
public final class ConsumerIrManager
extends Object

   ↳ android.hardware.ConsumerIrManager

Class that operates consumer infrared on the device.
Requires the PackageManager#FEATURE_CONSUMER_IR feature which can be detected using PackageManager.hasSystemFeature(String).


Nested classes

class ConsumerIrManager.CarrierFrequencyRange

Represents a range of carrier frequencies (inclusive) on which the infrared transmitter can transmit 

Public methods

CarrierFrequencyRange[] getCarrierFrequencies()

Query the infrared transmitter's supported carrier frequencies

boolean hasIrEmitter()

Check whether the device has an infrared emitter.

void transmit(int carrierFrequency, int[] pattern)

Transmit an infrared pattern

This method is synchronous; when it returns the pattern has been transmitted.

Inherited methods

Public methods


Added in API level 19
public CarrierFrequencyRange[] getCarrierFrequencies ()

Query the infrared transmitter's supported carrier frequencies

CarrierFrequencyRange[] an array of ConsumerIrManager.CarrierFrequencyRange objects representing the ranges that the transmitter can support, or null if there was an error communicating with the Consumer IR Service.


Added in API level 19
public boolean hasIrEmitter ()

Check whether the device has an infrared emitter.

boolean true if the device has an infrared emitter, else false.


Added in API level 19
public void transmit (int carrierFrequency, 
                int[] pattern)

Transmit an infrared pattern

This method is synchronous; when it returns the pattern has been transmitted. Only patterns shorter than 2 seconds will be transmitted.

carrierFrequency int: The IR carrier frequency in Hertz.

pattern int: The alternating on/off pattern in microseconds to transmit.