Added in API level 30


public abstract class NumberRangeFormatter
extends Object


The main entrypoint to the formatting of ranges of numbers, including currencies and other units of measurement.

Usage example:

         .formatRange(750, 1.2)
 // => "750 m - 1.2 km"

Like NumberFormatter, NumberRangeFormatter instances (i.e., LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter and UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter) are immutable and thread-safe. This API is based on the fluent design pattern popularized by libraries such as Google's Guava.

See also:


Public methods

static UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter with()

Call this method at the beginning of a NumberRangeFormatter fluent chain in which the locale is not currently known at the call site.

static LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter withLocale(Locale locale)

Call this method at the beginning of a NumberRangeFormatter fluent chain in which the locale is known at the call site.

static LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter withLocale(ULocale locale)

Call this method at the beginning of a NumberRangeFormatter fluent chain in which the locale is known at the call site.

Inherited methods

Public methods


Added in API level 30
public static UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter with ()

Call this method at the beginning of a NumberRangeFormatter fluent chain in which the locale is not currently known at the call site.

UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter An UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter, to be used for chaining.


Added in API level 30
public static LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter withLocale (Locale locale)

Call this method at the beginning of a NumberRangeFormatter fluent chain in which the locale is known at the call site.

locale Locale: The locale from which to load formats and symbols for number range formatting.

LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter A LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter, to be used for chaining.


Added in API level 30
public static LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter withLocale (ULocale locale)

Call this method at the beginning of a NumberRangeFormatter fluent chain in which the locale is known at the call site.

locale ULocale: The locale from which to load formats and symbols for number range formatting.

LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter A LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter, to be used for chaining.