AppInfo |
Information about apps.
DownloadCompletedInput |
The input data for IsolatedWorker.onDownloadCompleted(android.adservices.ondevicepersonalization.DownloadCompletedInput, android.os.OutcomeReceiver) .
DownloadCompletedOutput |
The result returned by IsolatedWorker.onDownloadCompleted(android.adservices.ondevicepersonalization.DownloadCompletedInput, android.os.OutcomeReceiver) .
DownloadCompletedOutput.Builder |
A builder for DownloadCompletedOutput
EventInput |
The input data for IsolatedWorker.onEvent(android.adservices.ondevicepersonalization.EventInput, android.os.OutcomeReceiver) .
EventLogRecord |
Data to be logged in the EVENTS table.
EventLogRecord.Builder |
A builder for EventLogRecord
EventOutput |
The result returned by IsolatedWorker.onEvent(EventInput, android.os.OutcomeReceiver) .
EventOutput.Builder |
A builder for EventOutput
EventUrlProvider |
Generates event tracking URLs for a request.
ExecuteInIsolatedServiceRequest |
The request of OnDevicePersonalizationManager.executeInIsolatedService .
ExecuteInIsolatedServiceRequest.Builder |
A builder for ExecuteInIsolatedServiceRequest
ExecuteInIsolatedServiceRequest.OutputSpec |
The set of spec to indicate output of IsolatedService .
ExecuteInIsolatedServiceResponse |
The response of OnDevicePersonalizationManager.executeInIsolatedService .
ExecuteInput |
The input data for IsolatedWorker.onExecute(ExecuteInput, android.os.OutcomeReceiver) .
ExecuteOutput |
The result returned by IsolatedWorker.onExecute(ExecuteInput, android.os.OutcomeReceiver)
in response to a call to OnDevicePersonalizationManager#execute(ComponentName,
PersistableBundle, java.util.concurrent.Executor, OutcomeReceiver) from a client app.
ExecuteOutput.Builder |
A builder for ExecuteOutput
FederatedComputeInput |
The input data for FederatedComputeScheduler.schedule .
FederatedComputeInput.Builder |
A builder for FederatedComputeInput
FederatedComputeScheduler |
Handles scheduling federated compute jobs.
FederatedComputeScheduler.Params |
The parameters related to job scheduling.
FederatedComputeScheduleRequest |
The input for FederatedComputeScheduler.schedule(FederatedComputeScheduleRequest,
java.util.concurrent.Executor, android.os.OutcomeReceiver) .
FederatedComputeScheduleResponse |
The result returned by FederatedComputeScheduler.schedule(FederatedComputeScheduleRequest,
java.util.concurrent.Executor, android.os.OutcomeReceiver) when successful.
InferenceInput |
Contains all the information needed for a run of model inference.
InferenceInput.Builder |
A builder for InferenceInput
InferenceInput.Params |
InferenceInput.Params.Builder |
A builder for Params
InferenceOutput |
The result returned by .
InferenceOutput.Builder |
A builder for InferenceOutput
IsolatedService |
Base class for services that are started by ODP on a call to
OnDevicePersonalizationManager#execute(ComponentName, PersistableBundle,
java.util.concurrent.Executor, OutcomeReceiver)
and run in an isolated
LogReader |
An interface to a read logs from REQUESTS and EVENTS
Used as a Data Access Object for the REQUESTS and EVENTS table.
ModelManager |
Handles model inference and only support TFLite model inference now.
OnDevicePersonalizationManager |
OnDevicePersonalizationManager provides APIs for apps to load an
IsolatedService in an isolated process and interact with it.
OnDevicePersonalizationManager.ExecuteResult |
The result of a call to OnDevicePersonalizationManager.execute(ComponentName,
PersistableBundle, Executor, OutcomeReceiver)
RenderingConfig |
Information returned by
IsolatedWorker.onExecute(ExecuteInput, android.os.OutcomeReceiver)
that is used in a subesequent call to
IsolatedWorker.onRender(RenderInput, android.os.OutcomeReceiver) to identify the
content to be displayed in a single View .
RenderingConfig.Builder |
A builder for RenderingConfig
RenderInput |
The input data for
IsolatedWorker.onRender(RenderInput, android.os.OutcomeReceiver) .
RenderOutput |
The result returned by
IsolatedWorker.onRender(RenderInput, android.os.OutcomeReceiver) .
RenderOutput.Builder |
A builder for RenderOutput
RequestLogRecord |
Contains data that will be written to the REQUESTS table at the end of a call to
IsolatedWorker.onExecute(ExecuteInput, android.os.OutcomeReceiver) .
RequestLogRecord.Builder |
A builder for RequestLogRecord
RequestToken |
An opaque token that identifies the current request to an IsolatedService .
SurfacePackageToken |
An opaque reference to content that can be displayed in a SurfaceView .
TrainingExampleRecord |
One record of TrainingExamplesOutput .
TrainingExampleRecord.Builder |
A builder for TrainingExampleRecord
TrainingExamplesInput |
The input data for IsolatedWorker.onTrainingExamples .
TrainingExamplesOutput |
The output data of IsolatedWorker.onTrainingExamples
TrainingExamplesOutput.Builder |
A builder for TrainingExamplesOutput
TrainingInterval |
Training interval settings required for federated computation jobs.
TrainingInterval.Builder |
A builder for TrainingInterval
UserData |
User data provided by the platform to an IsolatedService .
WebTriggerInput |
The input data for
IsolatedWorker.onWebTrigger(WebTriggerInput, android.os.OutcomeReceiver) .
WebTriggerOutput |
The result that should be returned by
IsolatedWorker.onWebTrigger(WebTriggerInput, android.os.OutcomeReceiver) .
WebTriggerOutput.Builder |
A builder for WebTriggerOutput