
public static interface LongStream.LongMapMultiConsumer


Represents an operation that accepts a long-valued argument and a LongConsumer, and returns no result. This functional interface is used by LongStream.mapMulti to replace a long value with zero or more long values.

This is a functional interface whose functional method is accept(long, java.util.function.LongConsumer).


Public methods

abstract void accept(long value, LongConsumer lc)

Replaces the given value with zero or more values by feeding the mapped values to the lc consumer.

Public methods


public abstract void accept (long value, 
                LongConsumer lc)

Replaces the given value with zero or more values by feeding the mapped values to the lc consumer.

value long: the long value coming from upstream

lc LongConsumer: a LongConsumer accepting the mapped values