Added in API level 30


public interface WindowInsetsController


Interface to control windows that generate insets. For guidance, see Hide system bars for immersive mode.


Nested classes

interface WindowInsetsController.OnControllableInsetsChangedListener

Listener to be notified when the set of controllable WindowInsets.Type controlled by a WindowInsetsController changes. 



When WindowInsetsController.APPEARANCE_TRANSPARENT_CAPTION_BAR_BACKGROUND is set, changes the foreground color of the caption bars so that the items on the bar can be read clearly on light backgrounds.


Changes the foreground color for light navigation bars so that the items on the bar can be read clearly.


Changes the foreground color for light status bars so that the items on the bar can be read clearly.


Makes the caption bar transparent.


The default option for setSystemBarsBehavior(int): Window would like to remain interactive when hiding navigation bars by calling hide(int) or WindowInsetsAnimationController.setInsetsAndAlpha(Insets, float, float).


This constant was deprecated in API level 31. Use BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT instead.


This constant was deprecated in API level 31. This is not supported on Android Build.VERSION_CODES.S and later. Use BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT or BEHAVIOR_SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE instead.


Option for setSystemBarsBehavior(int): Window would like to remain interactive when hiding navigation bars by calling hide(int) or WindowInsetsAnimationController.setInsetsAndAlpha(Insets, float, float).

Public methods

abstract void addOnControllableInsetsChangedListener(WindowInsetsController.OnControllableInsetsChangedListener listener)

Adds a OnControllableInsetsChangedListener to the window insets controller.

abstract void controlWindowInsetsAnimation(int types, long durationMillis, Interpolator interpolator, CancellationSignal cancellationSignal, WindowInsetsAnimationControlListener listener)

Lets the application control window inset animations in a frame-by-frame manner by modifying the position of the windows in the system causing insets directly.

abstract int getSystemBarsAppearance()

Retrieves the requested appearance of system bars.

abstract int getSystemBarsBehavior()

Retrieves the requested behavior of system bars.

abstract void hide(int types)

Makes a set of windows causing insets disappear.

abstract void removeOnControllableInsetsChangedListener(WindowInsetsController.OnControllableInsetsChangedListener listener)

Removes a OnControllableInsetsChangedListener from the window insets controller.

abstract void setSystemBarsAppearance(int appearance, int mask)

Controls the appearance of system bars.

abstract void setSystemBarsBehavior(int behavior)

Controls the behavior of system bars.

abstract void show(int types)

Makes a set of windows that cause insets appear on screen.



Added in API level 35
public static final int APPEARANCE_LIGHT_CAPTION_BARS

When WindowInsetsController.APPEARANCE_TRANSPARENT_CAPTION_BAR_BACKGROUND is set, changes the foreground color of the caption bars so that the items on the bar can be read clearly on light backgrounds.

Constant Value: 256 (0x00000100)


Added in API level 30

Changes the foreground color for light navigation bars so that the items on the bar can be read clearly.

Constant Value: 16 (0x00000010)


Added in API level 30
public static final int APPEARANCE_LIGHT_STATUS_BARS

Changes the foreground color for light status bars so that the items on the bar can be read clearly.

Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)


Added in API level 35

Makes the caption bar transparent.

Constant Value: 128 (0x00000080)


Added in API level 31
public static final int BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT

The default option for setSystemBarsBehavior(int): Window would like to remain interactive when hiding navigation bars by calling hide(int) or WindowInsetsAnimationController.setInsetsAndAlpha(Insets, float, float).

When system bars are hidden in this mode, they can be revealed with system gestures, such as swiping from the edge of the screen where the bar is hidden from.

When the gesture navigation is enabled, the system gestures can be triggered regardless the visibility of system bars.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


Added in API level 30
Deprecated in API level 31
public static final int BEHAVIOR_SHOW_BARS_BY_SWIPE

This constant was deprecated in API level 31.

Option for setSystemBarsBehavior(int): Window would like to remain interactive when hiding navigation bars by calling hide(int) or WindowInsetsAnimationController.setInsetsAndAlpha(Insets, float, float).

