974062 (0x010300ee)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault

Widget Styles

Constant Value: 16974144 (0x01030140)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ActionBar

Constant Value: 16974187 (0x0103016b)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ActionBar_Solid

Constant Value: 16974195 (0x01030173)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ActionBar_TabBar

Constant Value: 16974194 (0x01030172)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ActionBar_TabText

Constant Value: 16974193 (0x01030171)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ActionBar_TabView

Constant Value: 16974192 (0x01030170)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ActionButton

Constant Value: 16974182 (0x01030166)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ActionButton_CloseMode

Constant Value: 16974186 (0x0103016a)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ActionButton_Overflow

Constant Value: 16974183 (0x01030167)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ActionButton_TextButton

Constant Value: 16974184 (0x01030168)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ActionMode

Constant Value: 16974185 (0x01030169)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_AutoCompleteTextView

Constant Value: 16974151 (0x01030147)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Button

Constant Value: 16974145 (0x01030141)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Button_Borderless

Constant Value: 16974188 (0x0103016c)


Added in API level 28
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Button_Borderless_Colored

Colored borderless ink button

Constant Value: 16974561 (0x010302e1)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Button_Borderless_Small

Constant Value: 16974149 (0x01030145)


Added in API level 28
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Button_Colored

Constant Value: 16974560 (0x010302e0)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Button_Inset

Constant Value: 16974147 (0x01030143)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Button_Small

Constant Value: 16974146 (0x01030142)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Button_Toggle

Constant Value: 16974148 (0x01030144)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_CalendarView

Constant Value: 16974190 (0x0103016e)


Added in API level 17
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_CheckedTextView

Constant Value: 16974299 (0x010301db)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_CompoundButton_CheckBox

Constant Value: 16974152 (0x01030148)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_CompoundButton_RadioButton

Constant Value: 16974169 (0x01030159)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_CompoundButton_Star

Constant Value: 16974173 (0x0103015d)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_DatePicker

Constant Value: 16974191 (0x0103016f)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_DropDownItem

Constant Value: 16974177 (0x01030161)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_DropDownItem_Spinner

Constant Value: 16974178 (0x01030162)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_EditText

Constant Value: 16974154 (0x0103014a)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ExpandableListView

Constant Value: 16974155 (0x0103014b)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_FastScroll

Constant Value: 16974313 (0x010301e9)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_GridView

Constant Value: 16974156 (0x0103014c)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_HorizontalScrollView

Constant Value: 16974171 (0x0103015b)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ImageButton

Constant Value: 16974157 (0x0103014d)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light

Constant Value: 16974196 (0x01030174)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionBar

Constant Value: 16974243 (0x010301a3)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionBar_Solid

Constant Value: 16974247 (0x010301a7)


Added in API level 14
Deprecated in API level 21
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionBar_Solid_Inverse

This constant was deprecated in API level 21.
Action bars are now themed using the inheritable android:theme attribute.

Constant Value: 16974248 (0x010301a8)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionBar_TabBar

Constant Value: 16974246 (0x010301a6)


Added in API level 14
Deprecated in API level 21
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionBar_TabBar_Inverse

This constant was deprecated in API level 21.
Action bars are now themed using the inheritable android:theme attribute.

Constant Value: 16974249 (0x010301a9)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionBar_TabText

Constant Value: 16974245 (0x010301a5)


Added in API level 14
Deprecated in API level 21
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionBar_TabText_Inverse

This constant was deprecated in API level 21.
Action bars are now themed using the inheritable android:theme attribute.

Constant Value: 16974251 (0x010301ab)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionBar_TabView

Constant Value: 16974244 (0x010301a4)


Added in API level 14
Deprecated in API level 21
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionBar_TabView_Inverse

This constant was deprecated in API level 21.
Action bars are now themed using the inheritable android:theme attribute.

