
public static final class EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo.Builder
extends Object

   ↳ android.widget.photopicker.EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo.Builder


Public constructors


Public methods

EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo build()

Build the class for desired feature info arguments

EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo.Builder setAccentColor(long accentColor)

Sets accent color which will change color of primary picker elements like Done button, selected media icon colors, tab color etc.

EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo.Builder setMaxSelectionLimit(int maxSelectionLimit)

Sets maximum number of items that can be selected by the user

The value of this intent-extra should be a positive integer greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to ERROR(/MediaStore#getPickImagesMaxLimit)

EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo.Builder setMimeTypes(List<String> mimeTypes)

Sets the mime type to filter media items on.

EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo.Builder setOrderedSelection(boolean orderedSelection)

Sets ordered selection of media items i.e.

EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo.Builder setPreSelectedUris(List<Uri> preSelectedUris)

Sets list of uris to be pre-selected when embedded picker is opened.

EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo.Builder setThemeNightMode(int themeNightMode)

Sets the embedded photo picker theme to light or dark irrespective of the device theme.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


Added in API level 36
Also in U Extensions 15
public Builder ()

Public methods


Added in API level 36
Also in U Extensions 15
public EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo build ()

Build the class for desired feature info arguments

EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 36
Also in U Extensions 15
public EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo.Builder setAccentColor (long accentColor)

Sets accent color which will change color of primary picker elements like Done button, selected media icon colors, tab color etc.

The value of this intent-extra must be a string specifying the hex code of the accent color that is to be used within the picker.

This param is same as ERROR(/MediaStore#EXTRA_PICK_IMAGES_ACCENT_COLOR). See ERROR(/MediaStore#EXTRA_PICK_IMAGES_ACCENT_COLOR) for more details on accepted colors.

accentColor long: Hex code of desired accent color. By default, the color of elements will reflect based on device theme

EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo.Builder This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 36
Also in U Extensions 15
public EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo.Builder setMaxSelectionLimit (int maxSelectionLimit)

Sets maximum number of items that can be selected by the user

The value of this intent-extra should be a positive integer greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to ERROR(/MediaStore#getPickImagesMaxLimit)

maxSelectionLimit int: Max selection count restriction. Pass limit as 1 to open PhotoPicker in single-select mode. Default is multi select mode with limit as ERROR(/MediaStore#getPickImagesMaxLimit()) Value is 1 or greater

EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo.Builder This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 36
Also in U Extensions 15
public EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo.Builder setMimeTypes (List<String> mimeTypes)

Sets the mime type to filter media items on.

Values may be a combination of concrete MIME types (such as "image/png") and/or partial MIME types (such as "image/*").

mimeTypes List: List of mime types to filter. By default, all media items will be returned This value cannot be null.

EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo.Builder This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 36
Also in U Extensions 15
public EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo.Builder setOrderedSelection (boolean orderedSelection)

Sets ordered selection of media items i.e. this allows user to view/receive items in their selected order

orderedSelection boolean: Pass true to set ordered selection. Default is false

EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo.Builder This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 36
Also in U Extensions 15
public EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo.Builder setPreSelectedUris (List<Uri> preSelectedUris)

Sets list of uris to be pre-selected when embedded picker is opened.

This is same as ERROR(/MediaStore#EXTRA_PICKER_PRE_SELECTION_URIS). See ERROR(/MediaStore#EXTRA_PICKER_PRE_SELECTION_URIS) for more details on restrictions and filter criteria.

preSelectedUris List: list of uris to be pre-selected This value cannot be null.

EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo.Builder This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 36
Also in U Extensions 15
public EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo.Builder setThemeNightMode (int themeNightMode)

Sets the embedded photo picker theme to light or dark irrespective of the device theme.

themeNightMode int: hex code of the desired Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK value.

The default value is Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_UNDEFINED to apply the system (device) theme.

Supported values are -

  • Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_UNDEFINED -> system theme
  • Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES -> dark theme
  • Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_NO -> light theme

  • Returns
    EmbeddedPhotoPickerFeatureInfo.Builder This value cannot be null.