When system bars are hidden in this mode, they can be revealed with system gestures, such as swiping from the edge of the screen where the bar is hidden from.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


Added in API level 30
Deprecated in API level 31
public static final int BEHAVIOR_SHOW_BARS_BY_TOUCH

This constant was deprecated in API level 31.
This is not supported on Android Build.VERSION_CODES.S and later. Use BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT or BEHAVIOR_SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE instead.

Option for setSystemBarsBehavior(int). System bars will be forcibly shown on any user interaction on the corresponding display if navigation bars are hidden by hide(int) or WindowInsetsAnimationController.setInsetsAndAlpha(Insets, float, float).

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


Added in API level 30

Option for setSystemBarsBehavior(int): Window would like to remain interactive when hiding navigation bars by calling hide(int) or WindowInsetsAnimationController.setInsetsAndAlpha(Insets, float, float).

When system bars are hidden in this mode, they can be revealed temporarily with system gestures, such as swiping from the edge of the screen where the bar is hidden from. These transient system bars will overlay app\u2019s content, may have some degree of transparency, and will automatically hide after a short timeout.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

Public methods


Added in API level 30
public abstract void addOnControllableInsetsChangedListener (WindowInsetsController.OnControllableInsetsChangedListener listener)

Adds a OnControllableInsetsChangedListener to the window insets controller.

listener WindowInsetsController.OnControllableInsetsChangedListener: The listener to add. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 30
public abstract void controlWindowInsetsAnimation (int types, 
                long durationMillis, 
                Interpolator interpolator, 
                CancellationSignal cancellationSignal, 
                WindowInsetsAnimationControlListener listener)

Lets the application control window inset animations in a frame-by-frame manner by modifying the position of the windows in the system causing insets directly.

types int: The WindowInsets.Types the application has requested to control. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.view.WindowInsets.Type.STATUS_BARS, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.NAVIGATION_BARS, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.CAPTION_BAR, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.IME, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.WINDOW_DECOR, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.SYSTEM_GESTURES, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.MANDATORY_SYSTEM_GESTURES, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.DISPLAY_CUTOUT, and android.view.WindowInsets.Type.SYSTEM_OVERLAYS

durationMillis long: Duration of animation in TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, or -1 if the animation doesn't have a predetermined duration. This value will be passed to WindowInsetsAnimation.getDurationMillis()

interpolator Interpolator: The interpolator used for this animation, or null if this animation doesn't follow an interpolation curve. This value will be passed to WindowInsetsAnimation.getInterpolator() and used to calculate WindowInsetsAnimation.getInterpolatedFraction().

cancellationSignal CancellationSignal: A cancellation signal that the caller can use to cancel the request to obtain control, or once they have control, to cancel the control. This value may be null.

listener WindowInsetsAnimationControlListener: The WindowInsetsAnimationControlListener that gets called when the windows are ready to be controlled, among other callbacks. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 30
public abstract int getSystemBarsAppearance ()

Retrieves the requested appearance of system bars.

int The requested bitmask of system bar appearance controlled by this window. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.view.WindowInsetsController.APPEARANCE_OPAQUE_STATUS_BARS, android.view.WindowInsetsController.APPEARANCE_OPAQUE_NAVIGATION_BARS, android.view.WindowInsetsController.APPEARANCE_LOW_PROFILE_BARS, APPEARANCE_LIGHT_STATUS_BARS, APPEARANCE_LIGHT_NAVIGATION_BARS, android.view.WindowInsetsController.APPEARANCE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT_STATUS_BARS, android.view.WindowInsetsController.APPEARANCE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT_NAVIGATION_BARS, APPEARANCE_TRANSPARENT_CAPTION_BAR_BACKGROUND, APPEARANCE_LIGHT_CAPTION_BARS, and android.view.WindowInsetsController.APPEARANCE_FORCE_LIGHT_NAVIGATION_BARS


Added in API level 30
public abstract int getSystemBarsBehavior ()

Retrieves the requested behavior of system bars.

int the system bar behavior controlled by this window. Value is BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT, or BEHAVIOR_SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE


Added in API level 30
public abstract void hide (int types)

Makes a set of windows causing insets disappear.