Constant Value: 16974250 (0x010301aa)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionButton

Constant Value: 16974239 (0x0103019f)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionButton_CloseMode

Constant Value: 16974242 (0x010301a2)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionButton_Overflow

Constant Value: 16974240 (0x010301a0)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionMode

Constant Value: 16974241 (0x010301a1)


Added in API level 14
Deprecated in API level 21
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ActionMode_Inverse

This constant was deprecated in API level 21.
Action bars are now themed using the inheritable android:theme attribute.

Constant Value: 16974252 (0x010301ac)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_AutoCompleteTextView

Constant Value: 16974203 (0x0103017b)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_Button

Constant Value: 16974197 (0x01030175)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_Button_Borderless_Small

Constant Value: 16974201 (0x01030179)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_Button_Inset

Constant Value: 16974199 (0x01030177)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_Button_Small

Constant Value: 16974198 (0x01030176)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_Button_Toggle

Constant Value: 16974200 (0x01030178)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_CalendarView

Constant Value: 16974238 (0x0103019e)


Added in API level 17
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_CheckedTextView

Constant Value: 16974300 (0x010301dc)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_CompoundButton_CheckBox

Constant Value: 16974204 (0x0103017c)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_CompoundButton_RadioButton

Constant Value: 16974224 (0x01030190)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_CompoundButton_Star

Constant Value: 16974228 (0x01030194)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_DropDownItem

Constant Value: 16974232 (0x01030198)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_DropDownItem_Spinner

Constant Value: 16974233 (0x01030199)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_EditText

Constant Value: 16974206 (0x0103017e)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ExpandableListView

Constant Value: 16974207 (0x0103017f)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_FastScroll

Constant Value: 16974315 (0x010301eb)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_GridView

Constant Value: 16974208 (0x01030180)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_HorizontalScrollView

Constant Value: 16974226 (0x01030192)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ImageButton

Constant Value: 16974209 (0x01030181)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ListPopupWindow

Constant Value: 16974235 (0x0103019b)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ListView

Constant Value: 16974210 (0x01030182)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ListView_DropDown

Constant Value: 16974205 (0x0103017d)


Added in API level 16
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_MediaRouteButton

Constant Value: 16974296 (0x010301d8)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_PopupMenu

Constant Value: 16974236 (0x0103019c)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_PopupWindow

Constant Value: 16974211 (0x01030183)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ProgressBar

Constant Value: 16974212 (0x01030184)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ProgressBar_Horizontal

Constant Value: 16974213 (0x01030185)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ProgressBar_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974217 (0x01030189)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ProgressBar_Large

Constant Value: 16974216 (0x01030188)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ProgressBar_Large_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974219 (0x0103018b)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ProgressBar_Small

Constant Value: 16974214 (0x01030186)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ProgressBar_Small_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974218 (0x0103018a)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ProgressBar_Small_Title

Constant Value: 16974215 (0x01030187)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_RatingBar

Constant Value: 16974221 (0x0103018d)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_RatingBar_Indicator

Constant Value: 16974222 (0x0103018e)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_RatingBar_Small

Constant Value: 16974223 (0x0103018f)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_ScrollView

Constant Value: 16974225 (0x01030191)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_SeekBar

Constant Value: 16974220 (0x0103018c)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_Spinner

Constant Value: 16974227 (0x01030193)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_StackView

Constant Value: 16974316 (0x010301ec)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_Tab

Constant Value: 16974237 (0x0103019d)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_TabWidget

Constant Value: 16974229 (0x01030195)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_TextView

Constant Value: 16974202 (0x0103017a)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_TextView_SpinnerItem

Constant Value: 16974234 (0x0103019a)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_WebTextView

Constant Value: 16974230 (0x01030196)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Light_WebView

Constant Value: 16974231 (0x01030197)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ListPopupWindow

Constant Value: 16974180 (0x01030164)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ListView

Constant Value: 16974158 (0x0103014e)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ListView_DropDown

