ImageDecoder.OnHeaderDecodedListener | Interface for changing the default settings of a decode. |
ImageDecoder.OnPartialImageListener |
Interface for inspecting a DecodeException
and potentially preventing it from being thrown.
PostProcessor | Helper interface for adding custom processing to an image. |
SurfaceTexture.OnFrameAvailableListener | Callback interface for being notified that a new stream frame is available. |
Bitmap | |
BitmapFactory | Creates Bitmap objects from various sources, including files, streams, and byte-arrays. |
BitmapFactory.Options | |
BitmapRegionDecoder | BitmapRegionDecoder can be used to decode a rectangle region from an image. |
BitmapShader | Shader used to draw a bitmap as a texture. |
BlendModeColorFilter |
A color filter that can be used to tint the source pixels using a single
color and a specific BlendMode .
BlurMaskFilter | This takes a mask, and blurs its edge by the specified radius. |
Camera |
A camera instance can be used to compute 3D transformations and
generate a matrix that can be applied, for instance, on a
Canvas .
Canvas | The Canvas class holds the "draw" calls. |
Color |
The |
ColorFilter |
A color filter can be used with a Paint to modify the color of
each pixel drawn with that paint.
ColorMatrix | 4x5 matrix for transforming the color and alpha components of a Bitmap. |
ColorMatrixColorFilter | A color filter that transforms colors through a 4x5 color matrix. |
ColorSpace |
A |
ColorSpace.Connector |
A connector transforms colors from a source color space to a destination color space. |
ColorSpace.Rgb |
An RGB color space is an additive color space using the
ColorSpace.Rgb.TransferParameters |
Defines the parameters for the ICC parametric curve type 4, as defined in ICC.1:2004-10, section 10.15. |
ComposePathEffect | |
ComposeShader |
A subclass of shader that returns the composition of two other shaders, combined by
an Xfermode subclass.
CornerPathEffect | |
DashPathEffect | |
DiscretePathEffect | |
DrawFilter | A DrawFilter subclass can be installed in a Canvas. |
EmbossMaskFilter | |
Gainmap | Gainmap represents a mechanism for augmenting an SDR image to produce an HDR one with variable display adjustment capability. |
HardwareBufferRenderer |
Creates an instance of a hardware-accelerated renderer. |
HardwareBufferRenderer.RenderRequest |
Sets the parameters that can be used to control a render request for a HardwareBufferRenderer .
HardwareBufferRenderer.RenderResult | Class that contains data regarding the result of the render request. |
HardwareRenderer |
Creates an instance of a hardware-accelerated renderer. |
HardwareRenderer.FrameRenderRequest |
Sets the parameters that can be used to control a render request for a
HardwareRenderer .
ImageDecoder |
A class for converting encoded images (like |
ImageDecoder.ImageInfo | Information about an encoded image. |
ImageDecoder.Source | Source of encoded image data. |
ImageFormat | |
Insets | An Insets instance holds four integer offsets which describe changes to the four edges of a Rectangle. |
Interpolator | |
LightingColorFilter | A color filter that can be used to simulate simple lighting effects. |
LinearGradient | |
MaskFilter | MaskFilter is the base class for object that perform transformations on an alpha-channel mask before drawing it. |
Matrix | The Matrix class holds a 3x3 matrix for transforming coordinates. |
Matrix44 | The Matrix44 class holds a 4x4 matrix for transforming coordinates. |
Mesh | Class representing a mesh object. |
MeshSpecification |
Class responsible for holding specifications for Mesh creations.
MeshSpecification.Attribute | Data class to represent a single attribute in a shader. |
MeshSpecification.Varying | Data class to represent a single varying variable. |
Movie |
This class was deprecated
in API level 28.
Prefer AnimatedImageDrawable .
NinePatch | The NinePatch class permits drawing a bitmap in nine or more sections. |
Outline | Defines a simple shape, used for bounding graphical regions. |
Paint | The Paint class holds the style and color information about how to draw geometries, text and bitmaps. |
Paint.FontMetrics | Class that describes the various metrics for a font at a given text size. |
Paint.FontMetricsInt | Convenience method for callers that want to have FontMetrics values as integers. |
PaintFlagsDrawFilter | |
ParcelableColorSpace |
A Parcelable wrapper for a ColorSpace .
Path | The Path class encapsulates compound (multiple contour) geometric paths consisting of straight line segments, quadratic curves, and cubic curves. |
PathDashPathEffect | |
PathEffect | PathEffect is the base class for objects in the Paint that affect the geometry of a drawing primitive before it is transformed by the canvas' matrix and drawn. |
PathIterator |
PathIterator can be used to query a given Path object, to discover its
operations and point values.
PathIterator.Segment |
This class holds the data for a given segment in a path, as returned by .
PathMeasure | |
Picture |
A Picture records drawing calls (via the canvas returned by beginRecording)
and can then play them back into Canvas (via Picture.draw(Canvas) or
Canvas.drawPicture(Picture) ).For most content (e.g.
PixelFormat | |
Point | Point holds two integer coordinates |
PointF | PointF holds two float coordinates |
PorterDuff |
This class contains the list of alpha compositing and blending modes
that can be passed to |
PorterDuffColorFilter |
A color filter that can be used to tint the source pixels using a single
color and a specific Porter-Duff composite mode .