Note that if the window currently doesn't have control over a certain type, it will apply the change as soon as the window gains control. The app can listen to the event by observing View.onApplyWindowInsets and checking visibility with WindowInsets.isVisible.

types int: A bitmask of WindowInsets.Type specifying what windows the app would like to make disappear. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.view.WindowInsets.Type.STATUS_BARS, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.NAVIGATION_BARS, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.CAPTION_BAR, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.IME, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.WINDOW_DECOR, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.SYSTEM_GESTURES, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.MANDATORY_SYSTEM_GESTURES, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.DISPLAY_CUTOUT, and android.view.WindowInsets.Type.SYSTEM_OVERLAYS


Added in API level 30
public abstract void removeOnControllableInsetsChangedListener (WindowInsetsController.OnControllableInsetsChangedListener listener)

Removes a OnControllableInsetsChangedListener from the window insets controller.

listener WindowInsetsController.OnControllableInsetsChangedListener: The listener to remove. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 30
public abstract void setSystemBarsAppearance (int appearance, 
                int mask)

Controls the appearance of system bars.

For example, the following statement adds APPEARANCE_LIGHT_STATUS_BARS:

And the following statement clears it:
 setSystemBarsAppearance(0, APPEARANCE_LIGHT_STATUS_BARS)

appearance int: Bitmask of appearance flags. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.view.WindowInsetsController.APPEARANCE_OPAQUE_STATUS_BARS, android.view.WindowInsetsController.APPEARANCE_OPAQUE_NAVIGATION_BARS, android.view.WindowInsetsController.APPEARANCE_LOW_PROFILE_BARS, APPEARANCE_LIGHT_STATUS_BARS, APPEARANCE_LIGHT_NAVIGATION_BARS, android.view.WindowInsetsController.APPEARANCE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT_STATUS_BARS, android.view.WindowInsetsController.APPEARANCE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT_NAVIGATION_BARS, APPEARANCE_TRANSPARENT_CAPTION_BAR_BACKGROUND, APPEARANCE_LIGHT_CAPTION_BARS, and android.view.WindowInsetsController.APPEARANCE_FORCE_LIGHT_NAVIGATION_BARS

mask int: Specifies which flags of appearance should be changed. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.view.WindowInsetsController.APPEARANCE_OPAQUE_STATUS_BARS, android.view.WindowInsetsController.APPEARANCE_OPAQUE_NAVIGATION_BARS, android.view.WindowInsetsController.APPEARANCE_LOW_PROFILE_BARS, APPEARANCE_LIGHT_STATUS_BARS, APPEARANCE_LIGHT_NAVIGATION_BARS, android.view.WindowInsetsController.APPEARANCE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT_STATUS_BARS, android.view.WindowInsetsController.APPEARANCE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT_NAVIGATION_BARS, APPEARANCE_TRANSPARENT_CAPTION_BAR_BACKGROUND, APPEARANCE_LIGHT_CAPTION_BARS, and android.view.WindowInsetsController.APPEARANCE_FORCE_LIGHT_NAVIGATION_BARS


Added in API level 30
public abstract void setSystemBarsBehavior (int behavior)

Controls the behavior of system bars.

behavior int: Determines how the bars behave when being hidden by the application. Value is BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT, or BEHAVIOR_SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE


Added in API level 30
public abstract void show (int types)

Makes a set of windows that cause insets appear on screen.

Note that if the window currently doesn't have control over a certain type, it will apply the change as soon as the window gains control. The app can listen to the event by observing View.onApplyWindowInsets and checking visibility with WindowInsets.isVisible.

types int: A bitmask of WindowInsets.Type specifying what windows the app would like to make appear on screen. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.view.WindowInsets.Type.STATUS_BARS, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.NAVIGATION_BARS, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.CAPTION_BAR, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.IME, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.WINDOW_DECOR, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.SYSTEM_GESTURES, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.MANDATORY_SYSTEM_GESTURES, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, android.view.WindowInsets.Type.DISPLAY_CUTOUT, and android.view.WindowInsets.Type.SYSTEM_OVERLAYS