Constant Value: 16974153 (0x01030149)


Added in API level 16
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_MediaRouteButton

Constant Value: 16974295 (0x010301d7)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_PopupMenu

Constant Value: 16974181 (0x01030165)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_PopupWindow

Constant Value: 16974159 (0x0103014f)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ProgressBar

Constant Value: 16974160 (0x01030150)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ProgressBar_Horizontal

Constant Value: 16974161 (0x01030151)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ProgressBar_Large

Constant Value: 16974164 (0x01030154)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ProgressBar_Small

Constant Value: 16974162 (0x01030152)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ProgressBar_Small_Title

Constant Value: 16974163 (0x01030153)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_RatingBar

Constant Value: 16974166 (0x01030156)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_RatingBar_Indicator

Constant Value: 16974167 (0x01030157)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_RatingBar_Small

Constant Value: 16974168 (0x01030158)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_ScrollView

Constant Value: 16974170 (0x0103015a)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_SeekBar

Constant Value: 16974165 (0x01030155)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Spinner

Constant Value: 16974172 (0x0103015c)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_StackView

Constant Value: 16974314 (0x010301ea)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_Tab

Constant Value: 16974189 (0x0103016d)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_TabWidget

Constant Value: 16974174 (0x0103015e)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_TextView

Constant Value: 16974150 (0x01030146)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_TextView_SpinnerItem

Constant Value: 16974179 (0x01030163)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_WebTextView

Constant Value: 16974175 (0x0103015f)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_DeviceDefault_WebView

Constant Value: 16974176 (0x01030160)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_DropDownItem

Constant Value: 16973867 (0x0103002b)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_DropDownItem_Spinner

Constant Value: 16973868 (0x0103002c)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_EditText

Constant Value: 16973859 (0x01030023)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_ExpandableListView

Constant Value: 16973860 (0x01030024)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_FastScroll

Constant Value: 16974309 (0x010301e5)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_FragmentBreadCrumbs

Constant Value: 16973961 (0x01030089)

Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_Gallery

Constant Value: 16973877 (0x01030035)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_GridView

Constant Value: 16973874 (0x01030032)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo

Widget Styles

Constant Value: 16973962 (0x0103008a)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_ActionBar

Constant Value: 16974004 (0x010300b4)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_Holo_ActionBar_Solid

Constant Value: 16974113 (0x01030121)


Added in API level 13
public static final int Widget_Holo_ActionBar_TabBar

Constant Value: 16974071 (0x010300f7)


Added in API level 13
public static final int Widget_Holo_ActionBar_TabText

Constant Value: 16974070 (0x010300f6)


Added in API level 13
public static final int Widget_Holo_ActionBar_TabView

Constant Value: 16974069 (0x010300f5)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_ActionButton

Constant Value: 16973999 (0x010300af)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_ActionButton_CloseMode

Constant Value: 16974003 (0x010300b3)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_ActionButton_Overflow

Constant Value: 16974000 (0x010300b0)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_ActionButton_TextButton

Constant Value: 16974001 (0x010300b1)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_ActionMode

Constant Value: 16974002 (0x010300b2)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_AutoCompleteTextView

Constant Value: 16973968 (0x01030090)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Button

Constant Value: 16973963 (0x0103008b)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Button_Borderless

Constant Value: 16974050 (0x010300e2)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_Holo_Button_Borderless_Small

Constant Value: 16974106 (0x0103011a)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Button_Inset

Constant Value: 16973965 (0x0103008d)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Button_Small

Constant Value: 16973964 (0x0103008c)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Button_Toggle

Constant Value: 16973966 (0x0103008e)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_CalendarView

Constant Value: 16974060 (0x010300ec)


Added in API level 17
public static final int Widget_Holo_CheckedTextView

Constant Value: 16974297 (0x010301d9)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_CompoundButton_CheckBox

Constant Value: 16973969 (0x01030091)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_CompoundButton_RadioButton

