
public abstract class Executable
extends AccessibleObject implements GenericDeclaration, Member

   ↳ java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject
     ↳ java.lang.reflect.Executable
Constructor<T> Constructor provides information about, and access to, a single constructor for a class. 
Method A Method provides information about, and access to, a single method on a class or interface. 

A shared superclass for the common functionality of Method and Constructor.


Inherited constants


Identifies the set of declared members of a class or interface.


Identifies the set of all public members of a class or interface, including inherited members.

Public methods

<T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(Class<T> annotationClass)

Returns this element's annotation for the specified type if such an annotation is present, else null.

<T extends Annotation> T[] getAnnotationsByType(Class<T> annotationClass)

Returns annotations that are associated with this element.

Annotation[] getDeclaredAnnotations()

Returns annotations that are directly present on this element.

abstract Class<?> getDeclaringClass()

Returns the Class object representing the class or interface that declares the executable represented by this object.

abstract Class[]<?> getExceptionTypes()

Returns an array of Class objects that represent the types of exceptions declared to be thrown by the underlying executable represented by this object.

Type[] getGenericExceptionTypes()

Returns an array of Type objects that represent the exceptions declared to be thrown by this executable object.

Type[] getGenericParameterTypes()

Returns an array of Type objects that represent the formal parameter types, in declaration order, of the executable represented by this object.

abstract int getModifiers()

Returns the Java language modifiers for the executable represented by this object.

abstract String getName()

Returns the name of the executable represented by this object.

abstract Annotation[][] getParameterAnnotations()

Returns an array of arrays of Annotations that represent the annotations on the formal parameters, in declaration order, of the Executable represented by this object.

int getParameterCount()

Returns the number of formal parameters (whether explicitly declared or implicitly declared or neither) for the executable represented by this object.

abstract Class[]<?> getParameterTypes()

Returns an array of Class objects that represent the formal parameter types, in declaration order, of the executable represented by this object.

Parameter[] getParameters()

Returns an array of Parameter objects that represent all the parameters to the underlying executable represented by this object.

abstract TypeVariable[]<?> getTypeParameters()

Returns an array of TypeVariable objects that represent the type variables declared by the generic declaration represented by this GenericDeclaration object, in declaration order.

final boolean isAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType)

Returns true if an annotation for the specified type is present on this element, else false.

boolean isSynthetic()

Returns true if this executable is a synthetic construct; returns false otherwise.

boolean isVarArgs()

Returns true if this executable was declared to take a variable number of arguments; returns false otherwise.

abstract String toGenericString()

Returns a string describing this Executable, including any type parameters.

Inherited methods

<T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(Class<T> annotationClass)

Returns this element's annotation for the specified type if such an annotation is present, else null.

Annotation[] getAnnotations()

Returns annotations that are present on this element.

<T extends Annotation> T[] getAnnotationsByType(Class<T> annotationClass)

Returns annotations that are associated with this element.

<T extends Annotation> T getDeclaredAnnotation(Class<T> annotationClass)

Returns this element's annotation for the specified type if such an annotation is directly present, else null.

Annotation[] getDeclaredAnnotations()

Returns annotations that are directly present on this element.

<T extends Annotation> T[] getDeclaredAnnotationsByType(Class<T> annotationClass)

Returns this element's annotation(s) for the specified type if such annotations are either directly present or indirectly present.

boolean isAccessible()

Get the value of the accessible flag for this object.

boolean isAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass)

Returns true if an annotation for the specified type is present on this element, else false.

void setAccessible(boolean flag)

Set the accessible flag for this object to the indicated boolean value.

static void setAccessible(AccessibleObject[] array, boolean flag)

Convenience method to set the accessible flag for an array of objects with a single security check (for efficiency).

Object clone()

Creates and returns a copy of this object.

boolean equals(Object obj)

Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.

void finalize()

Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.

final Class<?> getClass()

Returns the runtime class of this Object.

int hashCode()

Returns a hash code value for the object.

final void notify()

Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor.

final void notifyAll()

Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor.