PorterDuffXfermode |
Specialized implementation of |
RadialGradient | |
RecordingCanvas | A Canvas implementation that records view system drawing operations for deferred rendering. |
Rect | Rect holds four integer coordinates for a rectangle. |
RectF | RectF holds four float coordinates for a rectangle. |
Region | |
RegionIterator | |
RenderEffect | Intermediate rendering step used to render drawing commands with a corresponding visual effect. |
RenderNode |
RenderNode is used to build hardware accelerated rendering hierarchies. |
RuntimeColorFilter |
A |
RuntimeShader |
A |
RuntimeXfermode |
A |
Shader | Shader is the base class for objects that return horizontal spans of colors during drawing. |
SumPathEffect | |
SurfaceTexture | Captures frames from an image stream as an OpenGL ES texture. |
SweepGradient | |
Typeface | The Typeface class specifies the typeface and intrinsic style of a font. |
Typeface.Builder | A builder class for creating new Typeface instance. |
Typeface.CustomFallbackBuilder | A builder class for creating new Typeface instance. |
Xfermode | Xfermode is the base class for objects that are called to implement custom "transfer-modes" in the drawing pipeline. |
YuvImage | YuvImage contains YUV data and provides a method that compresses a region of the YUV data to a Jpeg. |
Bitmap.CompressFormat | Specifies the known formats a bitmap can be compressed into |
Bitmap.Config | Possible bitmap configurations. |
BlendMode | |
BlurMaskFilter.Blur | |
Canvas.EdgeType | This enum was deprecated in API level 30. quickReject no longer uses this. |
Canvas.VertexMode | |
ColorSpace.Adaptation |
List of adaptation matrices that can be used for chromatic adaptation using the von Kries transform. |
ColorSpace.Model |
A color model is required by a ColorSpace to describe the
way colors can be represented as tuples of numbers.
ColorSpace.Named |
List of common, named color spaces. |
ColorSpace.RenderIntent |
A render intent determines how a |
Interpolator.Result | |
Matrix.ScaleToFit | Controls how the src rect should align into the dst rect for setRectToRect(). |
Paint.Align | Align specifies how drawText aligns its text relative to the [x,y] coordinates. |
Paint.Cap | The Cap specifies the treatment for the beginning and ending of stroked lines and paths. |
Paint.Join | The Join specifies the treatment where lines and curve segments join on a stroked path. |
Paint.Style | The Style specifies if the primitive being drawn is filled, stroked, or both (in the same color). |
Path.Direction | Specifies how closed shapes (e.g. rects, ovals) are oriented when they are added to a path. |
Path.FillType | Enum for the ways a path may be filled. |
Path.Op | The logical operations that can be performed when combining two paths. |
PathDashPathEffect.Style | |
PorterDuff.Mode |
The name of the parent class is an homage to the work of Thomas Porter and Tom Duff, presented in their seminal 1984 paper titled "Compositing Digital Images". |
Region.Op | |
Shader.TileMode |
ImageDecoder.DecodeException | Information about an interrupted decode. |
SurfaceTexture.OutOfResourcesException |
This class was deprecated
in API level 19.
No longer thrown. Surface.OutOfResourcesException
is used instead.
- Bitmap
- BitmapFactory
- BitmapFactory.Options
- BitmapRegionDecoder
- BitmapShader
- BlendModeColorFilter
- BlurMaskFilter
- Camera
- Canvas
- Color
- ColorFilter
- ColorMatrix
- ColorMatrixColorFilter
- ColorSpace
- ColorSpace.Connector
- ColorSpace.Rgb
- ColorSpace.Rgb.TransferParameters
- ComposePathEffect
- ComposeShader
- CornerPathEffect
- DashPathEffect
- DiscretePathEffect
- DrawFilter
- EmbossMaskFilter
- Gainmap
- HardwareBufferRenderer
- HardwareBufferRenderer.RenderRequest
- HardwareBufferRenderer.RenderResult
- HardwareRenderer
- HardwareRenderer.FrameRenderRequest
- ImageDecoder
- ImageDecoder.ImageInfo
- ImageDecoder.Source
- ImageFormat
- Insets
- Interpolator
- LightingColorFilter
- LinearGradient
- MaskFilter
- Matrix
- Matrix44
- Mesh
- MeshSpecification
- MeshSpecification.Attribute
- MeshSpecification.Varying
- Movie
- NinePatch
- Outline
- Paint
- Paint.FontMetrics
- Paint.FontMetricsInt
- PaintFlagsDrawFilter
- ParcelableColorSpace
- Path
- PathDashPathEffect
- PathEffect
- PathIterator
- PathIterator.Segment
- PathMeasure
- Picture
- PixelFormat
- Point
- PointF
- PorterDuff
- PorterDuffColorFilter
- PorterDuffXfermode
- RadialGradient
- RecordingCanvas
- Rect
- RectF
- Region
- RegionIterator
- RenderEffect
- RenderNode
- RuntimeColorFilter
- RuntimeShader
- RuntimeXfermode
- Shader
- SumPathEffect
- SurfaceTexture
- SweepGradient
- Typeface
- Typeface.Builder
- Typeface.CustomFallbackBuilder
- Xfermode
- YuvImage
- Bitmap.CompressFormat
- Bitmap.Config
- BlendMode
- BlurMaskFilter.Blur
- Canvas.EdgeType
- Canvas.VertexMode
- ColorSpace.Adaptation
- ColorSpace.Model
- ColorSpace.Named
- ColorSpace.RenderIntent
- Interpolator.Result
- Matrix.ScaleToFit
- Paint.Align
- Paint.Cap
- Paint.Join
- Paint.Style
- Path.Direction
- Path.FillType
- Path.Op
- PathDashPathEffect.Style
- PorterDuff.Mode
- Region.Op
- Shader.TileMode