Constant Value: 16973986 (0x010300a2)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_CompoundButton_Star

Constant Value: 16973990 (0x010300a6)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_DatePicker

Constant Value: 16974063 (0x010300ef)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_DropDownItem

Constant Value: 16973994 (0x010300aa)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_DropDownItem_Spinner

Constant Value: 16973995 (0x010300ab)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_EditText

Constant Value: 16973971 (0x01030093)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_ExpandableListView

Constant Value: 16973972 (0x01030094)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_GridView

Constant Value: 16973973 (0x01030095)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_HorizontalScrollView

Constant Value: 16973988 (0x010300a4)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_ImageButton

Constant Value: 16973974 (0x01030096)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light

Light widget styles

Constant Value: 16974005 (0x010300b5)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionBar

Constant Value: 16974049 (0x010300e1)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionBar_Solid

Constant Value: 16974114 (0x01030122)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionBar_Solid_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974115 (0x01030123)


Added in API level 13
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionBar_TabBar

Constant Value: 16974074 (0x010300fa)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionBar_TabBar_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974116 (0x01030124)


Added in API level 13
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionBar_TabText

Constant Value: 16974073 (0x010300f9)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionBar_TabText_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974118 (0x01030126)


Added in API level 13
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionBar_TabView

Constant Value: 16974072 (0x010300f8)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionBar_TabView_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974117 (0x01030125)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionButton

Constant Value: 16974045 (0x010300dd)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionButton_CloseMode

Constant Value: 16974048 (0x010300e0)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionButton_Overflow

Constant Value: 16974046 (0x010300de)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionMode

Constant Value: 16974047 (0x010300df)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ActionMode_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974119 (0x01030127)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_AutoCompleteTextView

Constant Value: 16974011 (0x010300bb)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_Button

Constant Value: 16974006 (0x010300b6)


Added in API level 14
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_Button_Borderless_Small

Constant Value: 16974107 (0x0103011b)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_Button_Inset

Constant Value: 16974008 (0x010300b8)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_Button_Small

Constant Value: 16974007 (0x010300b7)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_Button_Toggle

Constant Value: 16974009 (0x010300b9)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_CalendarView

Constant Value: 16974061 (0x010300ed)


Added in API level 17
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_CheckedTextView

Constant Value: 16974298 (0x010301da)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_CompoundButton_CheckBox

Constant Value: 16974012 (0x010300bc)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_CompoundButton_RadioButton

Constant Value: 16974032 (0x010300d0)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_CompoundButton_Star

Constant Value: 16974036 (0x010300d4)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_DropDownItem

Constant Value: 16974040 (0x010300d8)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_DropDownItem_Spinner

Constant Value: 16974041 (0x010300d9)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_EditText

Constant Value: 16974014 (0x010300be)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ExpandableListView

Constant Value: 16974015 (0x010300bf)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_GridView

Constant Value: 16974016 (0x010300c0)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_HorizontalScrollView

Constant Value: 16974034 (0x010300d2)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ImageButton

Constant Value: 16974017 (0x010300c1)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ListPopupWindow

Constant Value: 16974043 (0x010300db)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ListView

Constant Value: 16974018 (0x010300c2)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ListView_DropDown

Constant Value: 16974013 (0x010300bd)


Added in API level 16
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_MediaRouteButton

Constant Value: 16974294 (0x010301d6)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_PopupMenu

Constant Value: 16974044 (0x010300dc)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_PopupWindow

Constant Value: 16974019 (0x010300c3)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ProgressBar

Constant Value: 16974020 (0x010300c4)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ProgressBar_Horizontal

Constant Value: 16974021 (0x010300c5)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ProgressBar_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974025 (0x010300c9)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ProgressBar_Large

Constant Value: 16974024 (0x010300c8)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ProgressBar_Large_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974027 (0x010300cb)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ProgressBar_Small

