
public final class X500PrivateCredential
extends Object implements Destroyable

   ↳ javax.security.auth.x500.X500PrivateCredential

This class represents an X500PrivateCredential. It associates an X.509 certificate, corresponding private key and the KeyStore alias used to reference that exact key pair in the KeyStore. This enables looking up the private credentials for an X.500 principal in a subject.


Public constructors

X500PrivateCredential(X509Certificate cert, PrivateKey key)

Creates an X500PrivateCredential that associates an X.509 certificate, a private key and the KeyStore alias.

X500PrivateCredential(X509Certificate cert, PrivateKey key, String alias)

Creates an X500PrivateCredential that associates an X.509 certificate, a private key and the KeyStore alias.

Public methods

void destroy()

Clears the references to the X.509 certificate, private key and the KeyStore alias in this object.

String getAlias()

Returns the KeyStore alias.

X509Certificate getCertificate()

Returns the X.509 certificate.

PrivateKey getPrivateKey()

Returns the PrivateKey.

boolean isDestroyed()

Determines if the references to the X.509 certificate and private key in this object have been cleared.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


Added in API level 35
public X500PrivateCredential (X509Certificate cert, 
                PrivateKey key)

Creates an X500PrivateCredential that associates an X.509 certificate, a private key and the KeyStore alias.

cert X509Certificate: X509Certificate

key PrivateKey: PrivateKey for the certificate

IllegalArgumentException if either cert or key is null


Added in API level 35
public X500PrivateCredential (X509Certificate cert, 
                PrivateKey key, 
                String alias)

Creates an X500PrivateCredential that associates an X.509 certificate, a private key and the KeyStore alias.

cert X509Certificate: X509Certificate

key PrivateKey: PrivateKey for the certificate

alias String: KeyStore alias

IllegalArgumentException if either cert, key or alias is null

Public methods


Added in API level 35
public void destroy ()

Clears the references to the X.509 certificate, private key and the KeyStore alias in this object.


Added in API level 35
public String getAlias ()

Returns the KeyStore alias.

String the KeyStore alias


Added in API level 35
public X509Certificate getCertificate ()

Returns the X.509 certificate.

X509Certificate the X509Certificate


Added in API level 35
public PrivateKey getPrivateKey ()

Returns the PrivateKey.

PrivateKey the PrivateKey


Added in API level 35
public boolean isDestroyed ()

Determines if the references to the X.509 certificate and private key in this object have been cleared.

boolean true if X509Certificate and the PrivateKey are null