
public static final class VibrationEffect.WaveformEnvelopeBuilder
extends Object

   ↳ android.os.VibrationEffect.WaveformEnvelopeBuilder

A builder for waveform effects described by its envelope.

Waveform effect envelopes are defined by one or more control points describing a target vibration amplitude and frequency, and a duration to reach those targets. The vibrator will perform smooth transitions between control points.

For example, the following code ramps a vibrator from off to full amplitude at 120Hz over 100ms, holds that state for 200ms, and then ramps back down over 100ms:

VibrationEffect effect = new VibrationEffect.WaveformEnvelopeBuilder()
     .addControlPoint(1.0f, 120f, 100)
     .addControlPoint(1.0f, 120f, 200)
     .addControlPoint(0.0f, 120f, 100)

The builder automatically starts all effects at 0 amplitude.

It is crucial to ensure that the frequency range used in your effect is compatible with the device's capabilities. The framework will not play any frequencies that fall partially or completely outside the device's supported range. It will also not attempt to correct or modify these frequencies.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you design your haptic effects with the device's frequency profile in mind. You can obtain the supported frequency range and other relevant frequency-related information by getting the VibratorFrequencyProfile using the Vibrator.getFrequencyProfile() method.

In addition to these limitations, when designing vibration patterns, it is important to consider the physical limitations of the vibration actuator. These limitations include factors such as the maximum number of control points allowed in an envelope effect, the minimum and maximum durations permitted for each control point, and the maximum overall duration of the effect. If a pattern exceeds the maximum number of allowed control points, the framework will automatically break down the effect to ensure it plays correctly.

You can use the following APIs to obtain these limits:


Public constructors


Public methods

VibrationEffect.WaveformEnvelopeBuilder addControlPoint(float amplitude, float frequencyHz, long durationMillis)

Adds a new control point to the end of this waveform envelope.

VibrationEffect build()

Build the waveform as a single VibrationEffect.

VibrationEffect.WaveformEnvelopeBuilder setInitialFrequencyHz(float initialFrequencyHz)

Sets the initial frequency for the waveform in Hertz.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


Added in API level 36
public WaveformEnvelopeBuilder ()

Public methods


Added in API level 36
public VibrationEffect.WaveformEnvelopeBuilder addControlPoint (float amplitude, 
                float frequencyHz, 
                long durationMillis)

Adds a new control point to the end of this waveform envelope.

Amplitude defines the vibrator's strength at this frequency, ranging from 0 (off) to 1 (maximum achievable strength). This value scales linearly with output strength, not perceived intensity. It's determined by the actuator response curve.

Frequency must be greater than zero and within the supported range. To determine the supported range, use Vibrator.getFrequencyProfile(). Creating effects using frequencies outside this range will result in the vibration not playing.

Time specifies the duration (in milliseconds) for the vibrator to smoothly transition from the previous control point to this new one. It must be greater than zero. To transition as quickly as possible, use VibratorEnvelopeEffectInfo.getMinControlPointDurationMillis().

amplitude float: The amplitude value between 0 and 1, inclusive. 0 represents the vibrator being off, and 1 represents the maximum achievable amplitude at this frequency. Value is between 0 and 1 inclusive

frequencyHz float: The frequency in Hz, must be greater than zero. Value is 0 or greater

durationMillis long: The transition time in milliseconds. Value is a non-negative duration in milliseconds.

VibrationEffect.WaveformEnvelopeBuilder This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 36
public VibrationEffect build ()

Build the waveform as a single VibrationEffect.

The WaveformEnvelopeBuilder object is still valid after this call, so you can continue adding more primitives to it and generating more VibrationEffects by calling this method again.

VibrationEffect The VibrationEffect resulting from the list of control points. This value cannot be null.

IllegalStateException if no control points were added to the builder.


Added in API level 36
public VibrationEffect.WaveformEnvelopeBuilder setInitialFrequencyHz (float initialFrequencyHz)

Sets the initial frequency for the waveform in Hertz.

The effect will start vibrating at this frequency when it transitions to the amplitude and frequency defined by the first control point.

The frequency must be greater than zero and within the supported range. To determine the supported range, use Vibrator.getFrequencyProfile(). Creating effects using frequencies outside this range will result in the vibration not playing.

initialFrequencyHz float: The starting frequency of the vibration, in Hz. Must be greater than zero. Value is 0 or greater

VibrationEffect.WaveformEnvelopeBuilder This value cannot be null.