Constant Value: 16974022 (0x010300c6)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ProgressBar_Small_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974026 (0x010300ca)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ProgressBar_Small_Title

Constant Value: 16974023 (0x010300c7)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_RatingBar

Constant Value: 16974029 (0x010300cd)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_RatingBar_Indicator

Constant Value: 16974030 (0x010300ce)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_RatingBar_Small

Constant Value: 16974031 (0x010300cf)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_ScrollView

Constant Value: 16974033 (0x010300d1)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_SeekBar

Constant Value: 16974028 (0x010300cc)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_Spinner

Constant Value: 16974035 (0x010300d3)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_Tab

Constant Value: 16974052 (0x010300e4)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_TabWidget

Constant Value: 16974037 (0x010300d5)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_TextView

Constant Value: 16974010 (0x010300ba)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_TextView_SpinnerItem

Constant Value: 16974042 (0x010300da)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_WebTextView

Constant Value: 16974038 (0x010300d6)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Light_WebView

Constant Value: 16974039 (0x010300d7)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_ListPopupWindow

Constant Value: 16973997 (0x010300ad)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_ListView

Constant Value: 16973975 (0x01030097)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_ListView_DropDown

Constant Value: 16973970 (0x01030092)


Added in API level 16
public static final int Widget_Holo_MediaRouteButton

Constant Value: 16974293 (0x010301d5)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_PopupMenu

Constant Value: 16973998 (0x010300ae)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_PopupWindow

Constant Value: 16973976 (0x01030098)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_ProgressBar

Constant Value: 16973977 (0x01030099)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_ProgressBar_Horizontal

Constant Value: 16973978 (0x0103009a)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_ProgressBar_Large

Constant Value: 16973981 (0x0103009d)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_ProgressBar_Small

Constant Value: 16973979 (0x0103009b)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_ProgressBar_Small_Title

Constant Value: 16973980 (0x0103009c)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_RatingBar

Constant Value: 16973983 (0x0103009f)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_RatingBar_Indicator

Constant Value: 16973984 (0x010300a0)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_RatingBar_Small

Constant Value: 16973985 (0x010300a1)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_ScrollView

Constant Value: 16973987 (0x010300a3)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_SeekBar

Constant Value: 16973982 (0x0103009e)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Spinner

Constant Value: 16973989 (0x010300a5)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_Tab

Constant Value: 16974051 (0x010300e3)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_TabWidget

Constant Value: 16973991 (0x010300a7)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_TextView

Constant Value: 16973967 (0x0103008f)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_TextView_SpinnerItem

Constant Value: 16973996 (0x010300ac)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_WebTextView

Constant Value: 16973992 (0x010300a8)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Holo_WebView

Constant Value: 16973993 (0x010300a9)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_ImageButton

Constant Value: 16973862 (0x01030026)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_ImageWell

Constant Value: 16973861 (0x01030025)


Added in API level 3
Deprecated in API level 29
public static final int Widget_KeyboardView

This constant was deprecated in API level 29.
Use Copy this definition into your own application project.

Constant Value: 16973911 (0x01030057)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_ListPopupWindow

Constant Value: 16973957 (0x01030085)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_ListView

Constant Value: 16973870 (0x0103002e)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_ListView_DropDown

Constant Value: 16973872 (0x01030030)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_ListView_Menu

Constant Value: 16973873 (0x01030031)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_ListView_White

Constant Value: 16973871 (0x0103002f)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material

Constant Value: 16974413 (0x0103024d)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ActionBar

Constant Value: 16974414 (0x0103024e)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ActionBar_Solid

Constant Value: 16974415 (0x0103024f)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ActionBar_TabBar

Constant Value: 16974416 (0x01030250)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ActionBar_TabText

Constant Value: 16974417 (0x01030251)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ActionBar_TabView

Constant Value: 16974418 (0x01030252)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ActionButton

