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  • इस पेज पर, यह जानकारी उपलब्ध है
  • Interfaces
  • Classes
Added in API level 28



BiometricManager.Authenticators Types of authenticators, defined at a level of granularity supported by BiometricManager and BiometricPrompt
PromptContentItem An item shown on PromptContentView
PromptContentView Contains the information of the template of content view for Biometric Prompt. 


BiometricManager A class that contains biometric utilities. 
BiometricManager.Strings Provides localized strings for an application that uses BiometricPrompt to authenticate the user. 
BiometricPrompt A class that manages a system-provided biometric dialog. 
BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback Callback structure provided to BiometricPrompt.authenticate(CancellationSignal, Executor, AuthenticationCallback) or BiometricPrompt.authenticate(CryptoObject, CancellationSignal, Executor, AuthenticationCallback)
BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult Container for callback data from BiometricPrompt.authenticate(android.os.CancellationSignal, java.util.concurrent.Executor, android.hardware.biometrics.BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback) and BiometricPrompt.authenticate(android.hardware.biometrics.BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject, android.os.CancellationSignal, java.util.concurrent.Executor, android.hardware.biometrics.BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback)
BiometricPrompt.Builder A builder that collects arguments to be shown on the system-provided biometric dialog. 
BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject A wrapper class for the cryptographic operations supported by BiometricPrompt. 
PromptContentItemBulletedText A list item with bulleted text shown on PromptVerticalListContentView
PromptContentItemPlainText A list item with plain text shown on PromptVerticalListContentView
PromptContentViewWithMoreOptionsButton Contains the information of the template of content view with a more options button for Biometric Prompt. 
PromptContentViewWithMoreOptionsButton.Builder A builder that collects arguments to be shown on the content view with more options button. 
PromptVerticalListContentView Contains the information of the template of vertical list content view for Biometric Prompt. 
PromptVerticalListContentView.Builder A builder that collects arguments to be shown on the vertical list view.