String toString()

Returns a string representation of the object.

final void wait(long timeoutMillis, int nanos)

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed.

final void wait(long timeoutMillis)

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed.

final void wait()

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted.

abstract <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(Class<T> annotationClass)

Returns this element's annotation for the specified type if such an annotation is present, else null.

abstract Annotation[] getAnnotations()

Returns annotations that are present on this element.

default <T extends Annotation> T[] getAnnotationsByType(Class<T> annotationClass)

Returns annotations that are associated with this element.

default <T extends Annotation> T getDeclaredAnnotation(Class<T> annotationClass)

Returns this element's annotation for the specified type if such an annotation is directly present, else null.

abstract Annotation[] getDeclaredAnnotations()

Returns annotations that are directly present on this element.

default <T extends Annotation> T[] getDeclaredAnnotationsByType(Class<T> annotationClass)

Returns this element's annotation(s) for the specified type if such annotations are either directly present or indirectly present.

default boolean isAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass)

Returns true if an annotation for the specified type is present on this element, else false.

abstract TypeVariable[]<?> getTypeParameters()

Returns an array of TypeVariable objects that represent the type variables declared by the generic declaration represented by this GenericDeclaration object, in declaration order.

abstract Class<?> getDeclaringClass()

Returns the Class object representing the class or interface that declares the member or constructor represented by this Member.

abstract int getModifiers()

Returns the Java language modifiers for the member or constructor represented by this Member, as an integer.

abstract String getName()

Returns the simple name of the underlying member or constructor represented by this Member.

abstract boolean isSynthetic()

Returns true if this member was introduced by the compiler; returns false otherwise.

Public methods


Added in API level 26
public T getAnnotation (Class<T> annotationClass)

Returns this element's annotation for the specified type if such an annotation is present, else null.

annotationClass Class: the Class object corresponding to the annotation type

T this element's annotation for the specified annotation type if present on this element, else null


Added in API level 26
public T[] getAnnotationsByType (Class<T> annotationClass)

Returns annotations that are associated with this element. If there are no annotations associated with this element, the return value is an array of length 0. The difference between this method and getAnnotation(java.lang.Class) is that this method detects if its argument is a repeatable annotation type (JLS 9.6), and if so, attempts to find one or more annotations of that type by "looking through" a container annotation. The caller of this method is free to modify the returned array; it will have no effect on the arrays returned to other callers.

annotationClass Class: the Class object corresponding to the annotation type

T[] all this element's annotations for the specified annotation type if associated with this element, else an array of length zero


Added in API level 26
public Annotation[] getDeclaredAnnotations ()

Returns annotations that are directly present on this element. This method ignores inherited annotations. If there are no annotations directly present on this element, the return value is an array of length 0. The caller of this method is free to modify the returned array; it will have no effect on the arrays returned to other callers.

Annotation[] annotations directly present on this element


Added in API level 26
public abstract Class<?> getDeclaringClass ()

Returns the Class object representing the class or interface that declares the executable represented by this object.

Class<?> an object representing the declaring class of the underlying member


Added in API level 26
public abstract Class[]<?> getExceptionTypes ()

Returns an array of Class objects that represent the types of exceptions declared to be thrown by the underlying executable represented by this object. Returns an array of length 0 if the executable declares no exceptions in its throws clause.

Class[]<?> the exception types declared as being thrown by the executable this object represents


Added in API level 26
public Type[] getGenericExceptionTypes ()

Returns an array of Type objects that represent the exceptions declared to be thrown by this executable object. Returns an array of length 0 if the underlying executable declares no exceptions in its throws clause.

If an exception type is a type variable or a parameterized type, it is created. Otherwise, it is resolved.

Type[] an array of Types that represent the exception types thrown by the underlying executable

GenericSignatureFormatError if the generic method signature does not conform to the format specified in The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification
TypeNotPresentException if the underlying executable's throws clause refers to a non-existent type declaration
MalformedParameterizedTypeException if the underlying executable's throws clause refers to a parameterized type that cannot be instantiated for any reason


Added in API level 26
public Type[] getGenericParameterTypes ()

Returns an array of Type objects that represent the formal parameter types, in declaration order, of the executable represented by this object. Returns an array of length 0 if the underlying executable takes no parameters.

If a formal parameter type is a parameterized type, the Type object returned for it must accurately reflect the actual type parameters used in the source code.