Constant Value: 16974419 (0x01030253)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ActionButton_CloseMode

Constant Value: 16974420 (0x01030254)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ActionButton_Overflow

Constant Value: 16974421 (0x01030255)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ActionMode

Constant Value: 16974422 (0x01030256)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_AutoCompleteTextView

Constant Value: 16974423 (0x01030257)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Button

Bordered ink button

Constant Value: 16974424 (0x01030258)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ButtonBar

Constant Value: 16974431 (0x0103025f)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ButtonBar_AlertDialog

Constant Value: 16974432 (0x01030260)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Button_Borderless

Borderless ink button

Constant Value: 16974425 (0x01030259)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Button_Borderless_Colored

Colored borderless ink button

Constant Value: 16974426 (0x0103025a)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Button_Borderless_Small

Small borderless ink button

Constant Value: 16974427 (0x0103025b)


Added in API level 23
public static final int Widget_Material_Button_Colored

Colored bordered ink button

Constant Value: 16974547 (0x010302d3)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Button_Inset

Constant Value: 16974428 (0x0103025c)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Button_Small

Small bordered ink button

Constant Value: 16974429 (0x0103025d)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Button_Toggle

Constant Value: 16974430 (0x0103025e)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_CalendarView

Constant Value: 16974433 (0x01030261)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_CheckedTextView

Constant Value: 16974434 (0x01030262)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_CompoundButton_CheckBox

Constant Value: 16974435 (0x01030263)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_CompoundButton_RadioButton

Constant Value: 16974436 (0x01030264)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_CompoundButton_Star

Constant Value: 16974437 (0x01030265)


Added in API level 24
public static final int Widget_Material_CompoundButton_Switch

Constant Value: 16974554 (0x010302da)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_DatePicker

Constant Value: 16974438 (0x01030266)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_DropDownItem

Constant Value: 16974439 (0x01030267)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_DropDownItem_Spinner

Constant Value: 16974440 (0x01030268)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_EditText

Constant Value: 16974441 (0x01030269)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ExpandableListView

Constant Value: 16974442 (0x0103026a)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_FastScroll

Constant Value: 16974443 (0x0103026b)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_GridView

Constant Value: 16974444 (0x0103026c)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_HorizontalScrollView

Constant Value: 16974445 (0x0103026d)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ImageButton

Constant Value: 16974446 (0x0103026e)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light

Light widget styles

Constant Value: 16974478 (0x0103028e)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ActionBar

Constant Value: 16974479 (0x0103028f)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ActionBar_Solid

Constant Value: 16974480 (0x01030290)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ActionBar_TabBar

Constant Value: 16974481 (0x01030291)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ActionBar_TabText

Constant Value: 16974482 (0x01030292)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ActionBar_TabView

Constant Value: 16974483 (0x01030293)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ActionButton

Constant Value: 16974484 (0x01030294)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ActionButton_CloseMode

Constant Value: 16974485 (0x01030295)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ActionButton_Overflow

Constant Value: 16974486 (0x01030296)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ActionMode

Constant Value: 16974487 (0x01030297)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_AutoCompleteTextView

Constant Value: 16974488 (0x01030298)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_Button

Constant Value: 16974489 (0x01030299)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ButtonBar

Constant Value: 16974496 (0x010302a0)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ButtonBar_AlertDialog

Constant Value: 16974497 (0x010302a1)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_Button_Borderless

Constant Value: 16974490 (0x0103029a)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_Button_Borderless_Colored

Constant Value: 16974491 (0x0103029b)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_Button_Borderless_Small

Constant Value: 16974492 (0x0103029c)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_Button_Inset

Constant Value: 16974493 (0x0103029d)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_Button_Small

Constant Value: 16974494 (0x0103029e)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_Button_Toggle

Constant Value: 16974495 (0x0103029f)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_CalendarView

Constant Value: 16974498 (0x010302a2)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_CheckedTextView

