
public interface ParcelableSpan
implements Parcelable

AbsoluteSizeSpan A span that changes the size of the text it's attached to. 
AlignmentSpan.Standard Default implementation of the AlignmentSpan
Annotation Annotations are simple key-value pairs that are preserved across TextView save/restore cycles and can be used to keep application-specific data that needs to be maintained for regions of text. 
BackgroundColorSpan Changes the background color of the text to which the span is attached. 
BulletSpan A span which styles paragraphs as bullet points (respecting layout direction). 
EasyEditSpan Provides an easy way to edit a portion of text. 
ForegroundColorSpan Changes the color of the text to which the span is attached. 
LeadingMarginSpan.Standard The standard implementation of LeadingMarginSpan, which adjusts the margin but does not do any rendering. 
LineBackgroundSpan.Standard Default implementation of the LineBackgroundSpan, which changes the background color of the lines to which the span is attached. 
LineBreakConfigSpan LineBreakSpan for changing line break style of the specific region of the text. 
LineHeightSpan.Standard Default implementation of the LineHeightSpan, which changes the line height of the attached paragraph. 
LocaleSpan Changes the Locale of the text to which the span is attached. 
NoWritingToolsSpan A span that signals to IMEs that writing tools should not modify the text. 
QuoteSpan A span which styles paragraphs by adding a vertical stripe at the beginning of the text (respecting layout direction). 
RelativeSizeSpan Uniformly scales the size of the text to which it's attached by a certain proportion. 
ScaleXSpan Scales horizontally the size of the text to which it's attached by a certain factor. 
StrikethroughSpan A span that strikes through the text it's attached to. 
StyleSpan Span that allows setting the style of the text it's attached to. 
SubscriptSpan The span that moves the position of the text baseline lower. 
SuggestionRangeSpan A SuggestionRangeSpan is used to show which part of an EditText is affected by a suggestion popup window. 
SuggestionSpan Holds suggestion candidates for the text enclosed in this span. 
SuperscriptSpan The span that moves the position of the text baseline higher. 
TextAppearanceSpan Sets the text appearance using the given TextAppearance attributes. 
TtsSpan A span that supplies additional meta-data for the associated text intended for text-to-speech engines. 
TypefaceSpan Span that updates the typeface of the text it's attached to. 
URLSpan Implementation of the ClickableSpan that allows setting a url string. 
UnderlineSpan A span that underlines the text it's attached to. 

A special kind of Parcelable for objects that will serve as text spans. This can only be used by code in the framework; it is not intended for applications to implement their own Parcelable spans.


Inherited constants


Descriptor bit used with describeContents(): indicates that the Parcelable object's flattened representation includes a file descriptor.


Flag for use with writeToParcel(Parcel, int): the object being written is a return value, that is the result of a function such as "Parcelable someFunction()", "void someFunction(out Parcelable)", or "void someFunction(inout Parcelable)".

Public methods

abstract int getSpanTypeId()

Return a special type identifier for this span class.

Inherited methods

abstract int describeContents()

Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation.

abstract void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)

Flatten this object in to a Parcel.

Public methods


Added in API level 3
public abstract int getSpanTypeId ()

Return a special type identifier for this span class.