If a formal parameter type is a type variable or a parameterized type, it is created. Otherwise, it is resolved.

Type[] an array of Types that represent the formal parameter types of the underlying executable, in declaration order

GenericSignatureFormatError if the generic method signature does not conform to the format specified in The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification
TypeNotPresentException if any of the parameter types of the underlying executable refers to a non-existent type declaration
MalformedParameterizedTypeException if any of the underlying executable's parameter types refer to a parameterized type that cannot be instantiated for any reason


Added in API level 26
public abstract int getModifiers ()

Returns the Java language modifiers for the executable represented by this object.

int the Java language modifiers for the underlying member


Added in API level 26
public abstract String getName ()

Returns the name of the executable represented by this object.

String the simple name of the underlying member


Added in API level 26
public abstract Annotation[][] getParameterAnnotations ()

Returns an array of arrays of Annotations that represent the annotations on the formal parameters, in declaration order, of the Executable represented by this object. Synthetic and mandated parameters (see explanation below), such as the outer "this" parameter to an inner class constructor will be represented in the returned array. If the executable has no parameters (meaning no formal, no synthetic, and no mandated parameters), a zero-length array will be returned. If the Executable has one or more parameters, a nested array of length zero is returned for each parameter with no annotations. The annotation objects contained in the returned arrays are serializable. The caller of this method is free to modify the returned arrays; it will have no effect on the arrays returned to other callers. A compiler may add extra parameters that are implicitly declared in source ("mandated"), as well as parameters that are neither implicitly nor explicitly declared in source ("synthetic") to the parameter list for a method. See Parameter for more information.

Annotation[][] an array of arrays that represent the annotations on the formal and implicit parameters, in declaration order, of the executable represented by this object


Added in API level 26
public int getParameterCount ()

Returns the number of formal parameters (whether explicitly declared or implicitly declared or neither) for the executable represented by this object.

int The number of formal parameters for the executable this object represents


Added in API level 26
public abstract Class[]<?> getParameterTypes ()

Returns an array of Class objects that represent the formal parameter types, in declaration order, of the executable represented by this object. Returns an array of length 0 if the underlying executable takes no parameters.

Class[]<?> the parameter types for the executable this object represents


Added in API level 26
public Parameter[] getParameters ()

Returns an array of Parameter objects that represent all the parameters to the underlying executable represented by this object. Returns an array of length 0 if the executable has no parameters.

The parameters of the underlying executable do not necessarily have unique names, or names that are legal identifiers in the Java programming language (JLS 3.8).

Parameter[] an array of Parameter objects representing all the parameters to the executable this object represents.

MalformedParametersException if the class file contains a MethodParameters attribute that is improperly formatted.


Added in API level 26
public abstract TypeVariable[]<?> getTypeParameters ()

Returns an array of TypeVariable objects that represent the type variables declared by the generic declaration represented by this GenericDeclaration object, in declaration order. Returns an array of length 0 if the underlying generic declaration declares no type variables.

TypeVariable[]<?> an array of TypeVariable objects that represent the type variables declared by this generic declaration

GenericSignatureFormatError if the generic signature of this generic declaration does not conform to the format specified in The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification


Added in API level 26
public final boolean isAnnotationPresent (Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType)

Returns true if an annotation for the specified type is present on this element, else false. This method is designed primarily for convenient access to marker annotations.

The truth value returned by this method is equivalent to: getAnnotation(annotationClass) != null

The body of the default method is specified to be the code above.

annotationType Class: the Class object corresponding to the annotation type

boolean true if an annotation for the specified annotation type is present on this element, else false


Added in API level 26
public boolean isSynthetic ()

Returns true if this executable is a synthetic construct; returns false otherwise.

boolean true if and only if this executable is a synthetic construct as defined by The Java™ Language Specification.


Added in API level 26
public boolean isVarArgs ()

Returns true if this executable was declared to take a variable number of arguments; returns false otherwise.

boolean true if an only if this executable was declared to take a variable number of arguments.


Added in API level 26
public abstract String toGenericString ()

Returns a string describing this Executable, including any type parameters.

String a string describing this Executable, including any type parameters