Constant Value: 16974499 (0x010302a3)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_CompoundButton_CheckBox

Constant Value: 16974500 (0x010302a4)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_CompoundButton_RadioButton

Constant Value: 16974501 (0x010302a5)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_CompoundButton_Star

Constant Value: 16974502 (0x010302a6)


Added in API level 24
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_CompoundButton_Switch

Constant Value: 16974555 (0x010302db)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_DatePicker

Constant Value: 16974503 (0x010302a7)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_DropDownItem

Constant Value: 16974504 (0x010302a8)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_DropDownItem_Spinner

Constant Value: 16974505 (0x010302a9)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_EditText

Constant Value: 16974506 (0x010302aa)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ExpandableListView

Constant Value: 16974507 (0x010302ab)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_FastScroll

Constant Value: 16974508 (0x010302ac)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_GridView

Constant Value: 16974509 (0x010302ad)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_HorizontalScrollView

Constant Value: 16974510 (0x010302ae)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ImageButton

Constant Value: 16974511 (0x010302af)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ListPopupWindow

Constant Value: 16974512 (0x010302b0)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ListView

Constant Value: 16974513 (0x010302b1)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ListView_DropDown

Constant Value: 16974514 (0x010302b2)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_MediaRouteButton

Constant Value: 16974515 (0x010302b3)


Added in API level 24
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_NumberPicker

Constant Value: 16974557 (0x010302dd)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_PopupMenu

Constant Value: 16974516 (0x010302b4)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_PopupMenu_Overflow

Constant Value: 16974517 (0x010302b5)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_PopupWindow

Constant Value: 16974518 (0x010302b6)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ProgressBar

Constant Value: 16974519 (0x010302b7)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ProgressBar_Horizontal

Constant Value: 16974520 (0x010302b8)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ProgressBar_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974521 (0x010302b9)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ProgressBar_Large

Constant Value: 16974522 (0x010302ba)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ProgressBar_Large_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974523 (0x010302bb)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ProgressBar_Small

Constant Value: 16974524 (0x010302bc)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ProgressBar_Small_Inverse

Constant Value: 16974525 (0x010302bd)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ProgressBar_Small_Title

Constant Value: 16974526 (0x010302be)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_RatingBar

Constant Value: 16974527 (0x010302bf)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_RatingBar_Indicator

Constant Value: 16974528 (0x010302c0)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_RatingBar_Small

Constant Value: 16974529 (0x010302c1)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_ScrollView

Constant Value: 16974530 (0x010302c2)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_SearchView

Constant Value: 16974531 (0x010302c3)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_SeekBar

Constant Value: 16974532 (0x010302c4)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_SegmentedButton

Constant Value: 16974533 (0x010302c5)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_Spinner

Constant Value: 16974535 (0x010302c7)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_Spinner_Underlined

Constant Value: 16974536 (0x010302c8)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_StackView

Constant Value: 16974534 (0x010302c6)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_Tab

Constant Value: 16974537 (0x010302c9)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_TabWidget

Constant Value: 16974538 (0x010302ca)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_TextView

Constant Value: 16974539 (0x010302cb)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_TextView_SpinnerItem

Constant Value: 16974540 (0x010302cc)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_TimePicker

Constant Value: 16974541 (0x010302cd)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_WebTextView

Constant Value: 16974542 (0x010302ce)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Light_WebView

Constant Value: 16974543 (0x010302cf)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ListPopupWindow

Constant Value: 16974447 (0x0103026f)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ListView

Constant Value: 16974448 (0x01030270)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ListView_DropDown

Constant Value: 16974449 (0x01030271)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_MediaRouteButton

Constant Value: 16974450 (0x01030272)


Added in API level 24
public static final int Widget_Material_NumberPicker

Constant Value: 16974556 (0x010302dc)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_PopupMenu

Constant Value: 16974451 (0x01030273)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_PopupMenu_Overflow

Constant Value: 16974452 (0x01030274)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_PopupWindow

Constant Value: 16974453 (0x01030275)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ProgressBar

Constant Value: 16974454 (0x01030276)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ProgressBar_Horizontal

Material progress part (indeterminate/horizontal) for Wear

Constant Value: 16974455 (0x01030277)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ProgressBar_Large

Constant Value: 16974456 (0x01030278)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ProgressBar_Small

Constant Value: 16974457 (0x01030279)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ProgressBar_Small_Title

Constant Value: 16974458 (0x0103027a)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_RatingBar

Constant Value: 16974459 (0x0103027b)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_RatingBar_Indicator

Constant Value: 16974460 (0x0103027c)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_RatingBar_Small

Constant Value: 16974461 (0x0103027d)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_ScrollView

Constant Value: 16974462 (0x0103027e)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_SearchView

Constant Value: 16974463 (0x0103027f)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_SeekBar

Constant Value: 16974464 (0x01030280)


Added in API level 24
public static final int Widget_Material_SeekBar_Discrete

A seek bar with tick marks at each progress value.

Constant Value: 16974553 (0x010302d9)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_SegmentedButton

Constant Value: 16974465 (0x01030281)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Spinner

Constant Value: 16974467 (0x01030283)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Spinner_Underlined

Constant Value: 16974468 (0x01030284)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_StackView

Constant Value: 16974466 (0x01030282)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Tab

Constant Value: 16974469 (0x01030285)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_TabWidget

Constant Value: 16974470 (0x01030286)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_TextView

Constant Value: 16974471 (0x01030287)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_TextView_SpinnerItem

Constant Value: 16974472 (0x01030288)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_TimePicker

Constant Value: 16974473 (0x01030289)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Toolbar

Constant Value: 16974474 (0x0103028a)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_Toolbar_Button_Navigation

Constant Value: 16974475 (0x0103028b)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_WebTextView

Constant Value: 16974476 (0x0103028c)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Material_WebView

Constant Value: 16974477 (0x0103028d)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_PopupMenu

Constant Value: 16973958 (0x01030086)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_PopupWindow

Constant Value: 16973878 (0x01030036)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_ProgressBar

Constant Value: 16973852 (0x0103001c)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_ProgressBar_Horizontal

Constant Value: 16973855 (0x0103001f)


Added in API level 4
public static final int Widget_ProgressBar_Inverse

Constant Value: 16973915 (0x0103005b)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_ProgressBar_Large

Constant Value: 16973853 (0x0103001d)


Added in API level 4
public static final int Widget_ProgressBar_Large_Inverse

Constant Value: 16973916 (0x0103005c)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_ProgressBar_Small

Constant Value: 16973854 (0x0103001e)


Added in API level 4
public static final int Widget_ProgressBar_Small_Inverse

Constant Value: 16973917 (0x0103005d)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_RatingBar

Constant Value: 16973857 (0x01030021)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_ScrollView

Constant Value: 16973869 (0x0103002d)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_SeekBar

Constant Value: 16973856 (0x01030020)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_Spinner

Constant Value: 16973864 (0x01030028)


Added in API level 11
public static final int Widget_Spinner_DropDown

Constant Value: 16973955 (0x01030083)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_StackView

Constant Value: 16974310 (0x010301e6)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_TabWidget

Constant Value: 16973876 (0x01030034)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_TextView

Constant Value: 16973858 (0x01030022)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_TextView_PopupMenu

Constant Value: 16973865 (0x01030029)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_TextView_SpinnerItem

Constant Value: 16973866 (0x0103002a)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Toolbar

Constant Value: 16974311 (0x010301e7)


Added in API level 21
public static final int Widget_Toolbar_Button_Navigation

Constant Value: 16974312 (0x010301e8)


Added in API level 1
public static final int Widget_WebView

Constant Value: 16973875 (0x01030033)

Public constructors


public style ()